
UZW review // One Chance

Unlimited Zig Works writes: "It’s a six-level game in which you walk from left to right. You cannot jump or express emotions via punches and piledrivers, but you get to make a decision by either pressing the space bar or not pressing it. This happens up to twice per level and influences the story. According to that story, you created the cure for cancer. This is a happy thing. On level two (day two), your cure is revealed to actually be a horrible cell-killing concoction that will destroy all life on Earth. This is a sad thing."

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Name Your Game and You’ll Find It Online

The internet is a part of everyone’s daily routine. Whether it’s for work, keeping in touch with friends and family, or finding out the answer to any question you might have about how the world works, going online is the first port of call for millions of us. So it stands to reason that this is also where we’d go to play. And with the plethora of gaming choices online, is it any wonder that the internet is the number one gaming choice for so many of us?

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6 Cool Flash Games You Must Try

Flash games provide a short and satisfying gameplay experience for everybody including casual gamers, but with so much flash games out there, it's difficult to find the really enjoyable ones. Here is series one of cool flash games you must try.

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Ten Flash Games You Should Probably be Playing Right Now - LAG

LAG - Ahh flash games. Salvation of the bored office worker, scourge of the project deadline, procrastinators prerogative. We’re all guilty of spending some time trawling through Newgrounds or Miniclip on a dull afternoon. The problem is that finding the worthwhile flash games is a lot like trying to find clothes in TK Maxx: that is to find any of the good stuff you have to first wade through rows and rows of crap. Well fresh from a flash game binge the likes of which I’ve never attempted before, I bring to you ten of the best flash games I encountered on my voyage through teh Internetz. Enjoy.

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Cajun Chicken4744d ago

I've played One Chance, it's minimalist, emotional and best described as wonderful.