
Price Watch: The Xbox Marketplace to get more January Sales!

EA is currently hosting this weeks sales but starting on January 25 through to January 31, enjoy another special-one off savings with 50% off content provided by Rockstar Games and 2K, including Add-ons for “GTA IV,” “Red Dead Redemption,” “Borderlands,” “Bioshock 2” and more! For details, please check your Xbox LIVE Dashboard on January 25.

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thrasherv34991d ago

How do they know 2K is gonna do the same thing? There is no source...


Rockstar Games Leaks GTA 6 PC Folders And Red Dead Redemption PC Port

Rockstar Games have leaked GTA 6 PC folders as well as Red Dead Redemption PC port folders in an update for GTA 5.

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Bhuahahaha2d ago

sernando had it 7yrs ago 😁😂
he must be playing gta 7 by now 😂🤣


Red Dead Redemption's PC Port Confirmed Irrefutably After 14 Years

The official PS Store description of Red Dead Redemption has given away the imminent arrival of the game on PC.

OtterX38d ago

The best part about this no doubt will be the modding community. I'm sure some really talented individuals will give it a proper graphical overhaul.

RaidenBlack37d ago

GTA IV pc port was abysmal ... and RDR1 came just after GTA IV ... I am more worried about the base port job than mod support later

just_looken37d ago

Lets hope its not as bad as the ps4 port job

DaReapa38d ago

I'll be getting this despite already having it on PS3. RDR is one of the few series I'd double dip for.

SwiftyMagee38d ago

If you check the Sony store site, the reference to a PC port has been taken down. So right now there is no definitive proof but I imagine some sort of announcement will happen soon, maybe in the coming weeks. I'm picturing a fall release if it happens in 2024.

Number1TailzFan38d ago

Kind of expecting RTX remix for this

TheNamelessOne38d ago

Finally. I'll double-dip for this one, considering it's a solid port.

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Game archivists lament end of the Xbox 360 Marketplace

Today the Xbox 360 Marketplace shuts down for good, taking hundreds of games and DLC off the market, with no legal way to access them.


You can just buy a modded 360 off Etsy, like this for example: https://www.etsy.com/listin... You can also ask the sellers to fill up the 2TB drive with all the games you want or do it yourself. Hell get a few 2TB drives and just download the whole 360 rom collection from all territories. I have most roms that I want on my PC but if I was serious this is the way I would do it, screw all that legal shit non-sense haha.

Chocoburger47d ago

Good reminder, I already have an RGH, but I'm going to buy a back up.


Yeah, Etsy has been doing this for years with all consoles. Games never really go away we just find ways to get them and keep them 😁

Chocoburger45d ago

Piracy is the only true form of preservation.
F these big companies.

Rebel_Scum49d ago

So dont see a problem with closing old marketplaces. If no one’s buying whats the point in keeping them up.

If its gone just emulate. Its not hard.

XiNatsuDragnel49d ago

Fair but it just sucks in general

Rebel_Scum48d ago

When was the last time you used it?

I did a month ago just to get stuff I always wanted to get. Before then, must’ve been 10 years ago if that.

slayereddy48d ago (Edited 48d ago )

Nooo. Why Xbox.