
PSU:DC Universe Online Review

PSU:Early adopters beware: DC Universe Online is typical of any subscription-based MMO that’s in its infancy. Though we’re promised an evolving world with brand new areas to explore, new characters to interact with and tons of new missions, it isn’t going to happen overnight. Likewise, the issues with server stability as well as the numerous bugs and glitches won’t be ironed out immediately either. Sony Online Entertainment’s aim in the long run is undoubtedly to deliver a game that’s worthy of its $14.99 monthly subscription fee, but having already forked out $59.99 for what amounts to a 30 day trial, committing further cash to the superhero cause still feels like quite a gamble.

MajestieBeast4897d ago

Love the game so far hit 30 on thursday.

zgoldenlionz4897d ago

yeah, great time so far i plan on taking a few char to 30 play a couple storylines.

negroguy4897d ago

Same just hit 30 thinking of making a healer since no one wants to do it ;/

ChronoJoe4897d ago

Server? I play healer.

If anyones on Europe: Crossfire, playing as a Villain, hit me up, my PSN is ChronoJoe, and IGN is 'I', yeah just one capitalised character. Level 10 at the moment but I have other level 30s... so won't take long to level up.

Big_Mex4897d ago

been enjoying it so far. got a level 22 martial arts/gadgets. For anyone who is feeling overwhelmed by the amount of stats to worry about here is a nice little guide to aid you.


Did have a quick question though for those who may know since I'm now maxed in martial arts and am usually in the controller role i wanted to pick up brawler as well but didnt know if the square combos stack or not. (eg. square, square (hold) etc...) since they both seem to have the same thing for both sets.

Chris3994897d ago

you can only have one weapon skill set active at a time. HOWEVER, the PASSIVE bonuses DO stack. So once you have a favoured weapon, start min/ maxing your toon by picking all the stat boosting skills from different trees.

Big_Mex4897d ago

hell yah man appreciate that. bubbles

N311V4897d ago

I plan on getting this but currently too many games coming out I want to play. Be a waste to subscribe when I'll be playing other things for the next few months. Spent some time on the beta but only got to level 10, are there more awesome cut scene or only the intro one.


DCUO Development Update - August 2023

If you do not read this whole update, here's what you need to know:

* Episode 46 is Justice League Dark Cursed
* PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X launch this holiday season

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MMOs In 2021 Retrospective: Console Edition

WTMG's Thomas Medina: "As far as I’m concerned, console MMOs have always been in a weird place. PC is where the main game is most popular. MMOs were born there, work best there, and have the vast majority of titles. Mobile is then next in line, with touchscreens and portability that adds something new while functioning well. Console gaming, on the other hand, is not portable (for the most part). Plus, it uses a controller, which is not the best instrument when your control scheme requires a thousand buttons and a cursor. That being said, there is an audience, and where there’s money to be made, publishers find a way. So here we are with some of the biggest console MMO games and how I feel they handled 2021. "

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