
DC Universe Online - Eurogamer review

EG writes: "As the first MMO to attempt to bridge the gap between console and PC since Final Fantasy XI in 2002 – and the first to ever do so simultaneously at launch – DC Universe Online raises a lot of questions. Will the PC game be limited by the necessity of designing around a controller? Are PS3 owners willing to embrace a subscription model?"

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Chris3994897d ago

Give them a read. This review is well off the mark. Most MMOs don't come into their own for a year anyhow. It had a great launch and so long as it keeps most of that momentum, we (DCUO players) will be in for a real treat these next few months.

FrankMcSpank4897d ago

Eurogamer is either well reciving or totally biased, never fair. 6/10 sounds like they didn't really play it. All the reviews of the fans and the critics say this game falls around an 8-8.5/10 range. It is a really good MMO, and has far less problems than other MMOs had at launch like WOW or Ever Quest. There will even be problems with the Star Wars TOR launch. What a crummy review job guys

Chaostar4897d ago

Totally agree and for those who can't be bothered here's a few snipped of those comments:

"This is so predictable, in fact its pathetic. Not the game. No, i mean the absurd notion of reviewing an MMO and giving it an arbitary score out of ten, and the mindless morons that come on the comments field, take EGs score as gospel, sent from God, and then proclaim an MMO dead."

"Nothing can be all thing to all men, but DCUO seems to have come pretty damn close. Also, best launch ever. I think in a year or so this will probably be one the best MMOs out there. Right now I think it's just damn good; just the kind of WoW break I need."

Like most MMOs, and fine wines, DCUO will get better with age and with such a good start (for an MMO) there's a very good chance this will be among the best online games of 2011.

zootang4897d ago

I'm happy with the game, it keeps me off N4G. Then I come back to this crap and want to go play DC online again.

Chris3994897d ago

You summed up my thoughts exactly. I have a hard time coming to N4G lately with DCUO taking up most of my free time.

That's what we're here for after all. GAMES. I think that 90% of N4G has forgotten/ abandoned that for pointless arguments over sales and pixel to pixel screenshot comparisons.

Have fun with that, whoever you are. Got a client to train then some DCUO!

callahan094897d ago

I never played an MMO in my life, but upon reading about DC Universe Online I just learned that Everquest II had gone free to play, so I downloaded that (about 13gb, wow!) and started a character. Every time I turn the game on, now, I find myself addicted to the monitor for a good 3+ hours. I had previously tried World of Warcraft in a 14 day free trial and never been engrossed by it, but Everquest II seems really great to me. I also tried the beta of DCUO and it was pretty cool. So now I'm hoping that, like EQII, SOE makes DCUO a free to play game in a couple of years and that it still has an audience so that I can get in without the monthly fee. In the mean-time, I'm all about EQII!

ElementX4896d ago

"I have a hard time coming to N4G lately with DCUO taking up most of my free time. "

So why do you? You obviously love to spend time here and comment on various articles.....

iHEARTboobs4896d ago

Great comments zootang and chris.

Chris3994896d ago

about a game that I'm clearly obsessed with. Not sure what sort of point you're trying to make.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4896d ago
ElementX4896d ago (Edited 4896d ago )

"Most MMOs don't come into their own for a year anyhow"

I bought DCUO so you're saying to give it a year? That's about $180 out of my pocket on subscription fees.

Chris3994896d ago

Pretty sure that was a lie.

ElementX4896d ago

Nope, I own it. I'm playing LBP2 now, though. Just got to the part with Clive, the 3rd planet.

TBM4896d ago

i the giantbomb thread i said i'd rather take the opinions of those who are playing it and having a blast to these few little sites hating on the game.

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R_aVe_N4897d ago

Eurogamer has never been one of those places I would go to for reviews or news. They tend to have really bad taste in games. I don't believe that MMO should have the same reviewing times as normal games. MMO games are a lot more complex and need that time to come in there own. You can only do so much in beta's for MMO games. I think somebody is just trying to get hits if you ask me.

lelo2play4897d ago (Edited 4897d ago )

To bad... like it or not, at this moment no MMO can compete with WOW.

I guess we have to wait for Bioware's Star Wars to see if it can dethrone WOW... or Blizzard's new MMO (is it World of Starcraft ???).

suicidalblues4896d ago

I didn't realize it was a competition. Get out of Fanboyland for a while and enjoy some games.

KotC4896d ago

MS bought em, they buy everyone on the planet. 6? whatever this is a conspiracy this game should be a 1,000,000 because it's on the PS3. /s

P_Bomb4896d ago (Edited 4896d ago )

Any particular reason you're trolling another DCU thread? -1 bubble vote. Go play something from Atari. Their Transformers Armada game was actually quite good.

This is on the PC too btw, just like Gears, Halo, Mass Effect and Splinter Cell. And you CAN play it with a 360 controller easy by just plug 'n' play which the reviewer got wrong but felt dinging it for anyway. The PC boards have taken exception to it as well http://www.gamefaqs.com/boa...

ConsoleGraphics4896d ago (Edited 4896d ago )

mmo's should never be bought at launch, give it 4 or 5 months at least, that way, they iron out the kinks.

Pc versions already down to 45 bucks, 4 months from now it will be $20 and you'll get to play a better game

and no, star wars mmo will not even come close to wow's 14 million subscribers, neither will this game, or any other until blizzard makes a new mmo.

This game is a distraction, nothing more, it will be a footnote in mmo history

At least they finally brought an mmo to console and I commend sony for having the balls to allow it, microsoft is such a joke, they really need to make a new console or stop acting as though they are current gen, the ps3 is still pushing some sweet ass tech, while the 360 is just sad.

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