
BioWare debunks CVG's rumor: "Sorry, but that is just untrue."

In response to CVG's "news" report of "chunk of Mass Effect team quits BioWare," Chris Priestly from BioWare has posted a message in the official Mass Effect forum. Here is his whole response (with the original typos):

Sorry, but that is just untrue. I like how CVG listens to "tipsters" and reposrts things as possible fact. [roll eyes]

As with all companies, we do lose people here from time to time (some of you may remember Bob McCabe recently left for example). And we do usually lose more after a project than at any otehr time. Why? Well, we have some pretty dedicated people here. Even though they have other real world issues (family concerns, returning to school, other employment opportunities, etc) they put them on hold till they finish the current game. Once their part is done, then they move on.

It happens. It's not a bigthing and is pretty industry standard. I do laugh at the "20+" people mentioned in the quote though.

[End of Chris' message]

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ktchong6228d ago (Edited 6228d ago )

...and there goes the only remotely "positive" news for Sony/PS3 this week.

Have to wonder... I wonder who CVG's... ""tipsters" were.

tplarkin76228d ago

Teh Sony has lured Bioware employees and merged them with teh Factor 5 for Lair 2!!! (Joking, of course)

i Shank u6228d ago (Edited 6228d ago )

that pic of Bioware's games is sic. MDK is classic

toughNAME6228d ago

I like how CVG listens to "tipsters"

i swear to god he stole that from me...word for word

Bnet3436228d ago

Bioware owns, Star Wars KOTOR is my top Western RPG, can't wait for Mass Effect

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10 RPGs That Defined The Genre

Thanks to their innovative approach to gaming, RPGs like Dark Souls, Final Fantasy VII, and Dragon Quest left a significant impact on the genre.

ApocalypseShadow489d ago

Good games but no Phantasy Star?

merlox488d ago

Why do people forget Phantasy Star? That is one of my favorite RPG series. Another ther good but overlooked series is ,Y's.

anast488d ago

ES3 set things off, it's a shame they got greedy and decided to cut corners so the executives could get huge pay days.


10 Best Video Game Companions

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660d ago

Mass Effect N7 Day Teaser Decoded, Features Liara and the Geth

The Mass Effect N7 Day teaser has already been decoded, and it features Liara T'Soni talking about The Council, and The Geth can be heard too.

LordoftheCritics689d ago

Better not bring back Shepherd from the dead with some half assed space magic.

Snowb420688d ago

If you get your readiness level high enough in Mass Effect 3, *spoilers* you can see Shepard taking in a breath of air under some rubble. It would depend on whichever ending is canon.

687d ago
Fearmonkey687d ago

.....Search in youtube, mass effect shepard lives

MrVux000687d ago

Where is my ''Indoctrination Theory'' and ''Destroy'' ending gang at?

FPS_D3TH687d ago

I came here to say the indoctrination theory absolutely solidified the ending of this trilogy for me in the best way

Yui_Suzumiya687d ago

Guess you never played it then, lol

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 687d ago
rlow1687d ago

Yeah I saw that at the end of my play through as well. I think they will bring Shepard back….. or at least a mutant version turned villain. Lol