
Kingdom Hearts Leads U.S. PSP In 2010, But Sony's Handheld Still Flagging

Square Enix's Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep was the only new PSP title released in 2010 to break 300,000 units at U.S. retail last year, with all other PSP games falling well below 200,000, according to NPD stats reported by Gamasutra analyst Matt Matthews.

Retail sales of PSP software have declined continuously over the past couple of years, and while the handheld segment is down in general, the PSP in particular has suffered.

Sony's PSP strategy has split sales between retail stores and its own online PlayStation Store. Digital sales are not included in the retail sales chart below, though Birth by Sleep and Toy Story 3 from that list are not available from the PS Store.

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Godmars2904875d ago

Know it will likely always flag behind the DS, but just by the title of this article its like no one want to give the PSP any credit for an of its successes.

Why is that.

N4GAddict4875d ago

PSP is an incredible system.

N4GAddict4875d ago

Peace Walker deserves more sales

Godmars2904875d ago (Edited 4875d ago )

Peace Walker deserves a PS3 port.

But then the PS3 deserves an original, customized, version of MH.

And an airship game.

And Hookers. And Booze.

Wait, I think those last two are my shopping list. I say "think" because I already got the booze...

JoySticksFTW4875d ago

I'm a huge MGS fan. I never cried about MGS controls being convoluted or stifling.

But I'm crying now... Truthfully, I struggled with Peace Walker's controls. None of the control options worked for me.

It needs a second analog stick and two more shoulder button to me. Maybe I'm just too used to using dualshock controllers with my MGS now

A great control adjustment done right for PSP would be the two GoW games. Those games control beautifully on PSP.

Stealth20k4875d ago

so? the psp is number 1 in japan and thats were the majority of its new game content is so why do I care about the US?

Blaine4875d ago

300,000 in the US alone sounds pretty damn good considering the PSP sells a lot more software in Japan--and it's KH we're talking about. I wouldn't be surprised if it sold over 1 mil worldwide, and isn't that the "milestone" these days that decides whether a game was a success?

These sales articles are pathetic. "Spin, spin, spin."


Was Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep a Masterpiece or an Exercise in Tedium?

Overall, Birth By Sleep is an important slice of the Kingdom Hearts series, and shouldn’t be missed out on if you’re looking to get into the series. Granted, some of the features and moment-to-moment gameplay is lost when it transitioned from the PSP to modern consoles. But nonetheless, one can’t deny its overall importance to the story and the impact of its mechanics and systems to the series overall.

gold_drake1350d ago

i like it, but its just too much "friendships are the key to our power" bs.
don't get me started on them minigames lol

i think the game had tremendous potential for essential online gaming and other things. but they didnt do a whole lot with it in the remaster.

i would, however, consider it to be one of the harder games in the series, which is good


'Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep' – Making a Prequel

What makes Birth by Sleep’s story so engrossing isn’t that it's as a prequel, It’s the fact that it’s emotionally charged and mature.

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