
Neocrisis: DC Universe Online Review

Neocrisis: I am not a MMO person but DC Universe Online (DCUO) makes me reconsider my decision. It is pretty cool being able to play next to and/or against some of the heroes/villains that i grew up with.

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kevco335004d ago

Great review! Looking forward to this...

Chris3995004d ago

This game is looking to be AAA. Hasn't been a good, new IP MMORPG in years. Can't wait.

P.S. I love how someone disagreed with your factual statement ("great review", which a 9/10 is) and personal opinion ("looking forward to this"). This site is always good for lols.

ScentlessApprentice75004d ago (Edited 5004d ago )

But I always want more; I can officially die happy if a DC vs. Marvel Universe game is released.

Daver5004d ago

ahhh i thought i could pass this one for other games but it looks great... hmmm what should i do lol LBP the week after and dead space 2 soon too hmm

FunAndGun5003d ago

This is NOT a great review. It is a preview of the beta with a score.

I don't care if it was 5000 words; It is incomplete.

syanara5003d ago


i'm sorry but 1,800 words isn't that much you could have added another 1000 into the things you didn't talk about. yes it is important for reviews to leave out parts of the game and not talk about everything but I did a 3,000 word review for a downloadable title (lead and gold) anyways thats my two cents don't get upset at me that is just my opinion

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Xusuyzus5004d ago (Edited 5004d ago )

Game is fun.

down @jazzking2001

well you get a free month,.. and if you think about it,..you can experience a lot of game, if you really play it like mmo guys in a month,..
sometimes I've bought 8-10 hour games, and had less fun then with this,..

first you don't need to play/pay every month, if you don't like it return it,.. If you get hooked and think it is worth it for next month,.. you pay,.. or skip a month,..

jazzking20015004d ago

game is great but i think $15 a month is a bit steep

spunnups5004d ago

im sorry i may be in the minority, and a cheap ass, but the monthly fee is the ONLY thing holding me back at this point

VenomProject5004d ago

Being cheap has nothing to do with it.

$15 x 12 months = $180

Too expensive for my tastes.

soundslike5004d ago

Play it for 40 hours and it wont.

Like someone said above, even if you play it hardcore for a month and quit, you have STILL gotten more value out of it than majority of games out there today.

Chris3995004d ago (Edited 5004d ago )

First month is free AND the price is decreased when you buy in 3/6/1 year increments - they're working on a lifetime subscription option too (for PS3, have it on PC).

So your mathematics are flawed. So play one, constantly updating (one update each month, they've promised), large scale, epic game, or 3-4 games for the whole year. Gee, which option is more frugal? (hint: not yours) It's getting kind of tiring, these people who have no concept of how an MMO works whining about it being "expensive", then rushing out to buy the next Dragon Age with it's $100 worth of DLC or CoD with it's $15 map packs. Value and taste are all subjective, to a degree, but in the end an MMO is cheaper.

Most games are 6-8 hours long these days with tacked on MP, at most 40-60 hours till the game is platinumed/ achievement maxed. For value MMO ALWAYS > regular retail game. I'd rather have a good MMO, thanks.

hassi945004d ago


Some people have more important things to do... Like work, school, uni, hanging with friends in real life. It's hard for most outgoing people to get their money's worth out of an MMO.

soundslike5004d ago (Edited 5004d ago )

If you don't have time for it, don't play it. If you are at UNI and are so called "outgoing", what the hell do you want with an MMO anyway? College IS an MMO, in a manner of speaking. Don't waste your time in your dorm "casually" playing an mmo and making virtual game-friends when you could be out on a quest to get drunk and laid.
And oh whats that you say? Exam tomorrow? Two more books to read?

If you have a job that you can't afford 15 bucks a month, then you shouldn't be playing an MMO either.

Chris3995004d ago

Um, I work full time, workout 6 days a week, have an active social life w/ friends and family and game about 2 hours a night.

MMOs that I can just pick up and play are perfect for people with busy lifestyles. And terrific value I might add. Buy one to three games a year (pretty much getting all MMOs this year). Pay $15/ month after the first month? Sign me up. You save a lot of money that way and don't feel committed to release schedules and playing the latest AAA.

Not to mention DCUO, for an MMO has a terrific sense of freedom in the game, right from the outset. You fly, you make your character look HOWEVER you want and they can STAY that way for the rest of the game, if you like. I can sign on, do a few PVE missions or raids (raids are FAST, like 25 mins) and get on with my life.

So no, you don't need hours upon hours to grind your life away in an MMO. At least not in DCUO.

hassi945004d ago


Well that's what I was saying, I wasn't saying the game was too expensive, but some people can't get true value out of it. I'm not at Uni, at a 6th form currently actually. I never said I was at Uni.

I never said I can't afford $15, but it doesn't mean it's worth it for me.


Yes that's fine, I said most of us. And most gamers like to have variety and play a number of games, and I like to split the little time I have to game across different games, not all into 1 game.

I'm not saying I CAN'T do it, I just said there're other things I'd rather do which means that that $15 a month isn't worth it, even though we would like to play it.

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Adva5004d ago

$9.99 would have been a better price point. Maybe in the future they will drop it if not many people sign up for it..

The Dark Knight5004d ago

Well American's have it better than Aussies. We gotta pay 100 bucks for a standard edition with another 15 bucks a month. Im pretty sure your limited edition is only 89 bucks

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theafroman5004d ago

a review i witch they took time on this one since its a mmo.

jazzking20015004d ago

this review has over 1,800 words in it
i did take my time on it

hassi945004d ago

Not on the review, he means take your time on the game - which you couldn't possibly have especially since it's not released yet. The beta isn't the game.

Queasy5004d ago

I'm sorry but you played in a level-capped beta with only two characters. In other words, you played an incomplete game in a short timeframe while barely skimming the surface of the gameplay, character, mission, and other features of the game.

In all honesty, you should have waited until the game launched on Tuesday then played the game for 2 to 3 weeks and THEN wrote your review.

-Alpha5004d ago

But I dont understand. Is this a review of the beta or the final version?

hassi945003d ago


It's a review of the beta he's trying to pass of as for the real game.

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ps3360games5004d ago (Edited 5004d ago )

ps3 is 8 days in to the new year and it has 2 AAA games wow

lbp2 and DC Universe

jazzking20015004d ago

what is the other one?
mass effect 2 on ps3?

ScentlessApprentice75004d ago (Edited 5004d ago )

ps3 is 8 days in to the new year and it has 2 AAA games the Xbox 360 does not have wow.

jneul5004d ago

i know and we have lots more coming this year!!

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