
Characters Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Should Get Rid Of

Inevitably when it comes to fighting games there’s always a few group of people nobody ever chooses. In Tekken, a number of people would rather be Jin instead of Wang Jinrei. Likewise in the Dead or Alive series most players pick the female fighters over the male ones. Although Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is still yet to be released, I believe there are already three characters in the roster that will be left untouched.

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admiralvic5012d ago

Ehh... While its true that every game has people that are selected more than others, there will always be people who just "love" X and Y person, and adding anyone at all isnt going to topple the lean for say Ryu over Blanka or THawk in street fighter.

As far as the post, I have nothing against the current roster seriously nothing (though I would make change)

about super skrull, hes a little of the three/four members. One has to assume he was simply added to justify NOT adding one or two of the fantastic four and not another. This is a very fair compermise and lets face it what would the thing do that the hulk isnt already? so on and so forth...

MODOK might not seem that amazing but its good that their trying more than the most basic characters... I much rather see him than say Galactus with his standard "im big and dont flinch rawr" sorta sentinal mentality.

Finally on Shuma, I actually really like fighting with him... and always have. I think you have also lost a big point in the capcom cross over games. Countless times capcom has added minor who cares characters from games most people wouldnt know exist...

Jin/devilot - Cyberbots
BB hood/Anakaris - Darkstalkers
Servbot/Roll - Rockman/Rockman Dash
SonSon - Sorta related to SonSon the game
Hardballer - Lost Planet
Hayato - Star Gladiator
Batsu - Rival Schools
Red Devil - Ghouls and Ghosts
Tessa - Red Earth

Even Marvel has had a few like "Blackheart" thats the one thing I always liked about the series. We had these cross overs and while some may prefer the Capcom VS SNK lets mash up two game series concept... I just thought it was cool to always see throwbacks (which capcom does a lot) to older games even if they were less than successful.

jdrman20075011d ago

Replace shama-gurath with she-hulk and this would be a perfect list of characters to throw out. Jin, Hayato, and Capt. Commando are three of my favorite characters from MvC2 and I nothing would please me more than to see them return (although Hayato made a cameo in TvC which made me squeal like a baby pig)!

HOWEVER, according to an interview with the team behind MvC3, the Human Torch character was COMPLETELY FINISHED but but having him in his flaming glory ate up a huge chunk of RAM so Marvel actually suggested Capcom replace him with super skrull which, although he has all 4 of the gang's powers, his attacks are mostly fire based. This interview was on N4G not too long ago...

riksweeney5011d ago

"There are a number of other people who appeared in Marvel vs. Capcom 2 but did not secure a spot in its sequel. Venom, Gambit, Cyclops, Cammy, Sakura, Dhalsim and Guile are just a few of the names that would have been better additions to the game than the three aforementioned fighters above."

Apparently this guy knows what the final line up is.

dericb115011d ago

Its sad when I see people complain about not having the same people from a 10 year old game. They could just play MvC2, but they don't. They just cry about not have old maps, gameplay, old everything.

Orochi Avlis5011d ago

These articles are stupid.
Those three characters he mentions are great additions to the game because they are so different from what we usually see in a fighting game.

I like this part:
"Although Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is yet to be released, I believe there are already three characters in the roster that will be left untouched (unless you want to finish all the character’s endings)."
I can guarantee you people will be using all 3 of those characters without a shadow of a doubt.
He wants another shoto (Sakura) in the game over those three characters. Give me a break. "Hey, let's go with a character that's been done to death before and is essentially a clone of two characters we already have in the game!"

NovusTerminus5011d ago

I would have liked to have seen Gambit (Might still) and a few others. But mostly I am hoping Capcom shows SOMEONE from Onimusha. They had Soki is TvC and was hoping that maybe Onimusha would find it's was here.

dericb115011d ago (Edited 5011d ago )

What makes the article so sad is that nope those characters have been used effective to see if they belong. I hope he gets this game and plays against a team made of those 3 and get destroyed.

*New Article*
Why are those 3 so good together :)

Jezuz5011d ago

They shouldn't get rid of any characters. More choices = More better

jdrman20075011d ago

Horrible english... Its "More choices = More Gooderer."

Baka-akaB5011d ago (Edited 5011d ago )

They just should get rid of "journalists" like this .

For starters , dont knock a character in such a way , if you dont know much about the medium he's from .

Sure super skrull aint a star ... but it's not as if he wasnt one of the main character of an actually beloved recent serie of crossovers (Annihilation , wich made the characer kinda cool and badass)

And stop asking for characters that havent been any good in comics since the 90s

Orochi Avlis5011d ago (Edited 5011d ago )

"And stop asking for characters that havent been any good in comics since the 90s"
Thank you!
I thought I was the only one who doesn't want Gambit in MvC3.

TheBlackSmoke5011d ago (Edited 5011d ago )

Again its always the same people who complain, gotta love casual's and their "opinions"

You literally have thousands of characters from both universes so sorry but it's inevitable that not every single character you want is going to make it in to the game.

People need to understand that marvel and capcom know what they are doing, its not just a case of making marvel 2 all over again, they need to look at:

- who is relevant now in both universes
- how a characters abilities can translate in to a game
- diversifying character playstyle's so were not playing reskinned clones.
- shining light on up and coming characters whilst still keeping flagship ones in-tact.

These complainers would moan if they just kept all the same characters from MVC2 so really capcom can't win.

PS: You are all pot monsters ;)

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Every Marvel vs. Capcom Character, Together At Last

Artist Chris Cayco, who we’ve featured a few times before on Kotaku, grew up playing Marvel vs. Capcom (and Marvel vs. Street Fighter) games. His tribute to this, which took him over 175 hours, was to combine every single character to ever appear in Capcom’s crossover series in the one enormous image.

PurpHerbison1682d ago

Love art like this. Good stuff.

PhoenixUp1682d ago

Makes me despise Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite that much more

So much wasted potential


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Skuletor1809d ago

They should make a collection of all of them, for this gen or the next

PhoenixUp1809d ago

The 90s was a time when videogame IP established themselves heavily to the point where a lot of major companies could start doing crossovers

MIDGETonSTILTS17476d ago

MvC3 did NOT have a larger roster than 2…


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