
Two New DLC Chapters Coming to Castlevania HD in January

Konami has announced two new DLC chapters for the Xbox Live Arcade title Castlevania Harmony of Despair to be released in January according to the official Japanese site. Both stages are priced at 320 Microsoft points ($4 USD).

autobotdan990d ago

Castlevania and Resident Evil are always good

Neonridr990d ago

the old stuff here vastly outshines the newer stuff, lol

990d ago
NeoGamer232990d ago

How about scraping Games with Gold and reducing both XB Live Gold and XB GamePass Ultimate by $5 per month.

I don't mind the games with gold, but in reality it has been a long time since I really cared about what came on games with gold.

John_McClane990d ago

Getting rid of the gold paywall entirely works for me.

989d ago
NeoGamer232989d ago

I believe in paying for services you use. You look at the console vendors and they run a network that tracks your gamer profile, does your games saves, and provides an environment for multi-player. The servers and infrastructure to do this is expensive and has to be paid for somehow.

I like a direct payment method rather then hiding the costs behind something else. No matter what they have to find a way to make money off the investments they make. No company does stuff for free. Now with PSNow and XB GamePass I think both should just drop the free games (that aren't really free because they allocate Gold and Plus money to buy those games) I think it is time the the free games are dropped and the subscriptions drop in price as well.

Kurt Russell989d ago

I loved Aaero. I bought it on PS4 a few years ago and got hooked (some great tunes in there). I will happily double dip and try and grab a few achievements blitzing through the earlier difficulties again.

darthv72990d ago

I havent played Code Veronica since the Dreamcast. I assume this is that but in HD?

Yui_Suzumiya990d ago

Yeah, it had an HD remaster during the PS3 / 360 era

babadivad990d ago

Same. That game was long AF!!

990d ago
Magog990d ago ShowReplies(3)
franwex990d ago

Damn, I just bought code name Veronica. Lol. I was eyeballing the Castlevania game due to the recent Tokyo Gameshow Sale, but I guess I’ll just get it here instead.

989d ago
autobotdan990d ago

Resident Evil and Castlevania crossover Video game and Anime series confirmed!

VersusDMC990d ago

Nope. That would make no sense...but there is going to be a Devil May Cry and Castlevania anime crossover.


So anything is possible.

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Top 10: Worst Castlevania Games

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "It’s been a Castlevania-packed week here at Link-Cable as we’ve spent nearly every day covering the series and reminiscing about our favorite moments from the revered franchise. But now it’s time to turn away from the light and take a deep dive into the darkness that is the worst games from the series. Yes, while the vast majority of games that bear the Castlevania games are genuinely good there’s enough monsters lurking in the shadows to fill us with dread of ever stepping back into Dracula’s castle. So grab your whips and your wall-meat, things are about to get"

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MWH1937d ago

It's unfortunate how LOS2 turn out, great gameplay mechanics let down by mostly bad level design and dull story.

LoS1 is among the best games i played, it reminded to rush into judging a game without trying it.

ShockUltraslash1937d ago

LoS2 had good combat.
It's how the end of the game was lackluster and felt unfinished.

Eien1937d ago

Knew that Number 1 was going to be Castlevania Judgement. So many people judge the game without even playing it. It was a fine game with some flaws like most games, no where near the worst.

william_cade1937d ago

Simon's Quest is one of my favorite games of all time and ahead of its time. It felt like an action rpg, the day/night cycle was awesome and different, and when I figured out how to take the tornado to the other side I was excited. I beat the game in the early 90's and still have great memories playing it.

I know this would never happen but I would love to see a From Soft remake of Simon's Quest with Miyazaki developing it. It would hold up well as a souls-like experience.


Simon's Quest is always the bastard child of the good Castlevania. It was frankly ahead of it's time.

Vanfernal1937d ago

It's "cool" to hate on that game. Apart from being obtuse because of the localization, the atmosphere, gameplay and music still makes it one of the most memorable Castlevanias. It laid the groundwork for 2D exploration games down the line.

rataranian1937d ago

Castlevania 64. End of story.

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The Best Castlevania Games, All 30 Ranked From Worst to Best

Few game series are as definitive and beloved as Castlevania. Pitting players against Dracula and his unholy forces time and again, it is a staple of the medium of gaming and continues to live on in some way, shape or form after decades of releases. Some entries have been better than others though, so today we've got all 30 ranked from worst to best.

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