
Free Apps on the App Store for 25 Days; Today: Time Geeks and Driver

GameDynamo - "Blacksmith Games and Gameloft are getting into the holiday spirit by either giving away free games or giving big discounts via the App Store through Christmas. We've compiled a list of all the best sources to track the free goodies."

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Watch Lewis Hamilton fail the Driver tutorial mission

Watch Formula One star Lewis Hamilton play video games from his childhood and learn more about his gaming history.

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purple101162d ago (Edited 162d ago )

He did a track guide for Neurnberg 24 in GTsport.

We have had no more content since then, maybe a few time trail modes, I believe there was one from Sebastian Vettel and Max Verstapen as well, due to the red bull partnership.

Back to Lewis, He STILL wears the Gran Turismo logo on his caps, every weekend Formula One races take place.

I was expcting more from this sponsorship, oh well. This video, is kinda rubbing salt into the wound, for me

LG_Fox_Brazil162d ago

That Driver tutorial still haunts my dreams. That parking lot saw me fail a thousand times


EU PSN Retro Games Sale – More Titles Added

Posted on 11 September by Andy Stewart – Playstation Store Team -

Countries: AE, AU, GB, IE, NZ

Hello everybody. I hope you are all enjoying our current Retro Sale. Just a quick update – I have been listening to all your comments and have got some more deals for you! See below for the full list of additions.

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GribbleGrunger4394d ago (Edited 4394d ago )

Those PS1 games are starting to tempt me! They're only the price of the minis now.


Top 10 Driving Games

Driving games are one of the most addictive and popular types of computer games on the planet.
Almost every gamer has at least one no matter what console they are prefer; you can even get driving games for your phone these days!
Because they are so popular, there have been thousands of driving and racing style games produced. Some are serious, realistic affairs with real cars and real racetracks. Others are amazingly over-the-top sci-fi experiences, with space ships and hoverboards. You can even get family friendly, cartoonish versions that your grandmother could play.
Even though there are so many out there, there’s a lot of bad games that you shouldn’t waste your hard earned money on. We play quite a lot of driving games around here and in our opinion, these are the best ten ever produced.

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NJShadow4554d ago

Clicked on link expecting to be disappointed with list... ended up not being disappointed. ;)

TukkerIntensity4554d ago

Forza III/IV

This list is full of weak.

guitarded774554d ago (Edited 4554d ago )

Pretty good list... I'd swap Dirt 3 for N4S Shift 2 though. Also, MotorStorm needs to be represented.

CanadianTurtle4554d ago

This is a really good list, its quite varied. Good to see gamers have a sense of variety