
Killzone 3 vs Bulletstorm - 2/22/11 Showdown

A head-to-head comparison of the February 22nd titles.

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NAGNEWS5003d ago

next will be Killzone 3 vs Super Mario Galaxy 2

ksense5003d ago

this is the last time i am giving that site a hit.

RSPproductionz5003d ago

read the comment on the site under the article lol

Inside_out5003d ago

Other than the fact they are FPS's, these games are more different than they are the same.

It's a fair comparison because both games are releasing at the same time.

Killzone 3 story trailer...


Bulletstorm story and character trailer...


Graphics and Game play...Killzone 3...


Bulletstorm game play and graphics trailer...


If you " only " have a PS3, you can play both. If you " only " have a 360 you get to play Bulletstorm and get a beta key to play Gears Of War 3 multi-player beta...


@ksense...Bulletstorm multi-player....


Don't forget that Crysis 2 is releasing soon after both these great games and will be a factor...


visualb5003d ago

I win because I can get both

*laughs in the face of those who quarrel*

marinelife95003d ago

I stopped reading when it gave graphics a tie.

Tilian5003d ago

Did they seriously? Practically an insult to GG.

socomnick5003d ago

then you are a retard, graphics are a bit better on bullet storm though.

Unreal 3 has truly evolved.

Strange_Evil5003d ago (Edited 5003d ago )

What about Multi-player... I haven't heard much about Bulletstorm multi-player at all, is the game even gonna have multi-player (judging it's an EPIC game, it will have), but I haven't heard anything for the game apart from some single player videos.

I just don't know how multi-player will work in such a game, are they gonna take the skill points and just make a normal death match mode?

My money's on KZ3 obviously cause the beta is awesome and the single player seems to be a huge step up from 2. But with that said, I will buy BS down the line when the price drops a little. Sad but too many games coming in 2011.

And cut the fanboy crap. If you own a PS3, you have a choice, if you own a 360 get BS as simple as that. No need for the whole 'Infamous vs Prototype', 'GOW3 vs Beyonetta' crap again we all know what happened there.

iceman065003d ago

They briefly talked about two modes for multi-player in Bulletstorm. The first being a co-op mode (I think 4 player online) where it is basically like a horde or survival mode where you can tag team for some extra kill points. The other is a single player mode where you attempt to score as many points as possible on a given level and then your score is compared to others on your friends list (kind of like the autolog on the new NFS). That's all that I heard and they mentioned that Bulletstorm doesn't really lend itself to competitive multi-player gaming.

5003d ago Replies(2)
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JoeIsMad5003d ago

This comparison is based on a simultaneous release date on the PS3 console of the same Genre.

Godmars2905003d ago

And one is a serious shooter, the other tongue and cheek.

Don't fool yourself, this is about graphics. What a multiplatform can do against an exclusive. That a title on the 360 can look just as good on the PS3. That it can look better than something just on the PS3.

ChineseDemocracy5003d ago

One of the points was "developer strength".

Don't know how that's relevant to the game itself, but whatever.

Dylantalon15003d ago

Killzone 3 vs bull...tstorm.
Have people seen killzone 3? Only comparison is both being a fps.

Iamback5003d ago

i am PS3 only owner and i am more interested in Bulletstorm. It seems new, while KZ3 seems just like another FPS but with great graphics.

nycredude5003d ago (Edited 5003d ago )

And where is the other consoel FPS with great graphics? Don't tell me COD cause I'll die laughing...

Edit: I don't doubt it looks fun but it also looks like it will get old very fast with all that gimmicky gameplay.

Iamback5003d ago

i don't play graphics i play gameplay. Any real gamer will take gameplay over graphics. That's answer to your ridiculous childish question.

Bulletstorm looks ridiculously insanely fun when looking at gameplay, i couldn't care less if it looks a bit worse then KZ3.

thief5003d ago

Spot on. Cant see the fuss about KZ, its just like CoD/Halo, just with much better graphics, slower and more tactical shooting mechanics, cover, the coolest enemies in any FPS ever, much better AI, and a completely different team-based multiplayer setup. Hardly any difference.

Highlife5003d ago

Oh get off your high horse. "I don't play graphics I play gameplay." I am so tired of that comment. Just because Killzone has great graphics doesn't mean it doesn't have great gameplay you know what IT HAS.... GAMEPLAY and GRAPHICS. I will take both of them.

Raoh5003d ago

i have to disagree about kz3 being just another fps.

it is in now way anything like gears, halo, socom, cod..

it may take a few things from each but as a game title it does sort of stand alone. graphics was just the thing to debate during the announcement at E3 when people were upset about not showing in game graphics (something other titles dont get slammed for, forza 4 trailer during vga's anyone, not a stitch of in game graphics)

Pixel_Enemy5003d ago

I don't care what anyone says, Killzone is my all time favorite shooter. The graphics have spoiled me and the gameplay is on the same level. The in game clan system, the warzone mode that changes between 5 different game types in one match, the class system, strategy involved and not run and gun every man for himself. There's nothing else that compares in my eyes.

creatchee5003d ago

True, gameplay + graphics together are what all of us gamers want, the fact is that there are plenty of beautiful looking games that play like crap. I won't say that about Killzone, but it is a polarizing game - some people just don't like it compared to other FPS options.

But in reality, Iamback is completely justified in his comment. Awesome graphics draw us in and amaze us for a time, but without gameplay to match, games become just another pretty face. I take gameplay over graphics any day. He's not on a high horse - he's speaking logically and as a gamer who knows that there is more to a game than just pretty visuals.

Ju5003d ago

There are a ton of games that don't look like KZ but still play like crap. What's the point?

DigitalAnalog5003d ago

I'm sorry, if KZ was really like 'another' FPS, then why are there so many people out there saying that Killzone is too different for their tastes?

-End of Line

Highlife5003d ago

A game is what it is. It is really that simple. A game could have bad graphics and suck at gameplay or any other combination. The problem is when ever there is a game that is a cut above graphically and some one doesn't like it the argument is always the same "I take gameplay." Well you should take gameplay in any game. That is basically what a game boils down to gameplay. Graphics is just the icing on the cake. And I like icing too.

Anyway I was just reacting to Lamback's comment he seems to call out Killzone's gameplay. That game has no problems there. It sounds more of a personal preference issue than anything else.

I have such a headache. ahhh

ALFAxD_CENTAURO5003d ago (Edited 5003d ago )

Also, Killzone 3 have a better Story and campaign.

Raoh5003d ago

well said DigitalAnalog

nycredude5003d ago (Edited 5003d ago )


You remind me of my friend who has a hot ass wife with a nice ass. However she has no tits. So he goes on and on about how he isn't a tits person anyway but loves ass. Funny thing is every time we hang out all he does is stare at every pair of nice tits he sees!

Go figure. Point is if you can't have something you rationalize it. It's a human condition.

I am a realist, and i agree gameplay is really really important in games, but how does it hurt to have both?

vickers5005002d ago

I played the KZ3 beta and honestly, I found it to be even more boring then KZ2 (which I did like). It just felt too similar to every other FPS. If I had to choose, I'd choose Bulletstorm, mainly because it's fresh, different, and doesn't take itself too seriously. And it actually has color.

I don't know what these people who say Killzone is tactical are going on about, there's nothing really that tactical about it. Every KZ2 match I've been in, it just went the same way almost every other fps goes: shoot, die, respawn, rinse, repeat, with the added and extremely unbalanced and annoying spawn grenades which made the game even more chaotic than MW2.

I'm still getting KZ3 on day one, but if it's anything like the beta, I'm going to be disappointed with it.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 5002d ago
trounbyfire5003d ago (Edited 5003d ago )

this is a joke right...right

KZ3 is in a league of its own a top console shooters and since no one cares about gaming on the PC its GOD of FPS

funny how every one says epic is making BS but its people can fly.

(yeah PC fanboys took one bubble from me but I don't care we all know console FPS sell a lot more than Pc version)

guigsy5003d ago

Why have you played Killzone 3 and Bulletstorm?

trounbyfire5003d ago

what do you mean. I want KZ3 not BS.

guigsy5003d ago

Well you call this comparison a joke and that Killzone 3 is in a league of its own based on... what? Neither game has been released, so how are you able to formulate a valid opinion of which is better?

ksense5003d ago

lol BS never occurred to me for some reason. that was funny

JoeIsMad5003d ago

People Can Fly is a subsidiary of Epic Games.

5003d ago
The-Tentacle5003d ago

Stopped reading after Killzone / Bulletstorm graphics = TIE.


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Epic: Mobile Gaming Business "Largely Broken," Says "Dysfunction" Due to 30% Tax From Apple, Google

Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney notes that the mobile gaming industry is "largely broken," and blames the 30% tax levied by Apple and Google.

Christopher35d ago

Man has been saying this for ages and knows full well the only thing he wants is more money at Apple and Google's expense and absolutely none of this will result in lower prices for the consumer.

Tacoboto35d ago

He expects the digital equivalent of opening up his own store inside of a Walmart or Target. It's absurd.

And he feels absolutely entitled to it, in a too-big-to-fail sense - because Unreal Engine is used by so many developers, banning Epic would hurt those developers relying on their tech, which would be super unfair to the developers.

Notellin35d ago

Thank goodness you are there to defend the small guys Google and Apple. You're so brave, Christopher!

Christopher35d ago

Yeah, I'm totally defending Apple and Google and not explaining how another company is just as greedy. That's the big takeaway from my comment, Apple and Google good, only Epic bad. Yup. I totally didn't make it about the fact that this man just wants more money and isn't doing it for the consumers. Nope. Not that at all. I'm just praising up Big Tech. They're my one and only love in life. Please recognize me Big Tech Senpai!

VersusDMC35d ago

The epic games store charges a 12% tax and has been losing money for 5 years...that sounds dysfunctional.

gerbintosh35d ago

They are only losing money because Steam has a stranglehold on the market.

Christopher35d ago

It's a play to attempt to win over the market so they can then realign pricing with what Steam has in the long run. The problem is they are doing only that and not actually building a better software supported platform on PC. Essentially, they're throwing money at the problem, not actually trying to compete by providing better service.


Epic Says They Spent $1B in Fight Against Apple & Google, "Small Price to Pay" for Freedom of Market

Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney revealed that they have spent $1 billion fighting Apple and Google but adds it's a "smam price" to pay for freedom.

BeHunted38d ago (Edited 38d ago )

Fortnite on the Google Play Store would've generated over $1 billion in percentage fees for Google. Smart move.

1nsomniac38d ago (Edited 38d ago )

I buy most my pc games through epic now. Don’t get me wrong I love steam and steam has had a lot of my money for the work they put into the platform. But i like what Epic are fighting for and they’ve been open about it from the very beginning. I wish they would sort out their verify/repair files option for when you format your drives. The whole rename/redownload hack is an absolutely awful archaic solution.

Tacoboto38d ago

They've been open about how they so openly violate the terms of the platforms they distribute on.

They spent over a billion on legal battles, and also had significant layoffs. Maybe they should cater to their employees first before forcing governments to add more regulations for industries governments just do not understand. The EU DMA - Apple's policies and lawyers have made a mockery of it every step of the way.

And back when they openly and proudly violated Apple's policies, they tried using Fortnite to coerce its players (including children) to rally against Apple's 30% fee.

Which is the same 30% fee console makers apply, but Epic has no problem with that! Epic isn't fighting for you, they're fighting for themselves and don't mind siphoning the money they get from Unreal, even if it results in layoffs.

1nsomniac38d ago

First of all you’re wrong, but second of all you clearly don’t know an awful lot about what you’re talking about.

Tacoboto38d ago

Epic proudly violated Apple's terms by introducing their own payment option in Fortnite. Fact. That's literally what started this. Epic then went on to put banners in Fortnite as a not-so-subtle call-to-arms against Apple.
Epic also violated console terms by enabling cross-platform play in Fortnite. Fact.
Epic cut 800 jobs a year ago. Fact.

Epic sucks, their engine is too big for them to fail and they know it, so they're using that to subsidize their legal battles against Apple and their attempts to rally international governments into creating regulations based on what *they* want.

phoenixwing38d ago

Epics launcher is a piece of crap compared to steams. In fact every launcher so far is crap compared to it. The only reason epic has any traction is they literally give away games in order to drive a user base.

anast38d ago

They have some good semi-giveaways.

KwietStorm_BLM38d ago

They'll make that back in a fortnight.


FTC Urges Court to Crack Down on Google in Monopoly Case It Lost Against Epic Games

The FTC intervened in the legal battle between Epic Games and Google, after the latter was found guilty of antitrust violations with its Play Store.

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Willbo4741d ago

People are hollering, but I expect the game to be a gem. We'll see. Could be wrong, but I don't think so. I don't think Bioware can afford another EA FUELED dumpster fire though

Abriael41d ago

Are we talking about the same thing?

TheNamelessOne41d ago (Edited 41d ago )

N4G probably N4Gd again. Never happened to me, but I see a lot of people mention they somehow post on articles they didn't mean to. Not sure if it's them, or if it's the site itself, but it tends to happen a lot on here.

gold_drake41d ago

this definitely happened to me once xD

u scroll down abit too much, end up on a completely different article and lost watever u wanted to on the other

FinalFantasyFanatic41d ago

I'm not a fan of the endless scroll feature, it reminds me too much of social media sites like Facebook and Instagram. I can easily see how someone would accidentally post on the wrong article.