
CSM - Shawn Johnson Gymnastics Review

CSM - When it comes to star athletes that young players can look up to, few are as genuine and respectable as Shawn Johnson. To that end, Shawn Johnson Gymnastics is a fantastic product for impressionable, young players. It teaches them the value of being athletic and gets them moving and motivated to exercise, all from the comfort of their living room. It's a great way for players who may be interested in gymnastics to get an idea of some of the sport's basic moves.

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Nintendo Life - Shawn Johnson Gymnastics Review

Nintendo Life - Despite nearly 350 current releases on the DSiWare service, we've seen only a handful of sports titles. Now with the release of Shawn Johnson Gymnastics, Zoo Games is looking to cash in on this lack of sports titles by offering up not only a fairly well-known name in the gymnastics world, but also the first release of this particular sport on the service. But despite featuring one of the sport's all-time greats in its title, the game focuses very little on actual gymnastics.

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GameSpy : Shawn Johnson Gymnastics Screens

Shawn Johnson Gymnastics (DS)Stick the landing with these screens.

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