
DC Universe Online review - Pocket-Lint

Here's the problem with DC Universe Online: do you score it for what it is, or for what it might have been? As a superhero MMORPG, it's a qualified triumph, taking the crown from the dated City of Heroes/Villains duo and effortlessly outclassing Champions Online. It's also the first MMO to hit the PS3, and as such it's a superb entry point into the genre. If we have reservations, it's just because the likes of Crackdown and inFamous have spoiled us, giving us new expectations of what to expect from a free-roaming superhero game.

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Keith Olbermann4992d ago (Edited 4992d ago )

"If we have reservations, it's just because the likes of Crackdown and inFamous have spoiled us, giving us new expectations of what to expect from a free-roaming superhero game."

By this logic would we compare WoW to Oblivion or Dragon Age since they are both fantasy RPGs?? If thats the case, WoWs combat and story lines are terrible.

ThanatosDMC4992d ago

Yeah, it was a terrible comparison when i read it.

Chris3994992d ago (Edited 4992d ago )

This gent has seriously lost the plot. This game has a brilliant combat system and sense of progression that I've never experienced before in 10 years of MMOing.

I don't know how he even reached endgame content to make his review either, as the tokens are given in a fair, but weaned fashion. No way he's done any of the endgame instances.

P_Bomb4992d ago

Hmm. Review maybe looks at inFamous and Crackdown with some rose tinted glasses. Crackdown 2 all but killed the franchise last year so why even go there?

Collecting investigation markers and green question marks is infinitely more rewarding than the blast shards in inFamous because every single one has a mini audio story and they give you XP to level up and purchase skills for every 100 points. They're also grouped into their own little sets of 6 or whatever and when you get the set you get another bonus.

The hero/villain campaigns are distinctly different, everything changes from who you talk to to who you fight.

It's NOT grind heavy. There is no grinding. There are always stories open, sidequests to find, and more stories open as you level up just by beating the missions normally. Even at lvl 26, I've never had to grind once, and I have so much equipment I have to sell it.

The sense of exploration is a comic book one which the review misses completely by comparing it to WOW. If you know the DC license, there is so much to find, from Crime Alley where Wayne's parents died, Superman's statue after he 'died' to Doomsday, Arkham Asylum, the Watchtower, Mr Freeze's hospital where his wife is, Joker's Amusement Mile, Cadmus' labs at Area 51, even Smallville. I've run into Green Lantern Hal Jordan while strolling by the coast, and Solomon Grundy mauling players randomly by Poison Ivy's Botannical garden. Real locations and charachters from the comic and all for the 1st time in a real geography and reachable from one another. Booster Gold tours are even available to fill non-fans in on all these iconic locales. Even the Pillars of Hades are there. That's a kick and personality that Cole McGrath's Empire City never had.

Chris3994992d ago

I'd also like to add that having just gotten into end-game instances a day ago... WOW... They did an incredible job with the content. Everything happens at an acceptable, pleasurable pace. At no point do I feel that my progress toward gear, feats and skills is being hindered to extend subscription time. I know that this is the goal of pay to play MMOs, but DCUO camoflagues this fact quite well.

My point is that had the author made it that far into the content, he would have discovered, rich, team-work, skill driven instances.

Each one I've been in is utterly unique and a pleasure to play. Great thing about this game too, is that the death penalty is moderately unpleasant, but doesn't detract from the pace of doing an instance. The longest I've been in one is about 45 mins, and that's BRILLIANT. Log on, do an instance, collect the shiny, say "hi" to friends, log off. It's a very unitrusive MMO (though I've been playing it like an addict this past week lol).

PostApocalyptic4992d ago

Well said! I give the pocket-lint review a 3 1/2.

Blaine4992d ago


You made me really want to get the game--bubs for you!

Damn I should have tried the beta when I had the chance... But I was too busy with MAG! I never want to try betas, then I always regret it afterwards. :/

bluegreenman4992d ago

I really want to play this, but most new MMOs die off so quick. I will wait and see if the player base is strong after a few months.

DirtyLary4992d ago

I'm playing it. Enjoying it. Even if it dies down I'm not worried. I'm hoping to still play this game and Planetside:Next when the launches later this year. They should supplemental each other nicely.

Elvfam5114992d ago

I think this game is gonna last long... as soon I get my money right I'm getting it

bluegreenman4992d ago

I hope so cause it looks so awesome! I like the acrobat system.

BlackTar1874992d ago

acrobat is cool but its slow at first. I like flying i have a lvl 22 flyer a lvl 11 or 12 super speed and a lvl 10 acrobat. At 9 you get to move quicker in what ever movement tree you picked and thats when acrobat catchs back up in usefulness.

Games great pick it up remember to block :)

jneul4992d ago (Edited 4992d ago )

sigh don't you just love it when you get a hater, i played on dc universe and i have played on wow dcuo>>wow sorry, and infamous is a single player so how can you compare it, also crackdown is a shooter that isn't even that good, get real!!

Letros4992d ago

Generally from my experience with MMOs, don't listen to critics so much, listen to the community.

HungryGoku4992d ago (Edited 4992d ago )

I give it a 4.5/5 my score counts more.

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