
How to tweak your laptop for gaming performance

With laptop sales continuing to rise – up by 43.3 per cent in the first quarter of this year alone, according to Gartner – it would appear that more and more of us are riding the technology wave.
Keeping up to date with the latest advances in laptop computing enables us to work longer, faster and, generally, for less. The good news for gaming is that this relentless march of technology means it's no longer necessary to own a dedicated gaming laptop to enjoy the odd game now and again.

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jashwin4954d ago

Really? This is a useless article. Almost everyone I know who is serious about gaming, knows that decreasing resolution will increase performance.

This article is poorly written and the title is misinforming. The author certainly didn't give any useful tips and kept on talking about how it's far graphic cards have come, how games can still run on dx 9 etc. I wonder who even approves this crap.

The Matrix4954d ago

I've been trying to play StarCraft II with a 3-year old laptop. Not a good idea.

rjdofu4954d ago

Wow... and I thought they would show me how to really tweak my laptop. In the end, I get: How to change my game resolution and how to stream my game from a destop PC (LOL seriously). What a joke.

pimpmaster4952d ago

this article blows balls. its titled "How to tweak your laptop for gaming performance" and yet theres not a single tweak in there for me to use. it talks about upgrading ram and how internal graphics cards are getting better. WTF does this have to do with me tweaking my gaming laptop for better performance!?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4952d ago
Arup024954d ago

Laptop for games isn't a good thing...

soundslike4954d ago

It's a good thing that this article explicitly stated a similar thought!

"Of course, PC gamers who are serious about their entertainment will still benefit from pricey GPU technology – particularly if they're going to be playing cutting-edge games – but these days even netbooks are capable of keeping you amused.

learn to fuckin' read.

mrv3214954d ago (Edited 4954d ago )

The biggest flaw to laptop gaming isn't the hardware, trust me.

1080p is the highest resolution screen I've seen, most of the card can run games at that resolution with ease.

I have a GT330m and a Core i5. It works like a charm.

The touchpad is the biggest limitation.

Also this article is stupid, no actual advice, I have a gaming laptop how should I tweak it, it's suggestion is to buy a new one.

soundslike4954d ago

Buy a mouse.

Put laptop on desk at hotel room.

Plug in mouse.

Ready to go.

It could have given more advice, but obviously this article isn't for people who already know what they are doing. If you tell some random joe to download an application to overclock his cpu, he's not going to finish reading or care. In a way I agree, though, at least that this article isn't fit for N4G.

zaherdab4954d ago

thas got to be the dumbest article of 2011 :/ ... seriously lowering ur resolution ? and streaming games from a desktop ?

Baka-akaB4954d ago (Edited 4954d ago )

The best tweak is to get a proper gaming machine .

What kind of dumb advice is just lower res or play old games ?

Motorola4954d ago

I just attach a USB mouse then Im good....

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montebristo2h ago

I almost bought this yesterday lol. Then I remembered I have 1000 games I need to play and I would probably touch this once.


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