
1UP: Bullet Heaven - An Interview with Cave

Recently, 1UP stopped at the Tokyo headquarters of Japanese shooter developer Cave. Over the past year or so, Cave has emerged from relative obscurity -- being known primarily among hardcore devotees of the genre -- to moderate mainstream fame thanks to brilliant arcade-to-iPhone ports of games like Espgaluda II and Dodonpachi Resurrection. The company has also gained more visibility thanks to the localization of both packaged titles (Deathsmiles) and Xbox Live fare (Dodonpachi Resurrection).

It's a pleasant turnaround for the cult arcade developers, and they were curious to hear the company's perspective on the direction it's taking, as well as the iPhone's place in the larger gaming landscape. Cave's iPhone Game Producer, Yukihiro Masaki, shared his thoughts.


Dariusburst: Cave & Eighting DLC Packs Enter the Fray - DonPachi and Deathsmiles in Darius

Get ready shoot 'em up fans because here are six more downloadable delights for Taito's latest shmup masterpiece. This time around, we're looking at packs from two of Japan's most respected names in arcade shooters. https://videochums.com/arti...

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Retroman2673d ago

I rather play Dariusburst , Rayman legend , Ratchet and Clank, Crash Bandicoot, Jax and Daxter,Knack than the she-it out now. Waaaaaaaaaay over Saturated with Military multi-player boring games.

Last_Boss2672d ago

Don't worry all that mediocre stuff is going to be in for rude awakening this year.


Cave and Degica Talk New Shooters, PC Ports, Crowdfunding

Hardcore Gamer: We got to have a word with Degica and Cave’s Dai Ogura-san about the pending release, and they shared with us the efforts being put in to bringing Cave’s library to the world.

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Shmup Developer Cave is Completely Out of its Mind

Hardcore Gamer: Don't get us wrong, we love Cave's games; they are among our favorites in the genre -- DoDonPachi, Espgaluda, Deathsmiles -- the list goes on and on. But this whole thing is blasphemy.

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TheColbertinator3176d ago

Cave made its titles exclusive to 360 in Japan. That is all the proof of insanity I need

kagon013175d ago

When a developer/publisher passion turns into garbage(greed). I'll be getting Darius Burst Another Chronicle EX when its released on PC instead of dealing with a crowdfunding that won't get them anywhere...