
Ploygamerous Review: DC Universe Online

Every so often there come a MMO that stands apart from the rest. A game that doesn’t claim to be a WoW killer. A game that lives up to its own hype. A game that is just fun to play. DC Universe Online is that game.

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HarryMonogenis4907d ago (Edited 4907d ago )

Wasn't this game released today? How do you review an MMO in one day?

EDIT: And yes, I know about the beta.

Keith Olbermann4907d ago

I agree..you shouldnt review an mmo from a beta. The beta was excellent though.

Grlpants4906d ago

The beta can make or break a game. Case in point: FF14.

UNCyrus4907d ago

I agree... confused with how you can review it...


In all honesty, I'd give it an 8.5

despair4907d ago (Edited 4907d ago )

I would as well, but when you add that its DC Universe it goes up to a 9.5 for me :)


Was a Marvel fan growing up and fairly ignorant of the DC universe.
That being said,with the praise this game is receiving It is time I learned something :)
Getting this game.

InvaderZim4907d ago

I've been a DC freak since the beginning of time lol. Batman is the sickest hero ever IMO. Yeah man Marvel is awesome but you should definitely use this game to get into DC. :)

Gen0ne4907d ago

I want this game desperately. But the world of the MMO is one I have never set foot in and that in itself is usually a good enough deterrent for me. So basically what I'm asking is... Is it worth the price of admission and then on top of that, is it worth the 15 bucks a month? I wanna believe that it is. Someone let me know one way o the other. I wanna hear from gamers what the deal is.

ceedubya94907d ago

All signs point towards it being worth the price of admission if you have the monthly budget and time to spare to fully enjoy it. I'd love to take a crack at this game, but I don't have the time or the money, sadly :(

GeneGodHand4907d ago (Edited 4907d ago )

Find a job for this game. That is why i don't wanna own a Wii and 360 i found all my gaming needs on the Ps3 for real and good thing too i have a job but i wouldn't be able to afford paying x-box live/games paying for Wii games and getting Ps3 games GTFO here.

I got a big list Ps3 shit i want to buy no way i'm getting another console.

Gen0ne4907d ago (Edited 4907d ago )

@ceedubya9: Thanks for getting back to me. Yeah, I gotta be careful these days with my loot, it's true. I just bought another 1 year subscription to XBL ( feeling a little bitter about that ) and that has kinda soured me a bit towards footing another bill. Which is why I had to ask my peeps. I may just bite the bullet and give it a shot. I think the 1st month is free anyway. Good lookin' out my friend. ;)


You can ride the wave for 30days,which is ample time to determine whether or not you are willing to pay the price of admission.That is my intention.
Besides the 60$+ retail,the rest is entirely up to you.
correct me if i'm wrong but I'm fairly certain the first month is free.

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