
The Bulletstorm Demo: Why It BUGS me


"So by now many of you have downloaded and played the demo for Bulletstorm, the new EPIC FPS developed by People Can Fly, and judging by the leaderboards everybody seems to be loving it.

Unfortunately I can’t help but continuously play through the 3-5 minute demo and knit pick at the faults and uncanny problems the game seems to contain, despite my great enjoyment."

BadCircuit4986d ago

The thing I hate most is bugs in a game. Luckily this is only a demo so I can't dismiss it as a buggy, terrible game (yet).

zootang4986d ago

People can fly but they can't jump?

Kon4986d ago

I see what you did there...

metsgaming4986d ago (Edited 4986d ago )

yea i noticed no jumping immediately

Inside_out4986d ago (Edited 4986d ago )

I played through the demo several times, never found any bugs...MAYBE because I wasn't looking...lol.

Who is dumb enough to judge a game by a demo...O_o...and a demo set up like a tutorial!!!

Repetitive??? Every Game is repetitive. It would of been nice to see a little of the single player but People can fly and Epic decided not to reveal that in the demo...missed opportunity??? Maybe.

There have been numerous video's showing the game play and it's pretty obvious that the game will be more than shoot and kill...lol...lets take a look...E3 2010...


Gamescom 2010...Tanya Jessen commentary...


What's the point of a game without a story...Bulletstorm has one and actually, it looks quite good...


The people who hate this game seem to have some sort of an agenda...maybe because of another great game releasing at the same time...lol..." hey man, nice shot "...


Can't wait myself...Gears Of MADNESS 3 multi-player beta included...WOW


Scotland-Tha-Brave4985d ago

why are you such a freak?
Every comment you spam your fanboy links.

visualb4985d ago

if a game like KILLZONE allows you to jump (super clunky jump but its a jump) i'd expect a game like bulletstorm to add it

hell, they could implement the jump into so many new moves it'd just add a whole new gameplay dynamic to the game

quite a missed opportunity, doesn't mean game won't be awesome!

ComboBreaker4985d ago (Edited 4985d ago )

Cez of Rage: "They have shown my beloved game in a bad light. I must defend it with all these links (whihc nobody will actually click because they've already played the demo and seen how bad the game is) proving how wrong they are, because my beloved game is just so great."

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4985d ago
Joni-Ice4986d ago (Edited 4986d ago )

I played the demo and it just didnt give me that feeling like I need to buy this. I was going to pick it up with KZ3 but not sure now. I dint experience any bugs though but then again I wasnt looking.

eterry4985d ago

i have them both preordered but i think im gonna cancel bulletstorm, there was just something about it that made me lose excitment for it.

FrankenLife4986d ago

I didn't encounter any real bugs. But I also didn't encounter anything I care to do again.

HolyOrangeCows4986d ago

I didn't really have problems with any bugs. I just didn't care for the demo.

The only "bug" I encountered was the lousy level design. Every other time I kicked a guy, he was practically magnetized to one of the millions of spiky walls in the room. I try to kick someone to to the side and then kick them to a clump of wires....nope; magnetized towards a wall of spikes.

And every area is designed to set up another gimmicky kill. "kill with skill" nothing. More like "play with the next gimmick"

bluwulf4985d ago (Edited 4985d ago )


People always say that, about all games. "Well its just a demo..im sure the dev will fix before release!" Its so not often the case. I'd say there are a handful of games, maybe less than 5, that had Retail code which was vastly different from demo code this generation. Yet people still pretend the dev is going to bend over backwards and fix these things when they can just say "hi the gears beta is in it." and charge 60.00.

Lets take a friendly bet, I bet a majority of things aren't fixed at release time.Most devs don't even patch after release these days, not for cash grab games like this one.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4985d ago
gaminoz4986d ago (Edited 4986d ago )

Yeah I'm really sick of the "we'll release a patch after release" attitude. Fair enough if you missed it and need to do it afterward, but the whole 'just get it out, use gamers as the testers, and fix later' is lazy.

I don't mind games missing their expected release date if they are released with as few bugs as possible. I feel sorry for any console owners with no internet access to the console these days...

Proeliator4986d ago

It's just ridiculous the mindset developers have now. I don't know what's worse: locking content onto the disc to charge for later, or releasing a broken game and fixing it later.

Kon4986d ago

Locking content is far worse.

SasanovaS19874986d ago

pretty sure the game wont sell enough to be worth the patches expenses. consider it a perminant broken game when it releases, if the bugs stay consistent

-PINNER-4985d ago

Gears of War 1 and 2 were filled with bugs, why would I think Cliffy B's newest game wouldn't suffer from the same problems. I had a shit ton of fun with the demo, but I'm going to wait awhile before I pick this up. I want to read customer reviews before i pay for it. Plus I'll be busy for a bit with KZ3, Homefront, and Socom 4. Crysis 2 looks good too.

4986d ago Replies(3)
hamburger1234986d ago

I thought it was awesome.

Gonna buy it when its cheaper.

Silly gameAr4986d ago

I thought it was pretty awesome too. Didn't encounter to many bugs, nothing major anyway.

Xfanboy4986d ago Show
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Duty Calls - Epic Games' Forgotten Call of Duty Parody

Back in 2011, Epic Games and People Can Fly launched a Call of Duty parody - Duty Calls - that has been lost to the annals of history.

closed_account464d ago

"Duty Calls: The Calm Before the Storm" sounds more like a massive case of the sh**s. 😂

I saw the parody mention, and half expected the ability to drop a deuce on your opponent... I left disappointed.

closed_account462d ago

Never too much Taco Tuesday!! Now if only we could just achieve eternal Taco Tuesdays without the inevitable Wipe-It Wednesdays!!! 😂😂

463d ago Replies(3)
Amplitude463d ago (Edited 463d ago )

Hahaha i actually just dropped a review of this game on my channel! I hit all the story beats for anybody too lazy to install it and play through it


Bulletstorm - A Cult Classic Worthy of Revival?

Bulletstorm will soon receive a VR remake, but is it worth revisiting? Take a look back at the original 2011 release.

IMissJimRyan472d ago

Absolutely. I remember when the game came out on ps360, I thought: "wow, another shooter" and in the 7th gen that wasn't an unfair reaction.

But when the game was re-release on ps4 I took my time an played it (it was on playstation plus at the time) because, ironically, I missed a shooter in that console. And boy, what a fun game! They made a game to be played and not to be watched. It was a fresh air in the genre that deserved better.

So yes. Maybe it find its audience this time.

SullysCigar472d ago

It's an awesome game. The only exception (for my taste) is the script writing, which is OTT, but I guess that's what they were going for. It does at least match the OTT action and gore. I thought it was great overall and actually being in this game is going to be bonkers!

IMissJimRyan472d ago

Yeah, I agree that storywise it's not an Oscar nominee, but it's like a porn movie in game format.

Abnor_Mal472d ago (Edited 472d ago )

Agree with the over the top script, and felt at the time that was the only thing that people were hyped about, the language and not game play.

But in vr this game is going to be great. It has everything that would make a great vr game. Lots of bombastic action, gunplay, blood, and that leash.

Looking at the gameplay now it seems that the game was ahead of it’s time and was perfect for vr before vr wasn’t even off the ground.

Venoxn4g472d ago

I loved the game back in the day and will love in VR even more!

Yui_Suzumiya471d ago (Edited 471d ago )

I got it on PS3 at launch and am still waiting for the long rumored sequel to finally be announced. Currently have it on Switch and wish a physical version of that would be released. Absolutely love it.

FinalFantasyFanatic471d ago

I actually feel like this game gets revived all the time, not that I hate the game, I actually quite like it, it's just constantly available, unfortunately I'm not a fan of VR so I'll be skipping this version.


8 Games that need sequels

GF365: "Here are eight games that need sequels. These games are ones that players would love to experience another time, bigger and better."

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Leeroyw508d ago

Bloodborne is a game I still restart and play every few months. I would welcome just a re release in 60fps with a visual upgrade. It's a perfect game. If I was king for a day I would include the randomizer mods because then it would be a kind of rogue like and I could play it forever.

gleepot507d ago

Sure, ill take a sequel to all of these.