SnakeMustDie4923d ago (Edited 4923d ago )

"Bring more Dark Souls". Is it just me or the Knight shown in the trailer looks like the Knight class in Demon's Souls with the Flute armor. The gameplay is somehow similar to Demon's Souls with new gameplay mechanics like how the Knight stabbed the eye of the Dragon and also the "Blue Phantoms" will be somehow returning("Light Phantoms?").

The graphics definitely trumps over Demon's Souls. Now the only thing I want From Software to confirm is crossplatform gaming between PS3 and 360 but that won't happen.

@young juice

Yeah, Crossplatform invasion will be epic but we can dream can we.


I said it won't happen but we can dream with something like that. 360 players getting invaded by Demon's Souls vets.

Definitely this game will be a first day buy. I love Demon's Souls.

young juice4923d ago (Edited 4923d ago )

cross platform invasions

you heard it here first... i think

********** you said it right before i replied.

negroguy4923d ago

That would be so great. Sony might allow it with them being an open platform but Microsoft would never allow something like that. It'd be real nice though. The one game where fanboys can take each other out. That'd probably be the only thing that could outsell CoD.

Hellsvacancy4923d ago (Edited 4923d ago )

^^^^That DOESNT mean its a better game, oh dear people are so DUMB, why would you type summin like that i dont know......sorry, i do, its co your stupid!

kancerkid4923d ago

Game looks good, and almost colorful.

Eamon4923d ago

He never mentioned COD is a better game. Calm down.

DaTruth4923d ago (Edited 4923d ago )

I've been seeing articles of this around and have been ignoring them. Suddenly I wondered, what is this all about? *MGS ! appeared over head* "PROJECT DARK???" *tears begin streaming from eyes*

New number one anticipated game! Screw UC3, KZ3 and INF2(well, don't screw them, but you get my point), happiness abounds!

One of my greatest regrets in life was putting off playing Demon's Souls multiplayer(I tend not to regret, do to having a life with few choices and making the right choice when presented with choice); now there is nobody playing it! I put down a summon stone and just wait and wait. Maybe I should make a European account.

Bits-N-Kibbles4923d ago

It would be awesome if they had a Sony (red phantom) and a 360 (green phantom) and there could be a battle of say 4v4. Or 8 vs. Demon. Or there was a PS3 vs 360 record for successful invasions. There could even be "red" and green" tendencies similar to the white and black world tendencies. That would be bad-ass! (could be problematic with fanboy wars, haha)

The Battle for Boletaria! (or w/e the name of the new place is)

wsoutlaw874922d ago

@DaTruth im still playing, what level are you

AssassinHD4922d ago

Outback probably sells less beef per year than McDonalds, but we all know which place has the better food.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4922d ago
va_bank4923d ago

Won't happen. It's no problem for the developers, but Sony and MS will not allow PSN and Live to be bridged. If they were willing, this would be already done for other games.

KingDustero4923d ago

Sony wouldn't mind, it is just M$.

RememberThe3574923d ago

@King: I don't know why you got disagrees Sony has said in the past that they are open to working with MS

slate914922d ago

@King: Yeah youre right. Because big bad M$ is so evil, and Sony are just innocent souls not looking to make a profit in this industry. /s

Reibooi4923d ago

I think the Blue Phantoms were probably other players.

There had already been talk of co-op play as well as PVP type stuff and that may be how other players who enter your game look. It would make sense I think.

It does surprise me how much this looks like Demon souls. I was expecting something that would look completely different and still have the heart and soul of Demon souls. I didn't expect it look like a direct sequel(despite not being one it's just a follow up).

I kinda would have liked them to move on from the Medieval setting to something more interesting. I mean Demons Souls was so unique but it had this bland setting. Would be nice for them to come up with something more interesting for both visual purposes as well as storyline purposes.

JoySticksFTW4923d ago

I can't agree with the Demon's Souls had a bland setting part.

DS is one of those games in which the setting is probably the most important aspect of the game.

This amazing story is told not with tons of dialog or cut-scenes, but through the unsettling scenery and (sometimes lack of) sounds.

It all screams danger! Something really f'd up has happened here! And you better be careful or else your soul will be forfeit

The sense of impending doom is unreal in DS, especially when you hit world three.

Heck, I'd say that the ambiance is the main character, not the voiceless, generic player character.

Reibooi4923d ago

I would 100% agree with pretty much everything said. But the doesn't change the fact that the setting itself is bland. It's just like the other countless medieval fantasy games that come out. There isn't much aside from that sense of danger that makes the games setting unique and that was design not the setting. The danger could be felt in any setting as it was part of the design.

All the sense of impending doom and ambiance is part of the design not the setting. You could have the same feelings with a different setting if designed correctly. If you took those things away you are left with a incredible game set in a generic medieval setting.

JoySticksFTW4922d ago (Edited 4922d ago )

I agree that the game's design contributes to the sense of danger.

And yes, you are placed in another medieval setting but it is far from bland or generic. It's different from say Oblivion's or Baldur's Gate's medieval setting.

DS' take on the medieval setting is this hollowed out world... empty and hopeless

A few steps into World 1 and you see the rotting corpse of men and horses. You instantly think "plague" or "this world is already dead".

A few more steps in verifies that you are indeed all alone with only the mentally insane to keep you company

A few steps into World 3 has you feeling claustrophobic, trapped. And there's a sinister vibe that differs from the others.

Why the cells, the guards, the prisoners stuck in jars up to their necks, the torture devices? The moaning, the screaming, the single voice singing...

Where as the other worlds leaves you feeling that you're among the very few sane survivors left in the aftermath of some world breaking event, World 3 leaves you asking what corruption is happening here right now?

We may be arguing the same thing if by design you mean "sound design".

But I would say the lands of Boletaria, engulfed by a fog that none (except maybe one) has ever escaped is a pretty chilling setting.

FailOverHero4923d ago (Edited 4923d ago )

Wait wait wait, so it goes multiplatform and actually becomes better? No way!! It looks better than the previous one that was exclusive! How about that?
I thought being exclusive to PS3 meant it was better, as far as I've read, this one is more OPEN than just maybe FF13 having no towns had nothing to do with 360

wu-stix4923d ago

The first one was produced on a shoe string budget. I think the sales surprised everyone. They think going multiplatform will increase sales and therefore have put more into the dev budget. Thus, they can spend time creating an open world. Towns in DS case is due to budget constraints, whereas FFxiii not having towns was probably due to space constraints on DVD.

Rage_S904923d ago (Edited 4923d ago )

you're stupid if you've ever played demons souls you'll know thats its not a powerhouse anyway its good that more people will be able to play it

ps: theres no way you could hack demons soul judging by the stupidity of you comment and final fantasy having no town is to do with squarenix

TheGreatIndonesia4923d ago

lol you trying too hard... no one was praising demon soul graphic in any reviews, in fact it is one of its weakness... r-tard!

m23454923d ago

lol, no one said *anything* about graphics.

it never ends with you does it?

femshep4923d ago

actually the reason why there were no towns in FF13 was cause you were fugitives that would be killed if you did step into one

aslo dev wise the engine they use cant handle towns to big

thereapersson4923d ago

The fact that you constantly troll the PS3 and stay at 5 bubbles is a testament to the one-sided nature of the moderation staff around here.

Gotta love corruption on N4G!

Eamon4923d ago

Who the hell cares about what side mods take (if they are which is highly doubtful).

They're just game consoles. Not governments.

Clarence4923d ago

Your name says it all. Demons Souls was sleeper hit. The developers focused more on the gameplay and the story. Now they have more money to play with so the game is getting a overhall. FF13 having no towns had everything to do with the 360.

ravinash4922d ago

DS may not have been the best graphics, but you should see how big the levels are.
Once you've unlocked the fog through out the level it takes a good amount of time to walk from one end of the world to the other without stopping to load.
The only loading during the game was moving backwards and forward to the nexus.
I don't think I've seen that many games that play such large worlds without any freezing.

TruthBTold4922d ago

Wow you're stupid. That is the dumbest comment I have read in a long time.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 4922d ago
Christopher4923d ago (Edited 4923d ago )

FromSoftware and Atlus, two Japanese-based development companies that have made me very happy in this generation of games.

This is definitely the successor to Demon's Souls. The same multiplayer experience capabilities were shown as well as the exact same combat concepts.

Now, let's hope FromSoftware gets enough money to have the ability to do another Tenchu game alongside their new projects.

DaTruth4923d ago (Edited 4923d ago )

One of the great injustices of this generation is having no Tenchu on PS3. Another is having no Tenchu PSOne classics or Tenchu HD collections!

Only Bobby Kottick could be responsible for such a grave injustice in gaming! If I didn't already know Activision owned Tenchu and was responsible, I would have guessed it!

Edit: 2011!!!! YEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! (Didn't watch to the end)

After a gaming year like 2011, Apocalypse 2012 can come and I'll be cool!

Wife:"Volcanoes are spewing lava and the ground is breaking in pieces!"

Self: "Give me ten minutes, I just gotta beat this last demon!"

gamerzBEreal174923d ago (Edited 4923d ago )

bet this game sells 800 thousand on ps3 in 1 year and 90 thousand on 360 in 2 years ...all 360 gamers play is shooters (looks at RPG/action games sales) if they cared about games they would have got a ps3 by now all 360 has is gears COD Maps and Madden...2/3 arn't excluseive

darkziosj4923d ago

u pulling facts out of your ass dontya?

DOMination4922d ago

Unlikely as we all know the 360 version will be the best like every other multiplat

ravinash4922d ago

Yeah, I can see that in Mass effect 2. /s

I don't expect this to be the case with Dark souls seeing as they have already done this with demon souls.

DOMination4922d ago

Mass effect 2 came out 12 months later on a different engine. Doesn't count.

gamerzBEreal174922d ago

@ darkziosj
not pulling fact out of my A** its the truth RPGs sell better on PS3 and Most 360 titles are shooters people who want RPGs/Action game would have a ps3 already

and mass effect 2 is a what? a SHOOTER RPG! most of the gameplay evoles around guns and pressing the RT button because xbox users are so used to that they like ME2 lol and ME2 didn't sell well on either console every one got it for PC as it was the better version

and more ps3 users will get dark souls because its userbase was built around the ps3 with demon souls and users see this as a sequel

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4922d ago
TBM4923d ago

like what i saw I'll pick it up for the PS3 to go along with my Demon's Souls.

ReservoirDog3164923d ago

This looks really good. Should literally be DS2. Looking forward to it but jeez. We have an expensive hobby.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4922d ago
digitalivan4923d ago (Edited 4923d ago )

The monsters really look awesome. And the graphics look a lot better than Demon's souls.

Godmars2904923d ago

Given that its Demon's Souls 2, with a name change so From can put it on the 360, you would hope.

frostypants4922d ago (Edited 4922d ago )


I can't wait for all the 360 gamers who missed out on Demon's Souls to start throwing their controllers in anger.

Half the fun is watching other players' torment. lol

Generally I've found that older gamers enjoyed Demon's Souls the most. Younger gamers who are used to all these modern easy-mode games often get frustrated and give up.

NYC_Gamer4923d ago

i'm happy that PS3/360 gamers can enjoy this game together

Rage_S904923d ago

gona be sweet now if only these bastard would stop invading my worlds :S

Booyah4922d ago

the FUN part is... invite 2-3 friends in ur game... clear all monsters till the boss... then hunt down the invader together when it's invaded... i did that with my friends alot

Newtype4923d ago (Edited 4923d ago )

i hope they aren't just milking the name they had and rehashing demon souls by renaming it.

Edit: @anasurimbor
You don't even have a quarter of their games. I import them.

anasurimbor4923d ago

You obviously know nothing about From Software.

christheredhead4923d ago

even if it was a rehash we need more games like demons souls. its the kind of game that brings challenge and difficulty but with a balanace that you just dont see now and days. dark souls is gonna be sweet.

SnakeMustDie4923d ago

From Software frequently creates underappreciated games.

Armored Core series
Tenchu series
3D Dot Game Heroes
Demon's Souls

anasurimbor4923d ago (Edited 4923d ago )

I own every single game they've ever published besides Spriggan, their DS games, and their 360 exclusives. I even got the collector's sets for King's Field and Armored Core when they came out a few years ago in Japan. So yes, I do indeed own a quarter of them (pretty much all of them).

Talk to the COD franchise about rehashes, not From Software.

Solidus187-SCMilk4923d ago

wow I think that movie is crazy, the game must have been weird.

anasurimbor4923d ago

Yeah, I haven't played it but it's for the PS1. It never got released outside of Japan.

Baka-akaB4923d ago

They are right , i wouldnt call a second helping of a game so unique a rehash ...

it doesnt even need changes and innovations to be great , and yet it will feature a few

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4923d ago
Convas4923d ago

Is it me, or is Eurogamer just getting a HELL of a lot of awesome trailers lately ...

SnakeMustDie4923d ago

Yeah, they are on a roll. First R3 now this.

Show all comments (160)

Miyazaki: Combination of Freedom and Difficulty a "Big Hint" of FromSoftware's Next Project

Elden Ring Director Hidetaka Miyazaki said the combination of freedom and difficulty is a "big hint" of FromSoftware's next project.

XiNatsuDragnel36d ago

Nice excited for the next project

UltimateOwnage34d ago

I cant wait to see what they have cooking.


Brace Yourselves, Tarnished: Revisiting the Greatest Soulsborne Boss Battles - Part I: Dark Souls

With Elden Ring's DLC Shadow of the Erdtree coming this month, JDR takes a look back at the greatest Soulsborne bosses. To start with, those of Dark Souls.

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Hidetaka Miyazaki Wants To Work On His Debut Franchise After Elden Ring DLC

Hidetaka Miyazaki appeared in an interview to discuss the future of the Elden Ring DLC and FromSoftware's future plans.

Cacabunga63d ago

I hope Bluepoint are working on BB remake..
Sony now seem to have lost it with all the gaas, i have no hope in seeing them approaching FS to make a sequel. I hope gamers will push Sony and show continuous disapproval to the gaas model

Cacabunga63d ago

U probably right about the remake it is maybe too early. A performance mode would be more welcome at this point

fsfsxii63d ago

can we get new ideas instead of remakes? gamers are the most nostalgia driven on this earth istg

Redgrave63d ago

The problem with new ideas is that they are often riddled with modern gaming problems like battle/season passes, MTX, DEI and/or agenda pushing narratives rather than making something fun.

We look to nostalgia because the magic was still alive and well, where as now it's often limited to indies.

Redgrave62d ago

Disagree-ers - care to elaborate?

Chard63d ago

Look at how Bluepoint changed the art for demons souls. I wouldn’t want them doing that for Bloodborne

anast63d ago

Compare their releases. How many are GaaS and how many are not. Put the number here for people to see.

gold_drake63d ago

what gaas are we talking? did i miss something?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 62d ago
-Foxtrot63d ago

I don’t know how to feel, Armored Core just isn’t as good as Elden Ring, Dark Souls, Bloodborne and the like.

I hope he does a new IP instead

FinalFantasyFanatic63d ago

I love the Armored Core series, I hope it becomes a regular thing again, like it was back in the PS2 days, we've been starved of AC games for a long time. Although I prefer the gameplay in the PS2 games personally. AC6 was really fun though.

Sonic188163d ago (Edited 63d ago )

The last game was a difficult challenge. I had trouble beating that last boss

shinoff218363d ago

I'm hoping for a Sci fi game. I guess armored core would be Sci fi but I'm not talking about that. I'd like a new Sci fi game

Nacho_Z63d ago

Fortunately, if you're not interested in the AC series, he doesn't say he plans to drop everything to work exclusively on the next one, as implied by the article header. Just general comments about it being an important series he wants to be involved with at some point.

gold_drake63d ago

oofff kings field. i played that not too long ago ha.

shinoff218363d ago

One ofbthe first ps games I beat back in the day. Was fun.

anast63d ago

Good news. I can't wait to see what he comes up with.

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