
GoW is Better than GoW

Two of videogaming’s biggest powerhouses, the Xbox 360 exclusive Gears of War and PlayStation exclusive God of War, continue to redefine their respective genres with every successive release. But as the years progress and their innovations become more fractured, ‘borrowed’ or reworked by numerous other videogame releases, can they really be considered the defining franchises of their respective systems?

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trounbyfire4938d ago

gears is GeOW
god of war is GOW

ubiquitious4938d ago ShowReplies(16)
LunaticBrandon4938d ago

Gears is Gears not GeOW. What the fuck is GeOW?

StoneyYoshi4937d ago

GeOW is that little green hatchback that runs on 3 cylinders.

Megaton4938d ago

Gears is Gears.
God of War is GoW.

darthv724938d ago

Gears = Gears of war. Gears 1, Gears 2, Gears 3

GoW = god of war. GoW1, GoW2, GoW3.

Is it really that hard to comprehend?

ShinMaster4938d ago (Edited 4938d ago )

GOW has the story and gameplay.
Gears has the cover gameplay ...which was already bested by Uncharted anyways.

Oh well :)

Shepherd 2144937d ago

Wanna play that game?

Ninja Gaiden bested God of War's hack n' slash gameplay years ago.

Oh well =).

ShinMaster4931d ago

NG and GOW play very differently.

GOW actually makes it fun to hack and slash without being blindsided all the time like in NG.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4931d ago
FinalSpartan4938d ago


God Of War Vs God Of War?

both two different and great games for different platforms.

Gears Of War = Epic
God Of War = Epic

zeddy4938d ago

both games usually set the standard for graphics and since god of war 3 is the best looking game on consoles and possibly the pc gears 3 has got some work to do.

AWBrawler4938d ago (Edited 4938d ago )

Umm no sir. PC has plenty of games that beat GOW graphics, and its not even the best looking console game, not with Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots on the same system. why do so many PS3 owners forget about that one?
You guys got the single greatest game this gen, and don't even give it the respect it deserves.. that's just sad.

Laeto2564938d ago

no lol, uncharted 2 beat mgs4, GoW 3 beat all of those

AWBrawler4938d ago

uncharted looks good too, I'll give you that, but God of war is not on par with MGS4 graphics. It still looks cartoonish in some areas. look at the blood, and look at kratos. He doesn't look nearly as real as Nathan Drake or Solid Snake

Perkel4937d ago

@ AW Brawler

MGS4 look good but after uncharted gow 3 and killzone is outdated:


ExplosionSauce4937d ago (Edited 4937d ago )

But this battle always looks great to me

N311V4937d ago

GOWIII is the current king of the graphics castle. I agree with most people here, Uncharted knocked off MGS4 which was superseded by GOWIII.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4937d ago
IHateYouFanboys4938d ago

@trounbyfire: "gears is GeOW
god of war is GOW"

epic lolz.

Gears of War can be called "gears", "GOW", "GeOW", or even "that game with the chainsaw guns" if you want - there is no right and wrong for nicknames/abbreviations for the names of games lol.

the fact that PS3 fanboys get so upset about someone calling Gears of War "GOW" says all that needs to be said about their intelligence.

Bebedora4937d ago

I cant say how I am in the scale of intelligence, but having the same nickname for two different games is confusing. On the borderline of being stupid.

fullmetal2974938d ago (Edited 4938d ago )

I dunno. Try google searching "GoW" and see the results. And also this

Aloren4937d ago

Yeah, but that would be a logical and smart thing to do, not very popular here, it's just so much better to have endless and pointless debate for things as stupid as the "legitimacy to claim an acronym"

StoneyYoshi4937d ago

everyone saying google GoW and see what the results are. you all do know google gives you the most searched sites out of what your keyword is. so trying to figure out wich game deseres GoW is completely illogical in that way. IMO i think it should go to the game that was called my it first. i dunno maybe it should go to the game that has been around years before Gears was ever a thought in someones head.

Aloren4937d ago

which game "deserves" gow ? It's just a shorter way to say it for god's sake, why do you care that some people use it for Gears of war and some others for god of war ? And why is it that the fact that millions of people use gow for both games is illogical while your opinion is ?

And no offense but god of war was released only one year before gears of war... Actually, when gears of war was revealed at E3 2005, God of war wasn't even released in Japan and Europe. So it hasn't "been around years before gears was ever a thought in someone's head".

socomnick4938d ago

God of war has been non exitant this gen, it came it went and nobody cared.

Gears of war is now GOW it earned the acronym.

goflyakite4938d ago

How can God of War be better than God of War?

Kurt Russell4937d ago (Edited 4937d ago )

Gears of War over God of War - Not into hack and slashes one bit. Both phenomenal looking games however. And Google suggests GoW is more recognised for Gears than God, that's going to put the wind up a few nerds sails... Personally I just call it Gears.

Forbidden_Darkness4937d ago

If you want that to stand, you should go through every single page on google and make a checklist for god of war and gears of war, because looking at the first page or a couple pages proves nothing...

Kurt Russell4937d ago

Maybe so, but I couldn't really be arsed with it all in all honesty. I retract the part about Gears being more recognisable in the acronym. But leave the underlying point which is: Why do any of you care?

dabri54937d ago

I own all the games for both series. Does that make me an extra winner?

the_best_player4937d ago

GoW any day it's just that EPIC!

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 4931d ago

it was abbreviated like this while gears of war was just a twinkle in cliffs eye years before gears hit retail shelves

show respect both great great games but GOW is god of war,GeOW is gears of war

sony should have copyrighted the abbreviation

trounbyfire4938d ago

don't they just call it gears anyway, now it GOW
give me a break

Parapraxis4938d ago

Gears sounds better anyways LOL.
And I never say "GOW" always God of War, as is the case with most acronyms.

God of War came first, it is GoW. It's not up for debate lol.

Shanks4938d ago

When a Gears of War game comes to the PS3/PS4 (and it will, Epic owns the publishing rights), im gonna laugh so hard.

giovonni4938d ago

I could careless if it did come to the ps3/ps4. As long as its a dope game. To be honest, both games shouldn't even be compared to each other. One is based on co-op the other is based on single play. Who cares how it's abbreviated its pretty petty to even debate about it. Let the marketing teams deal with it, they actually get paid for things like this.

joel_c174938d ago

Ehem... You couldn't care less...

giovonni4938d ago

My, bad I meant Couldn't

Cajun Chicken4938d ago

The PS3 isn't missing out on much, really.

Roozium4938d ago

GoW1,2 and 3 will never come to the PS3. Microsoft owns the publishing rights, just like they do with Mass Effect 1. So please stfu

Kon4938d ago

Wait,this is a comparison between two completely different games? I'm going to report this crap right now

DoomeDx4938d ago ShowReplies(1)
Hozi894938d ago

Why do people even waste time comparing to different style games. If it was Castlevania:LOS vs God of War or Quantum Theory vs Gears of War then that all good. How exactly do people compare 2 totally diff. genres?

I like God of War better though. lol.

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1Victor192d ago (Edited 192d ago )

(Insert “It should be multi platform if Microsoft investors wants more money” JK here)
All jokes aside congratulations to all the gears fans it will be a blast I remember having fun on the first one on my 360 elite till got RROD and quit Xbox all together but that’s a story for another day.
Congratulations 🎊 🍾 🎉 🎈 🎉 🙏

Wyesvin192d ago

I'm excited for this just aslong is on the pc also cause I don't have the newest xbox console.

shinoff2183192d ago

I enjoyed the tactical one. I can't remember the actual name but it was fun.