Dr. Kawashima's Body and Brain Exercises Screenshots

Strategy Informer has a selection of screenshots published for Dr. Kawashima's Body and Brain Exercises.

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11 reasons to Kinect in 2011

If you're one of many Xbox 360 gamers who asked Santa for a Kinect this Christmas, you've probably exhausted the peripheral's line up of sports and dancing games.
You're probably looking for a few reasons to keep the camera set up in the living room. We'll we've got a few, in fact we've got 11 reasons for you to get off the count and waving your arms around with Kinect this year.

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Kon4926d ago

More like 12 reasons to not Kinect.

Hands Up For Games4926d ago

That doesnt even make sense?!

To be honest, im actually quite interested in seeing Child of Eden, Project D, The Gunstringer, Forza 4, Star Wars, Rise of Nightmares, Steel Battalion and Haunt.

Might not be the greatest games in the world, but I do want to see how they play.

Stop being such a Fanboy, its Embarrassing.

SixShotCop4926d ago

Same. I'll probably pick it up sometime this year after i see what E3 has to offer.

DigitalRaptor4926d ago

Then why are they being touted as amazing games and the apparent "future of gaming" by both Microsoft and their fanboys?

Sanii4926d ago

You're a tool. Troll somewhere else. Anyway, I just got my kinect today and it is great fun. Having a great time on dance central :D Hopefully some more fun games will come out soon!

B1663r4926d ago

I just want netflix with Kinect integration so I don't have to wait for the controller to turn back on so I can pause the movie and run to the bathroom

Wikkid6664926d ago


Get the Logitech Media remote. Worth every penny.

Solid_Snake-4926d ago (Edited 4926d ago )

i am a 100% sure KON you have never owned a kinect so you dont have a say.

so shut your mouth and dont speak till i tell you.

got that.

oh and do you need some SUDOCREM as it seems your a bit butt hurt over how bad the move sold and how good the kinect is selling.

Studio-YaMi4926d ago

You're a sad sad boy if you think Kon is a Sony fanboy....lol

And with a comment like that,am now sure you're nothing more than a kid,childish is an understatement here!

plb4926d ago (Edited 4926d ago )

The only game that looks somewhat interesting to me is that rise of nightmares one. Reminds me of house of the dead. Haven't really seen anything else though for me but I can see how other people may be interested in some of that other stuff. After all even if it doesn't appeal to me, MS must be doing something right because it's sold phenomenally well and better than most have expected I'd say.

baraka0074926d ago

Good article but it's still not enough to make me want one. Forza is the best game on that list and if im going to pay 150 dollars for a controller to play it with it'll be on a wheel. Im sure that would be the best way to play it.
As a side note to the angry internet croud. You guys seem to be filled with so much hate. I just don't understand why all of you are so angry... I hope whatever it is that has made you this way you can overcome it. Living with hate is not living at all my friends.

Raven_Nomad4926d ago

Child Of Eden was a huge reason I got my Kinect, cant wait to try it out. Gunstringer and Forza 4 are going to be sick as well.

The Sega Horror game as well as project Draco definitely have me interested but I need to see more on those first.

B1663r4926d ago

What we really need today is an article that is like Kinect vs KillZone3. That would really stir up some bitterness.

Mods can you help out here?

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DLCs announced for Dr.Kawashima's Body and Brain Exercises

Namco Bandai today announced two upcoming add-on packs for Dr.Kawashima’s Body and Brain Exercises, the train your brain game which is exclusively on Kinect for the Xbox 360.

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FragLand - Dr. Kawashima’s Body and Brain Exercises Review

FragLand - Although Dr. Kawashima didn't investigate the relationship between violence, sex and games, he's not unknown in the land of multimedia entertainment. He get his fame with his Brain Training game on the Nintendo DS and it was one of the reasons that made the DS so succesful. Now the guy has started using Microsoft's new motion technology to not only stimulate our brain, but also our body.

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