
WH40k: Dark Millennium Online - New Screenshots

THQ and Vigil Games released some new screenshots for it's upcoming MMO Warhammer 40k: Dark Millennium Online.


THQ: Dark Millennium Costs In $50M Range, uDraw Projections Up To 1.7M

THQ executive vice president and CFO Paul Pucino said the company is projecting costs in the $50 million range to get its first MMO, the Warhammer-licensed Dark Millennium, to market in 2012, putting the title's development budget at "the high end of a core game," he said.

Speaking in an investor briefing call which Gamasutra attended, Pucino wouldn't comment on the number of subscribers he saw as necessary to break even on those costs. He did, however, say that a successful launch could "continue to generate [revenue] over a long period of time -- five, six, seven, eight years," and that the project could be very profitable in that time frame.

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Stealth20k4944d ago (Edited 4944d ago )

will probably fail like most mmo's and a game as price as that

not sure who is buying this?

Neckbear4944d ago

Lotsa Warhammer fans, for one.

And hey, it MIGHT be a good game, though I'm not big into MMOs myself, so I'll wait for WH40K: Space Marine or some other DoW game, though Retribution has me pretty busy, currently.

MajestieBeast4944d ago

I like the warhammer dawn of war universe allot so i hope its a succes.

Xfanboy4944d ago

The game will be Huge then!!


Warhammer 40k: Dark Millennium Online - A Grim Dark Future

Remember that bit in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook where that Space Marine went into a Space Marine village and was cornered by a commoner with a yellow exclamation mark above his head? The one who told him to go out to his garden and kill ten snotlings that were terrorising his space-crops? No you don’t, and neither does Mike Maza, creative director on Warhammer 40K MMO Dark Millennium Online.