
GiantBomb:DC Universe Online Review

GB:DC Universe Online is not without ambition, but its action-oriented combat and quest design are positively monotonous.

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Dark3604990d ago (Edited 4990d ago )


Edit: Quote - "Overall, DC Universe Online feels like a PC game that was hastily thrown onto the PlayStation 3 without properly adapting it to the console. With the PC version offering better graphical performance for a cheaper price, it would be the version I would recommend, if I were willing to recommend it at all. But the game's combat feels limp, the quest design is immediately monotonous, and the whole package manages to make being a superhero or villain feel like the most mundane thing in the world. Considering the game's "everyone's a hero/villain" plot, I suppose that makes perfect sense"

EVO-OM3GA4990d ago

Don't why you got disagrees

Jaws0074990d ago

What a PURE SHIT review.

SasanovaS19874990d ago

some should get fired. their making ur website seem like a very unreliable source for reading retarded opinion pieces... at least hire someone with an IQ in triple digits

soljah4990d ago

this guy who reviewed the game has been trashing dcuo before it even was launched. he hated dcuo before he even played it. and I'll bet the whole time he spent with the game,he was trying to find ways to re enforce his hate.
this game is a breath of fresh air in a somewhat stale game market. everyone who plays it likes it.
some might not want to spend the 15 for a extra month but the free 30 days is a great value.

chester4990d ago (Edited 4990d ago )

Free 30 days is a great value? I'm not sure how you're coming to that conclusion. $60 for 30 days of play does not seem like a great value, especially since, if they don't want to spend the $15 for another month, it is literally useless on day 31.

MMOs aren't played for value, really. A multiplayer game like halo or killzone can literally be played for years without having to put in another dime. MMOs are for those who like more community online, and who thrive on the RPG elements of a game, in my opinion at least.

despair4990d ago


Except games like Killzone and Halo barely if ever change over the years, its the same thing over and over again, sure you might level up or unlock some stuff, but its still the same and while I like my FPS MP as much as the other guy MMOs are not like that.

Firstly you talk like $60 for 30 days is the end all for the game, even if after 30 days you don't renew its not like your characters get deleted, you can always come back to it but it will cost you the monthly fee $15.

Also and more importantly you have to choose to pay it, as in your choice to buy the game, no one is forcing you and bitching about it just makes you look juvenile while everyone who sees the merit in it will pay.

Next as I was saying above, MMOs do not remain static they evolve and expand considerably. Look at the most popular MMO out there,World of Warcraft, at launch 6 years ago the game is nothing compared to what it is today and while it may not appeal to me I still see how much it evolved and added since launch and it is impressive.

Games like KZ and Halo are what they are from day 1 to the day they shut down the servers you get what you paid for on the disk and thats it unless you dish out for DLC but even that is very limited.

MMOs continue to grow and cost to upkeep and create new content, DCUO devs have promised monthly updates for the game and so every month(hopefully) you can look forward to entirely new events, not just "double XP" or "Christmas Week" that most non MMO Multiplayer games offer, I'm talking real new content.

soljah4990d ago

i am comparing to games like gow3, infamous,crackdown in which the play of dcuo is similar. all games that are played for maybe a month and then you move on to something new, in this way dcuo packs alot of content in your first 30 days even if u choose not to pay for another month of play time

ikkeweer4990d ago

Don't care, liked the Beta, ordered it.
I read reviews, I just like my own opinion better.

TBM4990d ago

the low scores giving by this site, eurogamer or whoever else is fine that's their opinion. but after reading people's comments who are actually playing it now and are enjoying the HELL out of it i'd say i would take theirs over this few little sites who hate it.

TBM4989d ago

For the disagreer whoever you are i'll just say your a sad person. Like I said id rather listen to the overall opinions of those playing and enjoying it over the few little sites hating on the game.

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Raendom4990d ago

I bought this and initially loved it, for a console MMO it's great. For an MMO in general it's so much more fun. But I do agree with them in that Quest Design repeats a pattern over and over, and when you get to a boss battle it's not rewarding like it would be in other MMOs.

The recovering factor for me, is the PvP, it's really well done. You can fight anywhere and you have a sense of danger in the city, OR you can fight in designated arenas, OR you can fight with DC characters. PvP is going to go from strength to strength you can definitely tell that.

It's still for me too early to judge with a solid score (4/10 or 2/5 is rather harsh), I think that I might be renewing my subscription and maybe make another character or two. :)

Chris3994990d ago

A.) Being on the PS3

B.) Not being WoW

For a launch day game it's incredible, the basic systems are fun (movement, exploration, COMBAT) and they can always add more content (though there is a tonne there, and the reviewer barely delved into any of it).

Meh to this review anyhow. The public have given a general "meh" to the opinion of "journalists" too, as the game is sold out everywhere.

callahan094990d ago

I'm loving the free-to-play Everquest II right now. I enjoyed the character creation in the beta for DC Universe Online and I'm a huge fan of the DC Universe in general, would you say this game would be a good buy for someone like me? I thought the beta was OK in terms of gameplay, not spectacular, but I also didn't play it in multiplayer, I just went through a few missions solo. If I find people to play with (none of my personal friends have the game, so I'd have to make online acquaintances) would it be much better? (I've so far just been playing Everquest II that way... mostly lone wolfing it, but teaming up with other players sometimes just randomly). Do you personally have a subscription and the game, and if so, PC or PS3?

Chris3994990d ago

The first content patch should be out in a week or so - can't wait. The endgame content and PVP are a blast. The comic cut-scenes are cool too.

KotC4990d ago (Edited 4990d ago )

Ever think that instead of conspiracy theories that maybe it's just not all that good? I mean MS can't buy every reviewer in the world and there are more than just this one scoring it low. Eurogamer gave it a 6 and Playstation Universe gave it a 7.5. Did MS buy Playstation Universe? I didn't hear Xbots bitch and moan when Crackdown 2 and Alan wake didn't get 10's. Why is it that the only community of gamers on the entire internet that bitch about reviews are PS3 fanboys? According to you PS3 fanboys on NPD day EU is Sony land and many of these reviewers are in EU. OH NO IT GOT 6's, 7's and 8's DAMN YOU MS STOP WRITING CHECKS YOU EVIL BASTARDS.

pain777pas4990d ago

You are right in that everyone is entitled to their opinion. I can't review this game because I don't play MMOs. This game was on my radar because of what "gamers" were saying about it and it looked like it was right down my alley. Jeff is a weird reviewer in that you cannot get a read on what he is really into. He likes Gears and Dance central because people playing it look funny drunk. I don't know what to expect from his reviews sometimes. MMOs on consoles are not common so i don't know what a good MMO setup is for a console. Puzzling review without many MMOs on consoles period. I'm sure it is probably better than any other MMO that has been on a console...maybe?

nycredude4990d ago

So you are saying a 7.5 is a bad score now? Wow and for an mmo that is not even 1 month old.

I love how clowns come here and bash a game saying it isn't good and then name 2 site, of which one actually gave it a respectable 7.5, and then completely ignore the countless other 8-9 scores available. Questions if there are more 8-9 than 6-7s shouldn't that mean the game is more good than bad?

You haters need more material, or should just quit gaming if you think 7.5 -8.5 is a bad game now.

KotC4990d ago

Did I say 7.5 was a bad score? Did I say bad score anywhere at all? No I said "low" meaning not 8, 9 or 10.

soljah4990d ago

do you not read the posts of gamers who are playing it. this game is straight up fun. yes ui needs some work, social aspects are lacking n hard to use(at launch). there are some frame rate issues. but for jeff to diss the game as being poor is totally different then what people who own the game are saying.

Chris3994989d ago (Edited 4989d ago )

but you proved your point about paranoid fanboys with your own post quite well. I said "media". These people are gamers and most are just as polarized in their fanboy beliefs as what you see here on N4G. If you ACTUALLY went back to check out his previews, you'd see that he hated the game before it even got off the ground.

And made for the PC and ported? Really? How come everyone who plays the PC game has the opposite opinion? IT PLAYS BETTER WITH A CONTROLLER, AS IF IT WAS - GASP - MADE FOR THAT SORT OF (CONSOLE) CONTROL SCHEME.

Anyway, one bad review won't sink the game. Servers are packed and more and more people are playing it every day. It won't be a WoW, but it WILL be successful, trolls be damned. And it's fun as Hell to play. Too often people forget that's the point of N4G and Giant Bomb and all the rest: playing games.

Edit: In one of my earlier posts I even said that this game would score 7-9 across the board, so the PSU review falls withing that frame. Anything less is either someone who doesn't like MMO (see: Eurogamer review, guy writes a story on how he hates WoW - check it out for yourself) or people dead set on hating the game for whatever reason (see: Geoff). The only paranoid, wingeing fanboy here is you, I'm afraid. Anyhoo, off to the gym then settling in for some DCUO - enjoy bickering on N4G, I'll be playing a game, thanks.

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beardpapa4990d ago (Edited 4990d ago )

talk about WoW.

So i'm playing both cata and dcuo at the moment. My thoughts so far:

DCUO as a console MMO:
1) Interesting combat. It plays like an action game and requires setting up combos for effective dps. Mob 'loot' gives energy for use with special powers. Some special powers have CD.
2) Requires blocking to break combos, get out of stuns, to roll/dodge etc.
3) PVP is effectively everywhere and is dangerous, especially when they can be above and swoop down on you. Requires real skill in knowing your combos and blocking. Feels rewarding.
4) Very interesting and unique powers/customization
5) Interesting areas to explore for DC fans
6) Quests feel like there's a purpose and doesn't feel as grindy.
7) Endgame instances/raids are fun and challenging.
8) You can plug in a keyboard for chat.

1) Lifeless city. I understand the citizens got exobytes to become superheroes/villains but otherwise it's very lifeless. Several blocks here and there contain citizens/moving cars but otherwise very bland.
2) Sorta annoying quest texts. Not as charming as WoW's quest givers.
3) Repetitive quest objectives
4) Lowbie instances are ok.
5) Buggy, UI is slow, not very intuitive. I suppose the limitations of a controller.
6) Not everybody talks and setting up a party isn't intuitive.
7) Don't care for achievement system. Seems too "WoW-like" to me.
8) Targeting sucks so much.

WoW Cata as an MMO expansion:
1) Beautiful world, lively charming NPCs, and hilarious quests as usual.
2) Interesting instances.
3) Many NPC interactions and player involvement.
4) Easy to setup parties, raids, guildchat, etc.
5) Achievement makes more sense here as there are rewards and practically anyone can see your achievements.

1) Not difficult like the vanilla days. It's too easy.
2) Same rehash VERY repetitive quest formula. Go to NPC, kill # of ?, gather # of ?, get reward, go to NPC, repeat.
3) Repetitive quests don't provide a sense of purpose or fulfillment. Feels very mundane and you have to do it to have access to the next line of quests. (E.g., Do quests for Budd (Pirates Carribean parody), but really no point. Have to do his quests to open the next chain of quests though.)

WoW vs DCUO so far ...

1) DCUO offers a fresh take on combat and customization. Better than the other hero/villian MMOs. Raids are interesting. However it is still buggy and socialization doesn't seem to be there or implemented well. They should've integrated PS3/PC servers together. Targeting sucks so so much.

2) WoW offers a greater socializing aspects making it easier to setup raids and get things going. More charming atmosphere and universe. However quests are more repetitive than ever, and killing 20 NPCs just for the next questgiver to tell you to kill 10 more, then 16 more after, and then another 20 isn't exactly exciting. Even the cooking/fishing dailies are more interesting. Blizzard needs to quit dumbing down the game to appeal to whiners.

TheTruth894990d ago

only one bad score... who cares, idiots are always around the corner.

OC_MurphysLaw4990d ago

Giantbomb and idiots are two words that don't belong together. Giantbomb is one of the best and in my opinion honest gaming review sites. They don't pull punches... They can be a bit overly zealous...but they are good.

Tilian4990d ago (Edited 4990d ago )

Giantbomb has a good rep yes, but they have little praise for Sony, especially Gerstman (though he did like inFamous). You listen to these guys long enough and it's clear they spend most of their time on the 360. Brad is probably the most PS3-friendly of the bunch. They are not a well-balanced bunch of journalists.

RememberThe3574990d ago

Jeff doesn't give any console maker much credit. He's not singling out Sony because they're Sony. It seems to me that he plays the 360 more because he's sent more 360 games. Being well balanced it's needed if your not a fanboy. Giant Bomb loves games not systems, that why their not on N4G very often.

nycredude4990d ago

Giantbombs was wack before this score, during and will be wack after. Seriously who uses giantbomb for reviews? LOL

RememberThe3574990d ago

So you hate Giant bomb because you don't agree with them? Every review they do, whether I agree with them or not, makes sense. I'd much rather have a review that I don't agree with make sense than have review bloated by fanboy dais. Everyone complains about fanboys then when someone gives their honest opinion people hate it. talk about hypocrites...

Tilian4990d ago (Edited 4990d ago )


I'd have to disagree. They have consistently given the 360 more attention and excitement than the PS3 over the years. They're not screaming fanboys by any stretch, but the subtle preference in their bombcasts, quicklooks, etc. is certainly there. (This low review is irrelevent).

I stand by my statement: Shoemaker is the one who speaks most fairly about Sony.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4990d ago
soljah4990d ago

actually guys just a heads up. the reviewer from IGN hates the game even more then Jeff from giant turd. expect another low rated review from them.
they should of let the ps3 nerd from ign(forget his name) review it. aleast he is a comic book and doesn't seem to have a hard on against mmo's

Chaos Striker4990d ago

"IGN" does not hate the game. The dedicated MMO reviewer, Nick Kolan hates it because he mentions it felt dumbed down compared to other PC exclusive MMO's. And the comic book nerd is Greg Miller, who is co-reviewing the game with Nick in order to give perspectives of both the PC and PS3 version. Greg and Nick's make gripe is that the PC version does not incorporate PC aspects very well. For instance, they mention that on the PC version, you are nearly incapable of selecting a specific target you want due to the auto-targeting system. On the PC this sucks, but on the PS3, it works very well since you don't have the PC functionalities. But regardless, I expect IGN's review to be very fair because they have both perspectives.

P_Bomb4990d ago

Greg Miller loves it and has even given his 2 cents sporadically to counter Nick.

nycredude4990d ago

It's been less than 1 month. Have you ever wondered why there are only 3 reviews so far on Metacritic, your almighty tell me which game to buy cause I can't form my own opinion because I am a sheep website?

Because it's a freaking MMO. You can't review an mmo in less thana month and complain about glitches, and server issues, and content. MMOs only get better with time if the developers support it. Use your brain instead of ust posting stupid links of 3 reviews on the almighty "METACRITIC" **Cue loud echo**.

The only number that should matter is the 8.1 on the right hand side above user reviews cause those are from the people who play games for fun, not these wack ass sites who play games for a living.

Chaos Striker4990d ago

I agree to a certain degree. The fate of DCUO will lie in the hands of the developers to continue to support the game. I believe the ultimate test is 6 months from now and what the player install base is. I reckon if DCUO can maintain a constant 500-750K players, it will provide a steady stream of income for the game to continue to be profitable.

However, what worries me is the string of near catastrophic failures of pay to play MMO's such as Warhammer Online and Age of Conan. They had great sales out of the gate, but eventually, everything got old and the games were on life support for some time. It will be interesting to see if DCUO can avoid a similar fate that the most recent pay to play mmo's have suffered.

P_Bomb4990d ago (Edited 4990d ago )

Trolling now KotC? It's an MMO, it's not a 5 hour campaign with a tacked on online that's a one-day-play. A lot of people don't review with that in mind. Euro didn't even talk about the online co-op like Raids and PVP. That'd be like reviewing Battlefield and not mentioning the unique frostbite (destruction 2.0) engine.

Examiner and GamerBuzz's 8/10 aren't on there yet either, so? Metacritic changes too. On GOW3's FINAL added review from GameCritics, #100 I believe, it went from 93 to 92. 3 reviews is nothing. Sly Collection went from 87 to 85 in one day, two months after release.

Darkspade4990d ago

LOL Hater will Hate.. i love this game I just wish they would Let PS3 Play with PC Players

Killzoned4990d ago (Edited 4990d ago )

Although i've never played the game, i've been doing some research and been watching a lot of stream. This game looks like the MMO I've been looking for. I myself haven't touched an MMO in at least 4 years! am still somewhat disappointed that PS3 version is regional only meaning you can't play with others from another country while on the PC you can.


Don't know why am getting disagrees but i myself want this damn game! But unsure of which versions at the moment. My PC is somewhat limited, My PS3 space is almost out and DC is pretty much 16gb lol

Darkspade4990d ago

PC is Regional too I believe.. This is a great Game, Needs to grow now.. Level cap is 30 and takes about 1 week to get it on PVP server... I only can play for about 2-3 hours every other day..

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