
Killzone 3 Destroys Reach And Black Ops

NextGN writes: "Microsoft, be afraid. Activision, be afraid. Be very, very afraid. Sony already have a handful of highly anticipated AAA titles announced for 2011. The only thing Xbox 360 gamers have is speculation and rumors to which games might be coming out next year. There’s no doubt in my mind that Gears of War 3 will blow us all away, but what more is there? Halo: Reach was definitely the Xbox 360′s hot-shot title this year and it’s very unfortunate for Microsoft – why? Because Killzone 3 towers above the Xbox 360 number one game. Oh, I forgot to mention that Killzone 3 eclipses Treyarch’s/Activision’s worldwide best selling game, Call of Duty: Black Ops. Playing these games side by side one can really see how far ahead Killzone 3 really is – it’s knocking on the door of the next generation."

xtremexx4983d ago


sdtarm4983d ago

I have to agree that Black ops is Sht

Halo is good but is gettin old after 8 years of playin (kindoff)

4983d ago
Washington-Capitals4983d ago (Edited 4983d ago )

I find it funny everyone hates Black Ops yet so many people after they are done here will go and play blackops. Sure blackops hasnt done anything innovative or exceptional, but it builds on the formula of great gameplay. To be honest, i dont care about how good a game is, unless i have people to play a game online with, i am not going to play it. A game is only as fun when you get to enjoy it with your friends. Right now everyone is playing blackops, sure the graphics arent too good and it has big problems on ps3, its the people i play with that makes it fun. Why do people to hate good games? /rant

Anyways, I really hope the new changes in KZ3 control scheme make a big improvement. Everything about KZ2 was amazing except the intentional controller "lag" or w/e.

kaveti66164983d ago Show
Abash4983d ago

Damn, this article might cause a big argument between fanboys but it got me seriously pumped for Killzone 3

Game-ur4983d ago

I don’t know if Sony provides multi level single player previews for K3 just yet, and he's setting the bar too low by comparing it to COD.

Omega Archetype4983d ago

I love (sarcastically) articles like these. They say all kinds of stuff about a game before release, then when it comes out it doesn't perform like they say it's going to.

Don't get me wrong though, I absolutely loved KZ2 and I'm buying this day 1, however, it didn't perform as well as I feel it should and as well as people (like these) said it was going to.

So the only thing I can think that's going on is that this person/site wants hits and they're getting them, so mission accomplished.

Either way, Killzone 3 is going to be beastly, and ultimately that's what matters for gamers...but for the business companies, sales mean even more. So I do have hopes that it sells well, cause I'd love to see even more KZ!

DigitalRaptor4983d ago (Edited 4983d ago )

This guy.. Filthy Eskimo has contacts with Sony and was given access to review copies of several first party Sony games including Killzone 2. He is a trustwothy source in my opinion and this campaign preview just fills me with anticipation.

I truly believe Killzone 3 has room to encompass today's top shooters i.e. CoD and Halo. Perhaps it's not something the Xbox fanboys would believe, but it's certainly very possibile.

James Vanderbeek4983d ago

yea black ops is a hit or miss with me. sometimes i love it and sometimes i freaking hate it. i am playing on the ps3 so not sure the difference between the 360 version. but i see people petitioning that the ps3 one has more bugs or somethen.. all in all cod4 was the best in the series. hands down

mikeslemonade4983d ago

It's really no competition. It's a PS3 exclusive going against two games that have to be fitted on an already maxed out 360.

Shepherd 2144983d ago (Edited 4983d ago )

Hmm. The guy who wrote this article seems like he'd be frustrating to talk to.

He still hasnt given me a good enough reason to like Killzone more than Halo, which is just my preference.

Halo has had nine years of refinement, while Killzone has only been around for six, and the first KZ was kind of a bust. Also to me, as far as artistic design goes, Killzone is a good example of why games like Uncharted 2 decided to be funny and put in the "Next Gen Filter" option to play around with.

punkpop1014983d ago

I hope after 8 yeats you would say the same for KZ too.

nveenio4983d ago

This article is bogus. If he'd actually played any of the game, he could have given out some minute detail. Obviously, he hasn't played any of it, and so this article was written for hits...probably trying to get up to that $100 minimum Google Adsense payout.

Longrod_Von_Hugendon4983d ago

Bl Ops SP was severely lacking and the MP is buggy POS. Halo is old and dusty.

I've played both and can say without doubt that KZ3 is on different level as far as gameplay goes and the graphics are just insane.

The new king of FPS goes to KZ3 no question.

ExplosionSauce4983d ago (Edited 4983d ago )

It's an opinion piece. People need to relax.

Saladfax4983d ago


You really ought to tell the government about that time machine of yours. They're going to end up getting it anyway.

But wait, you should already know that.

ManGastaS4983d ago

Why sony fanboys hate all call of duty games!?!?!?

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 4983d ago
SnuggleBandit4983d ago

OMG just reading this preview made me so friggin excited for this game!!!!!!

The beta was awesome, can't WAIT for the single player!

Ducky4983d ago (Edited 4983d ago )

This qualifies as a preview?

EDIT: Heh. =)

SnuggleBandit4983d ago (Edited 4983d ago )

Ya, it wasnt a full preview, you're right.

But it talked about it being "like sotc crossed with killzone" and having "topnotch graphics, spine chilling soundtrack, brilliant voice acting, precise and intuitive controls, and epic battle sequences. From all the levels that I have played so far it could easily be considered one of, if not, the best first person shooter game of all time."

You cannot call yourself a fan of the series if that did not get you excited....thats all i was tryin to say, i dont see why you had to call me out for saying it was a "preview".

Whoops that sotc bit was from a seperate article thats on the front page

NegativeCreepWA4983d ago (Edited 4983d ago )

How is this going to get me excited when the guy hasn't even seen it for himself. He just wrote an article based on nothing, he had nothing to show at all. The funny thing is a pathetic article like this will be the most heated topic by the end of the day and it says nothing.

Ducky4983d ago

I wasn't really trying to call you out, just wondered what made it a preview.

It does list some things, true, but a preview is usually informative and objective. Judging by the tone in the whole article, I'm hesitant to accept it as such.

SnuggleBandit4983d ago

"How is this going to get me excited when the guy hasn't even seen it for himself."

How do you know what he has/hasnt seen?

He has an offscreen picture of the single player ffs!

NegativeCreepWA4983d ago

lol, I was actually right about this being the most heated topic. lol, wow.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4983d ago
TurismoGTR4983d ago

Debating the same shit almost everyday is getting boring..

Trash Outscores Garbage 8 to 1 in North America launch!
Beef Destroys Pork
BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!!!!!!!!!


slugg4983d ago

nail on the head. The whole GT5 vs. Forza 3 thing really tore it for me. I have both, played both, and like both, but would never make any observations about what parts of which game I like better, because people who haven't played either would threated to kill my children because I prefer x to y. Stupid.

visualb4983d ago (Edited 4983d ago )

RUN!!!*related video*


"From all the levels that I have played so far it could easily be considered one of, if not, the best first person shooter game of all time."

WOOOOOOOW hold on there, I LOVE my Killzone but...no WAY does it pass Half life =O

I guess new levels are circulating, which means, soon we'll see some more from the game =D can't wait

also seems to be that shadow of the colossus level =O BIG ROBOT! can't wait to see it =D

to all the fools...he speaks of SINGLE PLAYER. not MULTIPLAYER. which makes it more believable since very few FPS's are good at single player (Halo and COD are OK at best, but so was KZ2)


TekoIie4983d ago

what is so good about half-life? I bought the orange box to see what all the hype was about played an hour of it and thought it was mediocre, went on to play TF2 which was incredible nothing overpowered and nothing underpowered :).

Seriously tho whats so good about half life? I did eventually finish the game but it just felth really boring and repetetive...

DigitalRaptor4983d ago

It seems you're kinda out of the loop when it comes to Half-Life, which is understandable.

For me, it really was the gripping story, atmosphere, characters and innovative gameplay that made HL2 what it is today.

visualb4983d ago

I said half life, not half life 2

for the time, Half life was jaw dropping...if you didn't play it when it was recently out, you could never understand

HL2 was also amazing, but not the same "shock"

i dno why I get so many disagrees...but hey, people probably didn't like the fact I compared KZ3 (unreleased game) to Half Life (one of the biggest jumps in FPS-narrative history)

it should be seen as a compliment, not a spite...oh well

can not wait for more news =)

Strange_Evil4983d ago

I haven't played Reach yet so can't comment on that, but I have COD:BO and it doesn't even come half as near to being chaotic as KZ3 does...

Just play the Cornith Highway map, so much going on, spaceships flying above your head, mechs going all out at each other and the size of the map is also gigantic.

The graphics are a bit rough and grainer than KZ2 ATM, but it's Alpha so that will be taken care of.

All in all I suggest people not to start a flamewar or go and overhype the crap out of it. It's a solid shooter and shaping out really well. Just a few more tweaks, more polish and you have a fantastic game..

AKA4983d ago

actually the kz3 review code is out and everyone is amazed.

pls people don't hate on kz3 because it better game then the ones you love, the halo's or the cod's.

buy the game and enjoy it or ignore its news so you don't have to envy it and write stupid comments on how much you hate the game.

KILLZONE 3 it only does control damage.

RevXM4983d ago

Review code? 2 MONTHS before release?
LMAO its a short preview version of the game if anything.
Review code is the same as the final one, and that usualy dont get out say 2-3 weeks ahead of release.

Now what? Guerrilla is going to sit on their asses the next 2 months?

February cant come soon enough.
I would like to peek at some more SP material... The jungle... omg!!

DigitalRaptor4983d ago

OMG only 2 months away? Well actually, it's more like 3 months if it comes out a similar time as KZ2 did i.e. late February.

But OMG, cannot wait. I just hope for no spoilers in the meantime!

AKA4983d ago

i meant preview* code
not review, is that to hard to figure. nerds

AKA4983d ago (Edited 4983d ago )

KILLZONE 3 will be epic, a top quality next gen game...

Focker4204983d ago

Theres no such thing as 'preview' code. Nice try but, you're dead wrong.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4983d ago
Robearboy4983d ago

articles like this are dumb, they were numerous articles like this about GT5 destroying Forza 3 but it didnt exactly pan out, games are all about opinions and people will do well to remember that

Akagi4983d ago

Even though KZ2 got a good reviews, I still consider it underrated. The more you play this game online, you release it's one of the best console MP offerings around. There are no 12 y/o's taking fits because you killed them. No, in this game, it guys just wanting to work together and play the damn game.

Christopher4983d ago

Bit early to be saying anything of this sort, isn't it?

ThatMiamiGuy4983d ago (Edited 4983d ago )

Yeah, kind of. But people will do it. It's okay to be excited for a game, but making guarantees like that, meh. We will have to wait for the final product. But I do agree just from the alpha code and beta alone, it's an amazing game.

KZ 2 was my personal fav for FPS in 2009. I am pretty confident KZ 3 will be impressive too.

theIMP4983d ago

All this does is get people to pick it apart piece by piece when it comes out. I don't know why they try to hype games like this, all it ends up doing is making everyone pick it apart when it comes out. "Did you see the can on the 2nd lvl, the texture on that can was blurry. Games Sh!t!". I would wait till it comes out and let the people decide if it "kills" anything. I guess they didn't get enough of a beating the last time with the whole KZ2 is a Halo 3 killer, we know how that ended up.(Not saying that KZ2 was a bad game at all, but all the media, and fanboys screaming Halo killer, just gave the Xbots too much ammo.) Just wait till it comes out or did we already forget all the, "when GT5 comes out Xbox is done", bullsh!t.

GarandShooter4983d ago

It's all bullshit anyway. You may think the hype is bullshit and I don't necessarily disagree, but the people who pick it apart to 'disprove the validity of the hype' have an agenda to begin with and as such cannot be trusted. Do you really think the people nitpicking any major release on any platform weren't going to do it the first place anyway?

Like I said, it's ALL BULLSHIT!

pork_chop_express4983d ago

Yes its def time to FLAME ON!

but it makes a good change from the SALEZ THE SALEZ articles.


This is not flame... I have BEEN SAYING THIS ON NG4 FOR MONTHS and all I got was ZERO Bubbles... I got black ops and after a few days I went STRAIGHT back to the KILLZONE BETA! It whipes the floor with all FPS and anyone who played KZ2 will be SHOCKED how muck better this game is! I have some vids on Youtube titled "Killzone 3 beta game play" While I did not do well you can see how AWESOME the game looks and plays... check it out and you will be sold on Killzone!

Blaze9294983d ago

...if Killzone 1 and 2 didn't budge them why should they be afraid a third time? lol, come on people.

InvaderZim4983d ago

@Blaze929: well killzone 1 was on PS2 so... yeah. Killzone 2 is already better than Blackops in my opinion. And Killzone 3 in all honesty looks to completely obliterate (destroy) every other FPS in existence. Just my opinion I suppose so whatev.

GarandShooter4983d ago

Dude, it's just an expression. I don't know who has the more limited mental capacity, those using the expression or those taking it seriously...but I'm leaning more towards the latter...

InvaderZim4983d ago

@GarandShooter: Was I talking to you? I'm not trying to be rude but WTF? Where do you get off calling me dumb? Oh and who the hell was using an expression? Blaze said the first 2 Killzone games were not enough to "budge" COD and Halo. He was obviously serious when he made this comment. So I "seriously" replied to his comment. You should really mind your own F***ing business next time and learn to butt out. Stop insulting random peoples "mental capacity" you douch.

baodeus4983d ago


"There are no 12 y/o's taking fits because you killed them. No, in this game, it guys just wanting to work together and play the damn game."

hey so are u talking about gamer like Invaderzim?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4983d ago
otherZinc4983d ago (Edited 4983d ago )


I guess now Killzone 3 will have:
Zombie, Horde, or Firefight Mode of some kind?
Saved films?
4 player co-op?
A good online?
Ride in any seat in a vehicle?
Richo's dumb@ss is fired?

Yep, great I expect all these things to be in Killzone 3 & more. Yep, day 1 purchase! With all these features in the game Halo & COD should be scared as hell!

theIMP4983d ago

Why is he a troll for putting some of the features from one of the games KZ3 is suppose to kill? Sounds like you're just a scared troll yourself.

SpartanPrince4983d ago

kz2 is my favorite fps and im eagerly awaiting kz3 but no its not perfect. I would love co-op(though they're probably just keeping it a secret now), horde, recorded films, and a chance to ride in vehicles but kz doesnt have it. Yes he is trolling (and badly) but it doesnt mean that he's wrong

Lannient4983d ago

Man 360 fanboys are retarded lmao. You got 6 disagrees for listing features xD.

Focker4204983d ago

Richo??? You mean Rico...

VenomProject4983d ago


You can't ride in vehicles in KZ3? The multiplayer mech-walker would like to have a word with you.

SpartanPrince4983d ago

Thats not a real vehicle tho. In fact that was a tease since the game let Rico and Natko go in and drive. I want to drive in a jeep and be able to shoot from there on a turret. I think the killzone website said that the Higs had a hovertank. Imagine driving that around. But honestly a mech isnt vehicle(tbh it annoyed me when GG said thats what they meant when they said vehicles would be in the multiplayer. I got used to the idea but when people asked for vehicles they asked for jeeps, etc. You can go on the kz website and check)

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4983d ago
Clarence4983d ago

Maybe this is a flame bait article, but he's telling the truth. I manage to get in the beta, and I can tell you that its much better than any FPS that I have played. I not knocking Halo, but it has nothing on KZ3. I have not like any of the COD games nor did I like MW2. IMo the best FPS is KZ3 and BFBC2

theIMP4983d ago

It's got something on KZ3, a much bigger fanbase.

Focker4204983d ago

That doesn't mean its better. You wanna know what else has a massive fanbase, Justin Beiber...
I think you get my point.

Masterchef20074983d ago

A lot of people are gonna burn. Need a light?

Silver3604983d ago (Edited 4983d ago )

If we have learned one thing from five years of this current console war. Nothing lives up to the hype. Why this fool had to go and proclaim this crap is not a mystery. He wants hits for his site. I am sure that KZ3 will be better looking than Reach and Black Ops. I am just as sure it won't outsell either of them or have more people playing it online than either of them. There are just not enough people that love shooters on the PS3 to do that. This is where the damn FANBOY crap starts, This fool has now set KZ3 as a target by every 360 fanboy and every COD fanboy. Haven't we gotten to the point where we just play games because we like them and not because they are on any particular system?

hennessey864983d ago

for a game thats no where near release thats some achievment lol.

HDgamer4983d ago

Journalist hype up the games and the fans get blamed when the owns journalist expectations didn't live up. It's simple 101 with ps3 games, it's held to a different standard than multiplats and 360 exclusives that aren't any good.

Kalowest4983d ago

Graphics VS Gameplay Im tried of this game, oops wrong thing.
Hopefully KZ3 will have a good story this time.

showtimefolks4983d ago

halo is a great series for xbox
KZ series is becoming a horse for ps3 and this 3rd i can't waite to play

COD is just plain bad/stupid/bad

but it sells and as long as it sells activision will keep making them next year we will get MW3 or something to that nature

make your voice be heard by talking with your wallets don't buy same crap over and over again

4983d ago Replies(2)
CrzyFooL4983d ago

This was going to be a HHG article.

Vherostar4982d ago (Edited 4982d ago )

Nobody will deny (except the fanboys) that Killzone will look better than them I mean K2 did. However in terms of sales I doubt it will touch Reach or Black Ops sales as to be fair all shooters sell better on the 360 and non shooters on ps3. This is due to the fact (and we all know it) 360 is a shooter fans console. You can disagree all you want but its true. 360 owns the shooter market (for consoles as PC blows even 360 away) and PS3 is a varied console and owns in terms of RPG etc.. Why you think 360 hardly sells in Japan? Japanese gamers are not shooter fans.

slampunk4982d ago

KZ3 is a very important game for the PS3 & gaming in general.

Firstly i'd like to point out that i have both systems & will happily play games on either....No fanboy here...

The reason why KZ3 is so important is that COD has a strangle hold on the PS3 shooter fans & regardless of what anyone says, there is currently no halo killer or any online game that comes close on PS3... I've tried KZ2 which has terrible weight in the controls etc... & resistance 2 was ok but was still a long way off.....

I really hope that KZ3 wipes the floor or at least gives the COD stranglehold on PS3 a run for it's money...


I read somewhere that on the first day of Black Ops' release that halo reach was still played by more players over Xbox live... It may have even been the first week?!

Anyhow, if the PS3 had an exclusive that could achieve that then activision would be forced into updating it's well overdue COD franchise which would once again be better for gamers who enjoy shooters.... such as me & probably anyone who has commented or read this... I look forward to the day when people won't just keep buying the next COD because they'd rather wait for the next KZ etc...

Hears hoping it's an AAA online experience that at least comes close to Reach....It would greatly benefit us shooter fans and make activision spend some of the billions of $ they've made on reinventing COD or bring another franchise to life...

+ Show (23) more repliesLast reply 4982d ago
xYLeinen4983d ago

"Destroying" Black Ops is hardly a challenge. I can't say they have innovated this last 3 years. It's a repetive formula which people seem to love. Personally I've grown tired of CoD and get a lot more out of the Battlefield series.

tmoss7264983d ago

Heck yes dude. I picked up BFBC2 on steam for $20. It is freaking amazing. Idk why this game didn't get more recognition

KillerCucumber4983d ago

Damn it, man. Can't wait for February!!!!!!

BigKev454983d ago

Yeah Marvel vs. Capcom 3 in Feb.

SuggestionBoy4983d ago

No surprise. The tech in KZ2 was much better than Halo: Reach. They just needed to iron out a few things and kill Rico and the game would have been perfect.

Marquis_de_Sade4983d ago

It's hard to compare the tech as Bungie and Guerilla went separate ways, KZ2 nails exhilarating smal scale close quarters urban combat whereas Reach has vast landscapes with epic vistas, many enemies on screen and vehicular combat.

I enjoyed both equally, online and off, 2 top games on their respective consoles.

Clarence4983d ago (Edited 4983d ago )

KZ2 has a lot of on screen action going on as well as vast landscapes to run around on.

@ Crematory what beta have you been playing? The beta i've been playing is way better than KZ2 and its just the beta.

crematory4983d ago

based on beta kz2 way better than kz3

FiLTHY ESKiMO4983d ago

Just wait until you see what I've got to show you. The campaign in Killzone 3 is abso-friggen-lutely amazing.

visualb4983d ago

what? you played it?

so its that good eh? well, the snow level (played most of it) was very refreshing and jetpack vs jetpack is a WHOLE new level of gameplay, my brain hurt just adapting to it.

it was fun, unique and refreshing, and although the graphics made me **** my pants, it wasn't necessarily a big set piece moment, just very solid fun gameplay...

i'll take your word for it though...some people who played more of the single player say its...well its the best ever =P

DigitalRaptor4983d ago

Yes, he is the author of this article.

Thanks so much for the previews Filthy Eskimo. I look forward to hearing more. This is going to be epic!

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All Call of Duty Black Ops Games Ranked

The Nerd Stash: "Developed by Treyarch Studios, Call of Duty: Black Ops games are some of the best in the series in terms of gameplay, story, and -- of course -- Zombies."

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Rynxie55d ago (Edited 55d ago )

Black ops 4, because it was the last cod of duty I was able to dominate with a +2 k/d ratio. Before all the freaking cheating started to happen. It was nice catching people off guard and shooting at them first and getting the kill. Unlike now, where I shoot people first, but they gun me down with less hits, less time, literally feels like they can kill me in a split second. At times, they are able to run away after me shooting them way more than necessary, yet, the second I'm spotted, I'm dead, there's no me running away to cover. They can do cartwheels, summersaults, backflips and gun you down perfectly. They can shoot you across the map with perfect accuracy. They can jump around like morons and gun you down without even having to correct their aim. They have superman split second perfect reactions. That's the best way to describe it, everything they do is spot on perfect. They can spam and spray (no praying) their gun from far away, because they have no recoil or bullet spread. It always feels like I have to aim and also correct my aim when moving around, while these pricks don't have to do the same.

And yes, I know how to play fps games. I dominated many fps games like: Resistance 1&2, kz 2&3, Socom, MAG, Crysis, Gotham City Impostors, blitz brigade etc. all with 2-4 k/d ratio. Kz2 (lag input controls) and resistance (no aim assist in resistance) being the hardest and were the games I reached either close to a 3 k/d ratio or above.

I truly got to enjoy blacks ops 4 and got my money's worth out of it. Afterwords, I would either stop playing cod games after a while, because of the cheating, or would skip buying cod games for a year or two before buying another.


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thorstein338d ago

Dogmeat: *bark!*

Translation: you are dead to me.


You can probably add Karlach to this from BG3


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SullysCigar444d ago

Up there with the top tier in the industry. Love Guerrilla Games - Horizon Burning Shores is simply STUNNING.

1Victor444d ago

Can’t wait for their next franchise

SullysCigar444d ago

Same. They nailed it with Horizon. The trouble is I also want a new Killzone! Can't I just have it all?!

jznrpg444d ago

I’m with you I want Horizon 3 , Killzone and new IPs

badz149444d ago

I have yet to play Burning Shores as I just started Forbidden West (bought at launch, just unwrapped last weekend LOL) and playing on PS5.

man...I still can't believe the graphics especially now I'm playing it on my LG OLED. that graphics and with stable performance backing it up, GG really is the master of their craft!

Vengeance1138444d ago

32.7M sales in the Horizon franchise! With 8.4M coming from Forbidden West alone! Truly a hugely successful game and franchise as a whole. Looking forward to Horizon III

Shane Kim444d ago

That's kind of a huge drop though. It's only been two games.

VersusDMC444d ago

One year after realease HZD sold 7.6 million.


So not a drop off.

Unless you're saying a HFW should have sold as much now as HZD sold in 5 years?

Vengeance1138444d ago

It's been 3 games, this includes Call of the Mountain. Also no, its a great improvement over HZD.

solideagle444d ago

lol you are comparing:

HZD: 28 February 2017 - May 2023 (6 years+)

HFW: 18 February 2022 - May 2023 (1 year+)

We will see if it surpass original number.

Phoenix76444d ago

@shane, 2 full main games, 2 DLC add ons, 1 VR spin off game, oh and a an official LEGO set.
Not too bad for an ip that's only been on market for 6 years

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 444d ago
REDGUM444d ago

Wow, very impressive. I didn't know the numbers were so high for Forbidden West. Still playing through it myself

thesoftware730444d ago (Edited 444d ago )

Yooo, when I first saw that Killzone 1 footage at E3, my friends my brothers and I were like, Holy shit! When it came out, it didn't look exactly like it, but we sunk so many hours into 1 & 2.

I even liked Killzone: SF, it was a spectacle to look at, and even today it looks good. I hope they make a new one. Can you imagine how that will look, and they can get some modern FPS pointers from Bungie.

blacktiger444d ago

thank you fps lover, I'm with you

talocaca444d ago

Such a wonderful studio. They deserve all their success.

The Decima Engine is absolute 🔥 I'm just mad they have abandoned Killzone.

OzzY-waZZy444d ago (Edited 444d ago )

Kinda wish they move on from Horizon tbh.

potatoseal444d ago

They are probably working on mutiple projects. One of them is Horizon 3, but another is a multiplaer game and probably somehting else.

Imalwaysright444d ago

There were rumours that they were working on a Socom reboot.

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