
Multiplayer Story Mode Coming To Respawns Next Game, This Is Serious HHGS 1/9/11

1. Red Dead Redemption 2 (Small Details)
2. Jason West: Respawn Games Guest Stars On The Show
3. Tekken x Street Fighter Create A Combo? Interesting
4. NBA JAM - 9.0/10.0
5. Foxy Brown Disses Lil Kim

Enjoy the show and God Bless

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DelbertGrady5007d ago

I'm not surprised you feel that way. You guys seem to have a lot in common. :)

PS. The talon stands for taleneted.

Convas5007d ago (Edited 5007d ago )

Haha, ZING.

Score 1 for Delbert

Chaos695007d ago (Edited 5007d ago )

This clown said last week that Fight night "Campions" was going to have Kinect and Move support. A few days later it was debunked by the devs.
Links below :



You're such a joke

5007d ago
Persistantthug5007d ago

It's that he gets and does really really great interviews.

TheLastGuardian5007d ago

*Reads title*

Oh wow, so that's comfirmed, right?

*Watches interview*

Ummmm... all you did was ask him if there was a possibility that there might be a multiplayer story mode and he said they've thought about it and alot of other things for multiplayer. So why the hell would you use that title like it was confirmed news? Oh yea, because you want people to click on it.

I think this is a good show but these sensational headlines are starting to piss me off. Anyways, I like the new intro. Keep doing your thing but chill out with those titles. I wonder how well respawns game will do without the Call of Duty name. I can't wait for the next Red Dead game.

Merivigian5007d ago

Funny RDR2 bit, it's a bit vague.. and I'm pretty sure he's just describing the end of RDR..

Ninferno5007d ago

i dont care, anything RDR2 is good with me

Tr10wn5007d ago

Yeah i was like wtf this guys is telling the RDR ending, unless his son takes revenge on the president of the US there is nothing else to kill lol. But clearly HHG haven't finish RDR.

Balt 5007d ago (Edited 5007d ago )

I've never seen such sugar loaded coated question asking in all my life.

Hip Hop, seriously, what'd you expect him to say when you asked

"Do you feel...um...yo...like...um feel me out here... Do you feel you gots' sumpin' to prove and show the industry how to make a real first person shooter?"

Did you think he was going to say

"ummm, no. We suck. Actually, we're hoping some of the guys from Guerrilla games will be fired so we can hire them onto our team; show us some tricks of the trade".

Get real, Hip Hop. Please. You kiss more ass than the ABC world news does to the Obama administration. And I know being a Vlogger and not a journalist has its quarks --

1. You got to be flamboyant (and you are. Very)
2. You got to resort to being a yes man (and you do. Often)
3. You got to beg and please a lot (evident with your puppy dog eyes)

People often mistake your "passion" for pleads of help. You might love games. In fact, I know you do. But it's not healthy and I'm willing to bet you've sacrificed a thing or two in your life for them. Just an observation.

pixelsword5007d ago (Edited 5007d ago )

You watch him that much to make such observations *yet* you keep coming back when you obviously don't like his show...


Baka-akaB5007d ago

actually you've seen questions as sugar loaded in the industry .

That's probably all you've ever seen from video game "journalists" .

I dont like HHG's work at all , but let's not pretend the others are being inquisitive and investigate neither .

The only time that bunch get aggressive and snarky is when they pump out opinion pieces based on controversial subjects

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Rockstar Games Leaks GTA 6 PC Folders And Red Dead Redemption PC Port

Rockstar Games have leaked GTA 6 PC folders as well as Red Dead Redemption PC port folders in an update for GTA 5.

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Bhuahahaha6d ago

sernando had it 7yrs ago 😁😂
he must be playing gta 7 by now 😂🤣


Red Dead Redemption's PC Port Confirmed Irrefutably After 14 Years

The official PS Store description of Red Dead Redemption has given away the imminent arrival of the game on PC.

OtterX42d ago

The best part about this no doubt will be the modding community. I'm sure some really talented individuals will give it a proper graphical overhaul.

RaidenBlack42d ago

GTA IV pc port was abysmal ... and RDR1 came just after GTA IV ... I am more worried about the base port job than mod support later

just_looken42d ago

Lets hope its not as bad as the ps4 port job

DaReapa42d ago

I'll be getting this despite already having it on PS3. RDR is one of the few series I'd double dip for.

SwiftyMagee42d ago

If you check the Sony store site, the reference to a PC port has been taken down. So right now there is no definitive proof but I imagine some sort of announcement will happen soon, maybe in the coming weeks. I'm picturing a fall release if it happens in 2024.

Number1TailzFan42d ago

Kind of expecting RTX remix for this

TheNamelessOne42d ago

Finally. I'll double-dip for this one, considering it's a solid port.

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Rockstar Considered Red Dead Redemption & GTA Movies, But Ultimately Dropped The Idea

Rockstar Games had considered making Red Dead Redemption and GTA movies at one point, but had ultimately dropped the idea.

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porkChop87d ago

Both would make more sense as a series than as movies, though I think Red Dead would be far easier to adapt.

DarXyde87d ago

RDR would be a great movie. If they allowed Martin Scorsese to work on it, I think it would be outstanding.

MajorLazer87d ago

RDR would work really well. From the GTA universe, IV would work really well because of how gritty and realistic the story is.