
Destructoid: Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition Hands-On

Easily one of the best looking games of the Nintendo 3DS launch, Capcom’s Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition is going to be turning some heads.

On its surface, it’s the Super Street Fighter IV you know and love, with a full roster of more than 30 characters, including all of those found on consoles. But if you look deeper, you’ll find that it may surprisingly be the best version of the game to date, with even more content and options than its predecessors.

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GenericNameHere4310d ago

Oh man. Was hoping they'd have screenshots of both 3DS and XL screens. I would like to see the difference.

live2play4310d ago

its massive

ive been playing my 3DS XL constantly
tried out the regular one
its just so tiny

i never had a problem with its size before i got my hands on the XL

GenericNameHere4310d ago

How big is the screen compared to the Vita? And how's the 3D/Graphics compared to the old 3DS? For example, can you finally see the enemies in MGS3D? (I tried out the demo, and while I could see the enemy, I could barely see them and trying to aim for their head was even more difficult)

live2play4310d ago

compared to the vita
the screen is a bit taller and a bit less wide

the 3D blew me away on the XL it has more impact and things stretch out of the screen way more now

the graphics werent hit too bad, i can barely notice the difference
somehow its big enough not to pixelate anything further

the 3d sweetspot is kind ofharder to get away from

comparing the machines
(when i saw the XL on the interet it looked like a cheap plastic toy)

when i got it in my hands it looks so sleek and classy, (the blue one looks awesome) the rounded edges melt in your hands and the d-pad is better and the buttons are clickier

now my old ds looks like the cheap plastic one

Sorrow244310d ago

The top screen is a big as the Vita's. And though the Vita's screen is way better, the games on 3DS are more colorful, yes, even more so than Uncharted.

Also, I own both systems.

4310d ago Replies(2)
kB04310d ago

Funny how the game that promotionally released with the Sytem doesn't make the list because even on regular 3Ds is very jaggy and pixeled!

Good game though, I still prefer the DS version because the controls were more tight, but I mean this is better than the 3D mario Land IMO.

Coop was a great addition too bad it's only local:(

Smokingunz4310d ago

I love the xl! It's a huge imprOvenrnt over the original. The bigger screens makes a helluva difference. Ever since I've gotten it, I can't stop playing.

Castlevania portrate of ruin and castlevania dawn of sorrow is what everyone should check out on their xl, those are the games I'm playing on my xl.

I would also like to check out contra 4 and Metroid ds on my xl

kB04310d ago

Scratch the word improvement after huge. Jks, its a clever idea, but the resolution doesn't stand the stretch.

Also the battery life is the same, for now you can't use the circle pad pro, and frankly no integration of the 2nd slider is just dumb when you have the room to do so.

I'll stick with my 3DS slim:P

I would trade up if the resolution was bumped or if the 2nd slider was built in.

TXIDarkAvenger4310d ago

Is there a big difference between the 3DS and 3DS XL? cause I'm going to pick one up soon and I'm not sure if I should pay more for the XL just for a bigger screen.

linkenski4310d ago

The 3DS XL really is better in a number of ways. I usually want my handheld to be small and pocket-pouch-sized although when i bought the XL version of the 3DS i realized how much it really changes to have that bigger screen.
It is not just that though and i can assure you that you won't be picking it up for more money just for the screen size.
It's more comfortable, and looks like it's better build quality. Old DS games look way better (3DS games do too most of the time), and the top screen doesn't reflect as much, so you won't have to "stare at yourself" like you're looking in a mirror when you play.

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axisofweevils4496d ago

And I thought the circle pad pro was bulky.


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