
GameManx - DefJam Rapstar - Review

Sing a’ long Karaoke games are no stranger to consoles with games like Singstar and Lips already big success stories, but none of them have interested me like DefJam Rapstar.
I’ve always been a fan of Hip-Hop, even if it has waned quite a lot over the last 10 years, due to there being a lot of artists that I’m just not feeling, and the artists I used to really enjoy listening to not putting out good material these days, that is however my personal opinion.

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Konami and Autumn Games made off with $14 million, says City National Bank

GameDynamo - "Looks like Konami and Autumn Games are due in court. City National Bank claims that the two companies defrauded the bank of funds totaling $14 million dollars related to the development of Def Jam Rapstar. According to City National, the two companies lied to the bank to secure Autumn a line of credit, claiming that revenue from sales for the karaoke title would cover the loans."

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jc485734407d ago (Edited 4407d ago )

they also lied to us about Silent Hill HD Collection being everything like the originals. Shit, I take them to court too.

black9114407d ago

I love Def Jam Rapstar I hope they make a sequel.

Ethereal4407d ago

That game did not sell at all. Ouch...I still have 18 copies sitting around at work.

Tonester9254407d ago

I wish they would've made a new Def Jam fighting game like Fight For New York. Now that would've sold! That's what happens when you try to follow trends.

black9114407d ago

With this gen since online is so big. WHy dont they being back games like Def jam FFNY on PSn or xbox live with online play that would be amazing. I would love to play all my old ps2 games games online like nfl 2k5,fight night,twisted metal black,ssx,granturismo3 etc.


Def Jam Rapstar developers sued over disputed song rights


The developers responsible for 2010 music title Def Jam Rapstar are being sued by record label EMI for allegedly failing to clear the rights to tracks featured in the game.

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hahahaha that's rich you would think all that stuff would be taken care of um I don't know before it launched lol

KrimsonKody4463d ago

Contracts with music companies can be very detailed & difficult. Depending on the songs used, the music label may have rights to the song, but don't issue royalties to that artist anymore. & to deepen the situation, that artist can then request $, for the usage of the song. Not to mention the multiple artists that may be involved. Things like that would cost the music label $.

"& they don't want that,-Nooooo!"

But it could just be a case of "no, you can't use that song".
Damn! 54 tracks? I thought maybe a handful or so.
That's heist.


Playstation Home Hits the Studio and Goes Overboard

June 23 marks the spot when Def Jam Rapstar, Lockwood Publishing, and more make their way into your home. Your Playstation Home that is.

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honestpizza4745d ago

Does anyone even use Home anymore? I thought it was still in beta mode.

t0mmyb0y4745d ago

Always people on it. It is still in beta though lol

GregoryAllen4745d ago

Now I can show off my (absolutely no) musical talent to all my (soon to be non existent) friends!

Sarobi4745d ago

I haven't logged onto Home for about three months, i guess i'll check it out later

NyGiants74745d ago

I deleted Home awhile ago to make room on my ps3. I think Home is completely boring and has long ass load times.

Redempteur4744d ago

it has changed since then ..

NyGiants74744d ago

I go back to it like every 4 months or something like that and it's always the same, plus almost everybody on there is either trying to get a fake girlfriend or some shit or just standing there holding the psp on the pause menu.

Redempteur4744d ago (Edited 4744d ago )

/facepalm ...

first the long ass load times are gone,
second it's freaking easy to find something to do in home.
Third it has been proved in Several event ( co-op or not ) that if you talk to people in home normally , they will answer normally ..and in most case don't hésitate to help .

Be it sodium one, Xi , aurora , or sony events ( move event for example) or countless others ones i've played , i've find many players and people willing to help /or play ..the problem here is not HOME but you being unable to socialize enough.

I dunno , check alphazone or the sony foroms.. getting into the home community is easy and simple .. i suspect that you're going every x months, and don't TRY and of course it's home's fault not you. you probably didn't even try to get into Home events . i mean there was a time where people were lining up for street fighter tournament , resistance matches in HOME ... that's how diverse the community is ..
as for myself have found several very good burnout paradise players ..

there is always something to do in HOME try it ( FOR REAL this time)

user83971444745d ago

Theater was packed during Sony's conference.

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