
Sony pushing another proprietary format

Nokia, Samsung and Sony Ericsson are among a group of companies backing a new memory standard. Called Universal Flash Storage, it would apply to both internal and removable memory; in the case of the latter, it would theoretically eliminate the need for adapters bridging different card sizes, such as SD and microSD. The group is also working towards dramtically improving power consumption and data density, as well as access times. As an example of its goal, the group says that while it can currently take three minutes to copy a 90-minute HD video, this time could be shrunk to seconds with UFS.

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frizshizzle6218d ago (Edited 6218d ago )

Bad Editing: (6 minutes ago)
title made up by angry fanboy...
Reported by: AllroundGamer

Bad Editing: (13 minutes ago)
Huge difference between proprietary and standard. Correct the title.
Reported by: XENOCIDE

Bad Editing: (14 minutes ago)
Use original title
Reported by: sticky doja

Other: (17 minutes ago)
Flamebait. This isn't proprietary it is open standard. Do your research.
Reported by: frizshizzle

Bad Editing: (20 minutes ago)
Original title.
Reported by: Satanas

Bad Editing: (29 minutes ago)
Fix title.
Reported by: frizshizzle

Bad Editing: (33 minutes ago)
FIX THE TITLE! Original is: "Nokia, Sony, others push new memory standard" Nice try, fanboy. That was pathetic.
Reported by: Arkham

MikeGdaGod6218d ago

oh i know. i just meant this will start another arguement about something unimportant that has almost nothing to do with gaming

socomnick6218d ago

Hasent sony had a really bad track record on pushing formats. I think none of their formats has ever succeeded in the market. Blue-ray could be their first one but its no longer looking that way.

MrSwede6218d ago

Well this time it´s backed by 3 of the top 5 cellphone makers. Nokia has over 40% of the market so this format is here to stay.

strongbad14416216d ago

you're totally right. it's not like they popularized CDs and DVDs in game systems. </sarcasm>

Charlie26886218d ago


Bebop6218d ago (Edited 6218d ago )

This universal memory is being jointly developed as stated in the article by THREE companies & not just Sony (Inc. Samsung & Nokia). It would seem that it will offer compatibility benefits to the consumer which can only be a good thing as i am personally tired of multi -card readers. Heading of this article is incorrectly being sensationalistic & joining the bash Sony bandwagon. N4G should stop trash like this being posted just for the sake of having news.

Above commenter's are plain ignorant or stupid as they fail to see this is a "Joint Development" as clearly stated in the article. A venture by the largest players in the mobile market -including the king NOKIA.

MrSwede6218d ago

Thank you! Case closed. Bubbles.

Greysturm6218d ago (Edited 6218d ago )

Lets see if they can acomplish it. To all detractors yeah i wonder why people push new technology when there is a risk of failure since come on who wants to make money, its like microsoft trying to get into japan why do it right?

Below: look for the definition of sarcasm

More propietary formats = More money.

sticky doja6218d ago (Edited 6218d ago )

Because more Japanese customers = more Japanese games.

Edit: My bad, alot of people on this site would state something like that and mean it. Also its hard sometimes to find sarcasm in text, you know without the whole Facial expressions and tone of voice thing.

Cat6218d ago

@doja: I think grey was being sarcastic. at least i hope he was.

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Step into a Whole New World with Campgrounds Adventures: The Big Oopsie

🏕️ Get ready for fun challenges, strategic gameplay, and tons of camping excitement. 🌲🔥 Check it out now and stay tuned for exclusive surprises! 🚀✨

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OpenAI unveils new o1 AI model that "thinks" and it can code a video game from a single prompt

OpenAI has introduced a new series of AI models, o1, that are capable of complex reasoning and problem-solving - including game programming.

TheNamelessOne7d ago

I'm very worried about where the games industry may be in a few years.

oldenjon6d ago

AI is completely unsustainable and expected to accelerate climate change. I expect government to take a harder stance on it within the next couple of decades, but by that point we may not even have a government or a gaming industry so….

Hofstaderman6d ago

When/ if it comes to this point, I have a massive collection spanning from the NES to current gen. No problem turning to retro gaming.

cthulhucultist6d ago

This is basically a more advanced model embedding the chain of thought technique by spending reasoning tokens while "thinking" before providing an output and is more suited for heavy specific tasks in coding, math and science.

I have used it for creating complex game puzzles (for role playing games) using tiered approach and multi step reasoning and it worked liked a charm.

It does not support vision at this point however or other multi modal features, nor does it generate images (no DALL-E 3 integration yet) and it has limits for plus and teams users in usage (20 and 50 messages per week respectively).

I have create an interactive guide for it for getting started here


In any case, I believe that when the new models launch (GPT5 Orion, Claude Opus 3.5 and Gemini 2 along with Grok 3) we will see a big difference in gaming as well. Combined with text to video AI tools like Open AI's Sora, we will definitely see a decrease in quality in games and increase in. output, at least at the beginning.

In a few years where the models will be more fine tuned, we wont be able to tell the difference really

ZoboomafooFan6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

Mostly but not 100% right. o1-preview and o1-mini both have a 20 request per minute limit. o1-preview also has a 30 message cap per week for Plus users, and there is a smaller model I mentioned earlier, o1-mini, that functions similarly on math and code problems and comes with a 50 message weekly cap for Plus users. Combined you essentially get 80 messages per week w/ Plus. I work in machine learning so I wanted to clarify those points. Also, o1 itself hasn't been released yet, just o1-preview, but evaluation results of o1 have been publicly released and are comparable to o1-preview and o1-mini. I agree with the remainder of your points!

cthulhucultist6d ago

Correct! the 30 (which is not 20 as i wrote) and 50 requests I mentioned referred to the two models which I did not quote in the same sentence so it makes sense that it reads as if I am talking about the types of users (Teams or Plus).

Besides in my guide I have this information noted down as per OpenAIs website (I already exhausted my limit but was reset by OpenAI)

Yes the OpenAI model is part of the new reasoning models and has not been released yet. We now have access (as plus/teams of API Level 5 user) to mini and preview which are quite capable but limited in the scope due to their focus on certain topics.

Since you are working on machine learning, I suppose you should be excited about the new PS5 Pro performance or the new AMD offerings

OneLove6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

Well AI would be necessary for the sword art online VR experience ppl are expecting to exist somewhere in the future. Aka full body VR.


Sonic Rumble Reveals Roadmap

SEGA’s upcoming causal party game Sonic Rumble is live has revealed the first phase of its release roadmap for 2024 and beyond.

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