
Three PSOne Classics coming next week

According to online retailer Amazon, the U.S. Playstation Store will be receiving three new PSOne Classic games for the PSP and Playstation 3 next week.

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thereapersson4975d ago

Fuck yes. I LOVED that game growing up.


Never played it, going to check it out. The cover looks awesome!

callahan094975d ago

These were all great games. Very nice selection.

ABizzel14975d ago

Yes Destrega was my love on PS1. If you don't know look it up. I still have my PS1 version, but i'll get this for my PSP Go.

maniacmayhem4975d ago

wow, totally forgot about destrega.

Now if they could please give us Suikoden 2!

Azianphil884975d ago

ill agree with u on the Suikoden II
its a very rare game and its very difficult to get the hardcopy, especially on ebay or amazon its freaking expensive.
speaking of Suikoden hey Konami whens the Sixth installment coming out and please make it PS3 exclusive

PSjesus4975d ago

destrega didn't play this game before

Rage_S904975d ago

where da f*ck is my xenogears

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Nintendo Life - Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV Review

Nintendo Life - If there's one thing that you could pretty much be assured of when it came to a Koei game back in the day, it was getting a lot of depth to your gameplay experience. Not only were you generally treated to a very high production value visual experience, but the attention to detail and historical accuracy was always of high quality. Now Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV is getting a second shot on Wii U Virtual Console and should, at the very least, give gamers who missed the game the first time around an opportunity to see just how intricate Koei's titles were in the past.

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Learning Through Gaming; Enslaved: Odyssey to the West and Romance of the Three Kingdoms

"It’s been a while since video games have developed themselves as a separate medium from films or books, in their own respective way. Usually when the border is crossed between game to film, film to game, books to game, the results have not been highly spoken of."- Skyliner

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Fir3truck4870d ago

Wow great article, I never really thought about that before.

PureDarkness4870d ago

Really intersting. Great article!

ChaingunPope4870d ago

See, mainstream media? Games AREN'T all bad for us.


ESRB reveals two more upcoming PSOne Classics

The Entertainment Software Rating Board has revealed two more PSOne Classics that will be coming soon to the North American Playstation Store for the PSP and Playstation 3.

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mjolliffe5010d ago

They're just going to keep on coming!

nevin15010d ago (Edited 5010d ago )

I wonder if they put PS1 games on the PSN to gloat about having X amount of PS1 games on the store. Alot of the games they have up now aren't considered classic. Now if the goal was to put every single PS1 game on store then go for it Sony. I also think $5.99 is to much. They should roll with the PS 15th anniversary and just have PS1 games at $2.99 each.

And imstill waiting for Twisted Metal 1.

Azianphil885009d ago

I do enjoy The Romance of the Three Kingdom series
i hope they'll continue the series for this gen console