
Tomb Raider: Underworld DLC packs won’t be included in The Tomb Raider Trilogy

Crystal Dynamics’ Karl Stewart comments about the possibility of the Xbox 360 exclusive Underworld DLC expansions packs appearing in The Tomb Raider Trilogy for Playstation 3.

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ironfist925006d ago

Well...that sucks. Will still be buying it though.

shadowknight2035006d ago (Edited 5006d ago )

wow they're re-releasing a game that was already on the ps3 to begin with...that's so..pathetic? I'm not even sure the right word im trying to use to describe how money hungry these bastards are.

Ill w8 for the release on psn considering i already have and beaten 100% underworld no sense in having two copies.

Orionsangel5006d ago

This is a stupid pack. These games are already in HD. The only reasons to buy this is if you never played these games and if you only own a PS3. Because obviously you missed two of these games.

Silly gameAr5006d ago (Edited 5006d ago )

Thanks for the duh material. You know why I bought the Sly Collection? Because I missed out on Sly on the PS2.

You know why I'm buying this collection? Because Tomb Raider 3 was the last Tomb Raider game I played, and I just happen to own a PS3 to play them.

Thanks for pointing out the reasons for those without common sense though...


Really? What was the that comment about? Go back to my cage? I think a monkey could come up with a better comment than that so I probably would be better off talking to a monkey.


Orionsangel5006d ago

Silence you little Monkey. Go back to your cage!

StarCSR5005d ago

Indeed... Dumbest compilation this generation :)

Lamarthedancer5006d ago

I'd rather have Tomb Raider 1-3 HD then this. I would buy it day one :)

FrankMcSpank5006d ago

Yes. I wonder if it is possible to polish up PS One games and rerelease them with Trophies. They can doing with PS2/Xbox games, and they have done it with Atari-SNES/Genesis games, why not PS One Classics. I would love to see a polished Crash Bandicoot Collection

tweet755006d ago

if sony wants me to pay 39.99 for 3 games i purchased over the last 3 years already, they had better see that extras are included or I will not purchase them. If its complete with everything availiable than I will buy it.

PirateThom5006d ago

This has NOTHING to do with Sony, it's Square Enix being as lazy as possible.

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The Best Video Game Trilogies of All Time

They say good things come in threes. That would explain why these trilogies are amongst the best in the industry.

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Knightofelemia221d ago

I like the Ezio trilogy and the ME trilogy but I also love the Xenosaga trilogy and Ar Tonelico trilogy.

darthv72221d ago

My personal favorites would be the GoW trilogy (both Gears & God), the original halo trilogy, Streets of Rage trilogy, Super Star Wars trilogy, Metroid Prime trilogy

Rebel_Scum221d ago

hmm SoR as a trilogy is not that good. 1 & 2 were great but 3 was the drizzling shits.

jznrpg221d ago (Edited 221d ago )

Xenosaga! I’d say games like Suikoden or Ys but they went beyond three games.

Puty221d ago

Resident Evil og trilogy, Silent Hill ...

Charlieboy333221d ago

How can you make a list like this and not have Uncharted?

AlphaKennyTime221d ago (Edited 221d ago )

I want to say it's because it has more than 3 games by the same dev team, but they included GTA so I don't know. You make a fair point.

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