
Mad Blocker Alpha Review | TheSixthAxis

TSA: Mad Blocker Alpha’s visual style is certainly one that is different to the norm. In an age of brightly lit ‘Luminees’ style games, Open Emotion have chosen to showcase a hand-drawn art-style, with grimacing blocks and wacky backgrounds. In Nofi’s hands on with the game he mentioned he wasn’t keen on it, whereas I quite like it. Each to their own; it will definitely split opinion. If I were to be picky (and I shall), I felt that the block movement left and right could have been a bit smoother, as often I was caught out by sluggish controls.

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Finally A Reason To Go Home, Mad Blockers Arcade Cabinet

bone-idle.ie writes "Not happy with having Mad Blocker on every device possible in the real world, Open Emotion have taken their struggle for world domination to the virtual world. Is nowhere safe ?! I hear you scream, simple answer? No, but look at how awesome that arcade cabinet looks. "

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Mad Blocker Alpha: Revenge of the Fluzzles Review [GamingUnion.net]

GamingUnion.net writes: "Sony's Minis platform for the PS3 and Sony PSP is known as a platform for smaller, cheaper titles that can be played in shorter bursts than traditional games. With any platform with this wide a reach, however, the quality that can be found within is at times incredibly varied. A Minis developer brand new to the scene, Open Emotion Studios, has aimed high with their new puzzle title Mad Blocker Alpha: Revenge of the Fluzzles, which merges a number of different puzzle games into one. So the questions remains: does this developer's initial offering progress the Minis platform further or is it relegated to the back of the line?"

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PS3blog.net Reviews Mad Blocker Alpha: Revenge of the Fluzzles

Mad Blocker Alpha: Revenge of the Fuzzles gets a chance to shine and try to compete for your hard earn money. What can we expect from this game? As always, minis can be enjoyed on the big screen (or the screen of the size that you have at home) from your PS3 or on the portable spectre thanks to the PSP and the Go (it DOES still exist!). Follow along as we take you into a journey that involves lots of blocks, blocks, blocks.