
Eurogamer: 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors Review

Eurogamer: "The visual novel should be the ideal gateway drug for non-gamers. Particularly on DS, it seems a natural step up from a Kindle, and a couple of paces behind chat-heavy graphic adventures like the Ace Attorney series and CiNG's Hotel Dusk or Last Window."

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Nerdmaster1330d ago (Edited 1330d ago )

Or better yet, they should bring the two first games, pretend the third never happened and make it again with better writers who actually know the characters.As a big fan of the series, I couldn't believe how bad Zero Time Dilemma was not only with its writing, but also its messy game structure, unsatisfying conclusion, ignoring the greatest mystery of the second game, bad new characters, and an epilogue that's actually hidden and made by just some text.
And let's not forget the addition of sudden alien technology shoehorned into the plot.

"and the final game in the series, Zero Time Dilemma, won our 2016 Game of the Year award"
Oh wow, now I'm truly questioning your site's taste. At least at some point in the article you recognized it's the weakest of the three.

CDbiggen1330d ago

I enjoyed the third, but I completely agree it was a bit of a let down. The characters were so weak.

Unknown_Gamer57941330d ago

Agreed. It would be perfect on the Switch. I especially loved Virtue's Last Reward.


Examining the Zero Escape series' many rooms

August 2017 is a big month for the Zero Escape series. This marks the first time that every entry in the trilogy is available on the PlayStation 4. Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma has made its way to the console for the first time. Which means it is a perfect time for someone to begin playing these thrillers. But where are can someone find them and how do they get started?

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999: Nine Persons, Nine Hours, Nine Doors System Requirements

Zero Escape trilogy, 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors originally released on the Nintendo DS handheld and as a relatively simple visual novel.

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