
GameSpy: DC Universe Online Review

SOE tried, and failed, to straddle the line between action game and MMO. Think Crackdown -- but with all of the concessions, limitations, and annoyances of a mediocre massively multiplayer game.

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zootang4976d ago (Edited 4976d ago )

I love it, can't stop playing it. Just hit LV30 and it has really opened up. I just wish there was a lifetime sub for PS3 DCUO gamers.

What I like most is open world Gotham City, seeing Arkham in the distance.

MintBerryCrunch4976d ago

bad doggie...back in the corner you go

zootang4975d ago (Edited 4975d ago )

So I'm not enjoying it then?

Well, what can I say. I am! About to go and play it now, off to The Watchtower!

P_Bomb4976d ago (Edited 4976d ago )

No, metacritic 76. Look closer, this is a PC review. http://www.metacritic.com/g...

Game's are the same though. If anything it was more tailored for the PS3 with the controller etc so it goes to show the disparity in hater reviews is pretty biased and leans towards the console side.

Why is that? Console reviewers don't get MMOs and don't want to. The PS3 reviews are the ones docking it for the fee and just shrug it off. It's a shame. They're doing it a great disservice. Look at IGN's second opinions http://pc.ign.com/articles/... . Geddes admits he barely played it and thus pans it. Several other IGN staff are 80-100 hrs in and hooked.

The fact the meta' goes from 67 to 76 and has key reviews only showing up on one side but not the other shows that meta's confused. You can't get a proper read. Best thing is to try it yourself like all the IGN reviewers that are hooked but didn't get their positive assessments printed.

Lord_Doggington4975d ago

the game's shit mate. crappy mentor system (only 3 mentors??). all the characters have the same "power level" making it not true to the actual DC universe. i can count the number of classes you can be on one hand. the texture loading is unbelievably slow. all the quests are pretty much the same: lots of grinding then a boss. lots of grinding then a boss. lots of grinding then a "hypnotized" hero (boss). I played until level 24 as an ice guy and I thought it was just a boring boring game. most critic AGREE, it's just a bust.

zootang4973d ago

Only 3 mentors

Yep never played it! People complaining tend to be the people that have never played it or not yet reached LV30

Jockamo4973d ago

obviously he means one of the three good guys (or bad guys)

I played until level 30 on my pc and had a crummy time. i canceled my sub and am never looking back to this pos game

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4973d ago
Slimshadyn4976d ago

That review was horrible. All the author did was bash the game as much as he could for a few paragraphs. 7 paragraphs is a very poor attempt at an mmo review.

"The cynic in me admires SOE's bold refusal to even attempt to make the game interesting" what a d-bag.

dendenmooshi4976d ago

Agreed. You can't fully rate an mmo until you get to the end game.

Baka-akaB4976d ago (Edited 4976d ago )

Wait a minute gamespy still exist :p ?

a_bro4976d ago

What An inconsistant review. Good job losing your credibility there bro

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