MMGN - Tumble Review

MMGN - At its heart, Tumble is a balance-focused game that requires players to manipulate numerous building blocks to fulfill an objective. Those with the Move starter pack will recognise it by the demo included on their disk. The burning question with Tumble is whether it is the first must-buy of a Sony success story, or if it simply indicates a new breed of shovelware.

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Move Mind Benders review | PS3 Attitude

PS3 Attitude: "Move Mind Benders is a somewhat surprising release from Sony; a compilation of Move-enabled PlayStation Network games, all available on a single Blu-Ray disc.

The package includes three of the best puzzle games on the PlayStation Store – echochrome ii, Lemmings and Tumble."

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LettingGo4614d ago (Edited 4614d ago )

For those who don't own any of these games, I highly recommend them.

Echochrome II and Tumble are some of the best motion-based games on ANY platform. Tumble looks fantastic in 3D, by the way.


Move Mind Benders: Critical Gamer review

Critical Gamer writes: Playstation Move has never really taken off as well as Sony had hoped after the mainstream success of the Nintendo Wii, partly due to the lack of games supporting it. Move Mind Benders brings three PSN titles together on one disc, with puzzlers Tumble, echochrome ii, and a newly Move-enabled version of the classic Lemmings sparking some life into the glowing embers of the Move controller.

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Move Mind Benders (Review) [NoSleepGamer]

NoSleepGamer writes: Top marks for whoever named this collection, still makes me laugh. Anyway, this disc of PSN PlayStation Move titles includes some lesser-known titles that may have passed you by originally, including Lemmings, Echochrome ii and Tumble.

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