
Top 11 overlooked games of 2011

2011 is looking to be a very busy and expensive year for gamers. By now we are all aware of all the AAA level games coming this year, and we all have already started making our own lists of which games we want to pick up through out the year. We all have also been flooded with every websites top 10 of 2011. All filled with Killzone 3, Gears of War 3, Rage, Deus Ex:Human Revolution, etc. You and I both know and want these games, so there would be no point in me making another list of these games. Instead I'm going to list a few other games that most seem to miss while making their top list for 2011. These games are the top 11 overlooked games of 2011.

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DA_SHREDDER4934d ago

nice man. I didn't even know about half of these games.

MasterChief36244928d ago

I don't know how nice of a list it is when Okamiden is completely absent from it. SOCOM 4 makes it in, but Okamiden doesn't?

Really now...

Stealth20k4934d ago

Those arent overlooked

disgaea 4 is going to be a high rated classic and its overlooked

Vherostar4934d ago

Not overlooked just a bunch of terrible games bar a few.. Seems somebody trying to desperately point out 360 semi-exclusives here (on pc aswell) to add to the barren list of 2011 and cover it up with this.

nnotdead4934d ago

nope. don't even own a 360. also 2 of the games are PS3 exclusive, and only 2 of them are on the 360 and PC only. the fact you call all the titles terrible without having the ability play them shows that they may very well be overlooked. the games listed just where a bunch of interesting titles that i haven't seen other people or sites talk about when it comes to games they are excited for in 2011.

i will admit i'm not very happy with this article. i was trying to put it together while a lot of my real life was going on, and thought that a simple list wouldn't take much research or thought to put together quickly. being distracted by real life or not. i also didn't do a good job of explaining why i think these games are being overlooked. instead i just gave a brief summary of each game. lesson learned.

im still in the beginning stages of the website. trying to find what i can and can't get a way with and find my voice along the way.

Acquiescence4934d ago

Might have something to do with them not being released yet.

8BitSoul4934d ago

How can they be called overlooked when they haven't even been released yet? I'm pretty sure SOCOM 4, I Am Alive and Catherine are on a lot of peoples list of games to watch out for in 2011. Most of the games on the list are just games that haven't gotten a lot of attention and hype built up around them. It should have been called "Top 11 games for 2011 you might not have heard of".

lightningsax4934d ago (Edited 4934d ago )

They're under-hyped; it was just a bad word choice. Big games like Uncharted 3 pretty much have their own fanbases by this point - and UC3 looks epic, and it got a bunch of advertising, so that's great, but is there any type of base for El Shaddai? I've already noticed how new details regarding the game just fly under the radar with a max of 30 comments.

Considering a few of the higher-up Okami guys are behind this game, and that the art direction looks amazing, I'm disappointed that no one's talking about El Shaddai. (looks up) And as of right now, no one's talking about it in the thread for an article that placed it as #1. Nice.

nnotdead4934d ago

i agree for the most part lightning. i just don't think its bad word choice. even if its under hyped,(which it is) that still means the games are overlooked in their hype. i find it mind boggling that with what i admit as a weakly written article, the only problem people have found in the article actually makes total sense.

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