
PS3 owners petition Activision for Black Ops refund

A growing numbers of consumers are signing a petition demanding a full refund for those who bought the 'inferior' PS3 version of Call of Duty: Black Ops.

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Game-ur4993d ago

Kids, next time look before you jump.

FarEastOrient4993d ago

The devil Kotick doesn't care, he has your money now and already ran to the bank with it.

AAACE54993d ago (Edited 4993d ago )

It would not be wise to persue this action!

Going after something like this could either result in Activision taking Ps3 owners seriously and putting more effort into making games for it. Or, just cancelling further CoD games for Ps3!

It's apparant that Activision and MS have something going on, which is why they allowed them to post an ad saying "Black Ops plays best on 360!"

No matter how you feel about CoD games, you do not want CoD games to be exclusive to 360... Trust me!

Chubear4993d ago (Edited 4993d ago )

Ever since COD4 it's been down hill. Every year you see Activision have found a cash cow and are milking it for all it's worth.

You see they cut big corners to maximize profit on the game. They don't bring out proper sequels but just updates to their sequels and every year the online has issues and every year you still give them record sales.

Activision already showed you the direction they were going after COD4 and you all support them year after year so tell me, why would they all of a sudden change and bring out a true high quality product when you keep paying for the slop they feed you?

But other games like MAG that actually have a dedicated team constantly improving it and with way less issues than MWs, that gets put to the side. Games like KZ2 (a far higher quality game) will sell 3million units on the PS3 while MW games sell over 6mill on the same PS3.

You've made your voices loud and clear to these developers which is: "don't push the envelop, no need to bring out the very best product you can. Just give us games that make us feel like uber gamers with nice graphics and hype marketing cause these what we respond to"

All of you complaining about MW:BO and bought it, you all need to STFU about Bobby K and Activision. You love their product and give them record breaking sales year after year and then you want to complain and call them evil year after year too?

STFU MW gamers, you're all full of sh*t.

Zydake4993d ago

I just played it a while ago at a friends house and I don't see the big problem. Sure the graphics look like CoD3 but gameplay is great. I love the zombies

-Alpha4993d ago (Edited 4993d ago )


If you played the game/understood the complaints you'd know it has nothing to do with dedication. TA has actually been really supportive with patches and requests, but you wouldn't know that if you haven't played the game. Comparing them to an exclusive game like MAG isn't fair and you know it. The game is on 4 platforms and they aren't all the same.

The game is by no means bad, so stop making a strawman here. It's just that the PS3 version is inferior and people are upset.

The biggest issue for me is the lack of dual-log in. People asking for a refund are being stupid, they were aware of the game's features before it released.

However, a petition for TA to treat us equally deserves support.

arjman4993d ago

"STFU MW gamers, you're all full of sh*t."

Ok thats a bit harsh isn't it. Not every person who plays CoD is full of sh*t, I appreciate the awesome games on any system (eg. Uncharted 2, Gears)...Not bad for a MW gamer right?

DirtyLary4993d ago

Does the PS3 version have the low res textures like the 360 version has?

Least in BC2, the ps3 version has higher quality trees and graphics compared to the xbox version.

AngryTypingGuy4993d ago

What a bunch of entitled babies. Cry me a river. There is a certain segment of the PS3 fan base that cries over everything. People writing petitions, threatening to kill themselves if Final Fantasy doesn't remain exclusive to Sony, and now this.

Not that the gaming community in general aren't whiny losers (let's face, half the people reading this are pimply faced emo losers who will remain virgins for life), but the Sony fanboys are clearly worse.

DirtyLary4993d ago

You mean segment of gamers in general, doesn't matter which console they are on.

AngryTypingGuy4993d ago

DirtyLary, did you stop reading after my first paragraph?

InfectedDK4993d ago

I'm playing CoD BO on my PS3 and it's running smooth.
The graphics could have been done better and there are some bugs here and there. So next time I'll skip CoD and buy Medal of Honor. In fact I might buy the new Medal of Honor also. However I'm very satisfied with the game as it is right now. Great gameplay and a lot of fun! My money on this game is acceptable. Maybe it's because I'm not using my time watching whatever comparison trailers and pictures and just enjoying the game instead. I'm not even thinking about the graphics being a bit better on the 360. However I do agree that the PS3 can perfom a lot better. Well maybe we'll see that in some coming PS3 exclusives like Killzone 3 or Resistance 3. GT5 looks absolutely amazing! You cannot demand that one game is doing so much better than so many other games. Beloved great games will always get some hate also. Just play the game and enjoy it. I understand if some hardcore fps gamers are not happy with this situation though. So it's a bit complicated I see. In fact it's stupid that they did not make this game equal on both PS3 and 360. They pisses some people off.. Mostly hardcore gamers.

BattleAxe4993d ago (Edited 4993d ago )

These people must be stupid, the PS3 version has online split screen functionality which a couple of my friends use all the time. My complaint about the PS3 version is that the game is unstable when playing online. Its common to get booted out of a game, which makes it impossible to keep a party together for much more than two games in a row.

Its all good though, because I believe this will be my last CoD purchase unless they do something that really wows me. The thought of a subscription and/or micro transactions would ensure that I don't buy the next game especially when their latest entry called "Black Ops" performs like crap online.

JackBNimble4993d ago (Edited 4993d ago )

I don't see what the fuss is all about.

My wife rented BO for the kids and we all enjoy playing it. I haven't seen it on the 360 so I can't compare graphics or anything like that, but I can honestly say that the graphics seem pretty good to me on my 42' HD TV.

Split screen seems fine aswell, I don't know if you can go split/2player screen online with any other CoD game but you can with BO.

The only real glitch or problem that I have encounterd is the host losing conection while the game is loading resulting in an error ,this doesn't happen all that often.

I am very curious as to what features the XBOX has over the PS3 version (can anyone fill me in?) but my kids want me to buy this game ..... I haven't made up my mind yet. I guess it would depend on how badly the PS3 versions is getting shafted.

vickers5004993d ago

"Not that the gaming community in general aren't whiny losers (let's face, half the people reading this are pimply faced emo losers who will remain virgins for life)"

Oh please almighty AngryTypingGuy, tell us how we should live our lives. What is it like to bang 3 chicks at once while typing on n4g? How ever did you manage to learn how to type while getting laid? Can I have your autograph?

Everybody SHH!!! Lets all sit down while AngryTypingGuy tells people how to live their lives and how pathetic and inferior we all are in comparison to him, because obviously he knows what's better for us than we do.

AngryTypingGuy4992d ago (Edited 4992d ago )

Vickers, you're one of the guys that I'm talking about, aren't you? Did my comments hit a little too close to home? I can't think of another reason why you'd take them so personally.

"Oh please almighty AngryTypingGuy, tell us how we should live our lives." -- Start by not threatening to kill yourself because Final Fantasy is no longer a Sony exclusive. Also, don't get so emotional over posts on a video game messageboard.

Let me know when you want some more advice, kid.

vickers5004992d ago (Edited 4992d ago )


Lol, who exactly are you to go around telling people that they are losers? You're here too, spending time posting and even checking comments and replies and replying to those comments and replies, when you could be doing better things.

So why aren't you out getting laid and being the cool dude you see yourself as? You obviously think you're superior to everybody on this site.

If people want to competitively argue online then that's fine. Who are you to tell them that they are losers for it, because again, you are here too, so why don't you think before posting such hypocritical comments? I don't have a problem with the first paragraph of your comment, but it's the second one that's really full of sh*t and hypocrisy.

But I guess people such as yourself have their head so far up their own @ss that they actually believe that they are gods gift to man. Go on kiddo, keep telling us all how to live our lives, because the world does revolve around you and anyone who has a different opinion or tastes than you do is just a pathetic loser.

AngryTypingGuy4992d ago (Edited 4992d ago )

Vickers, when did I say that everyone who posts on here is a loser? It's fun to post on messageboards, and argue on them. But it's another thing to react in an over-emotional way, like you have. I'm convinced that you're one of the people I was talking about.

Sorry, but I just picture all of these whiny PS3 fans who write petitions and cry about everything to look and sound like this: http://tinyurl.com/CODcryba...

Not that there aren't 360 fans or fans of other consoles that whine and complain, but it just seems from what I read (both articles and comments) that PS3 fanboys are the worst.

Also, if you've been following the gaming industry for a while like I have, you know how finicky gamers are in general. They complain about EVERYTHING. They're so petty too. You can make a comment on here that's 100% accurate and backed up in fact, but you will get a lot of disagrees if it's pro 360 or anti-PS3, and sometimes the other way around. They are indeed whiny little losers who will never get laid! Period!

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 4992d ago
raWfodog4993d ago (Edited 4993d ago )

Shouldn't have been in such a rush to buy it in the first place. A lot can be said for not being an early buyer. Sometimes it best to wait for the dust to settle and then see what's going on.


Exactly. This could had been avoided by following reviews and wait a little just to see owners reactions (and check if the reviews wasn't opnion from hyped up "journalist", paid up articles or people playing for only 4 hours).

There is the good sides of being an early adopter, but definely there is the down side of possibly getting totally burnt on the matter... Next time check rightly if the game really deserves the risk of a day one buy and if you happen to choose so and it isn't a good game, swallow it as a lesson, because asking a refund for something only makes sense if it's really broken (which, despite bugs, isn't the case) or it doesn't make what was advertised/is stated at the box.

Remember games cost more and more each generation so we all should get smarter if we want to be responsible with our money, the game will probably still be easy to find one month after release, no need to rush and if you really can't wait, rent it.

The uninformed costumer is exactly what those publishers making yearly releases count on to turn magnificient profits from minor upgrades, as far as we keep supporting it they will keep the crap going on. Whine won't save you, voting with your wallet maybe will.

WhittO4993d ago (Edited 4993d ago )

i wasnt going to buy cod but couldnt help it since it was cheap on amazon compared to the normal price and all the buzz so i jsut gave in hoping it would be a good game.

Have to say the only time in the entire game so far (about 2/3 through SP) where i thought "wow this is good" was the start menu! lol. Graphics are very POOR, game is the same as ever, thrills etc which the franchise sp relys on is in short demand or is a re-hash of what has already been done, yet not even as good.

I think the multiplayer is ok and like the wager matches, although getting some xp would be nice along with the money in them matches.
Well, the multiplayer would be nice if it worked anyway.

It took me and a m8 about 5 invites from him and 4 from me and about 10 min before it would put us in a party, then d/c us from party after being thrown out of our second match. It's isn't our internet connec either, I have 6mb/s unlimited download and 5mb/s upload speeds that should chomp through anything.

This game really feels like a cheap 3rd party game that was pushed out as fast as possible to cash in.

Imagine getting this level of gaming from a dev like Naughty Dog or Bungie! It just doesn't happen because they spend time to make their game the best possible.
And you can't really fully blame the devs, since it will be Activision pushing them to get the game done fast, you don't ever see Sony rushing unfinished games out, or even MS.

I won't be spending my money on a COD again, I said that about BO too but I've finally learnt not to buy into hype! Especially since alot of IW members "left", can't imagine the wreck of a game the next one will be if they push it out for release next year!!

Jinxstar4993d ago

i hear ya. I refused to buy it for myself but bought it for someone for Xmas... I didn't want to support acti but it's what they wanted... I have a feeling I will be getting it as well for Xmas but who knows...

v0rt3x4993d ago (Edited 4993d ago )

lol whitto - read your last paragraph again and give that a thought again :P funny

xAlmostPro4993d ago (Edited 4993d ago )

im sorry.. although i dont agree with the petition as such..

you cant say things like "shouldn't have rushed to buy it" etc.

When theres so much hype for it, and even the developers saying it wont be inferior before launch etc. then you can expect people to be angry.. because they've basically been 'lied to'..

not only that you CAN call it un-fair, when there was clearly more effort and time gone into the 360 version, im aware they have a deal with microsoft but thats for timed exclusive DLC and exclusive advertising, not to make other versions sh*t..

even the PC version is overloaded with issues.

Not only this, recent patches for the ps3 version decreased the lag and made the overall performance better, which is great. But they also had the bad party system, bad matchmaking, choosing bad hosts etc as issues that 'were' fixed under that patch.. even though they were not fixed.. now on the forums treyarch have them listed as "fixed".. so basically we're stuck with a broken game?..

that to me sounds un-fair, and has nothing to do with rushing out to buy it etc. You like a franchise the new game is being released so you get it.. ohh it has some issues, ohh they're patching them GREAT!..you wait a week and they dont actually patch them.. thats BS

Developers need to get out of microsofts ass

Now i wouldn't go as far to say i want my whole money back, because despite the issues i'll continue to play it for awhile longer..and hopefully they'll actually get patched soon or i will have to stop playing, you can only put up with getting kicked from your party 7 times in a row for so long.

However some sort of incentive would be nice.. for the fact that we as fans of the franchise have paid for a broken game that after 2 weeks still hasn't been fixed. I dont know, maybe thoe WaW zombie maps for free, or something like that or even for treyarch to dedicate some time specifically for fixing the ps3 version.

PotatoClock4993d ago

Free maps and Activision don't go together.

I don't think you can call any of this disappointment to do with BO unfair. They lied about it being a quality product yes, but when they keep releasing the same game with a massive amount of bugs each and every year you should LEARN from that and if you decide to buy it no matter what then expect that amount of mess.

When people buy the game regardless of wether they were disappointed with the last one or not and now whine about it saying their unfairly treated then us people who sit on the other side of the fence, having learned a long time ago not to buy COD, can't feel sorry at all for their whining.

gman_moose4993d ago

I'm so glad I waited to unwrap mine. After all the negativity I was reading I said screw this, and returned it to Gamestop for a refund.

Activision is only hurting themselves though. Their 360 bias is shining brightly now, and the next installment will not sell on PS3. However, there are the idiots out there that will buy it and defend it no matter what.

I'm f***ing sick of COD... good riddance.

gamingdroid4993d ago

I doubt any company would intentionally gimp their product. Especially if said gimping hurts their sales. After all a company is out to make money, not to aid a fanboy war!

Seriously, get over the conspiracy theory.

gman_moose4993d ago (Edited 4993d ago )

@ gamingdroid

I'm not saying they intentionally went "let's make a bad game because we need to show support for 360". I'm saying they didn't take the time to make the PS3 what it should have been because they knew it would sell 4-5 million with little effort. All I'm saying is that the PS3 owners won't be fooled next time. It doesn't really matter to me though. I'm done with COD. I will not miss it.

bailoutbenny4993d ago

If the reviews were panning it, then perhaps reviews are useful afterall. A lot of people were saying they would wait for the GT5 reviews and got screamed down for it as if they were idiots. Waiting for reviews isn't a bad thing, it helps someone make a more informed decision.

duplissi4993d ago

it took playing it for me to want it, and i was pleased that in some ways it is less noob freindly (more recoil, less auto aim *woot!!* also option to disable auto aim *double woot!!*), there are also some creative online modes in here. zombies, one in the chamber, and gun game are freakin awesome.

honestly i think treyarch should make a non cod shooter because there are moments all through black ops where they were doing some cool creative stuff, but because it would stray too far from the cod formula they were forced to hold back.

Karlnag34993d ago

Yes, zombies! Fighting waves of gradually more challenging enemies endlessly. I am amazed by the originality and creativity of this mode. It most definitely has not been done to death. Nope, still fresh and original. I thank you treyarch for this amazing innovation! /s

divideby04993d ago

game.... yep spot on comment

visualb4993d ago (Edited 4993d ago )


this game made a 600 million dollar gross...Kotic is just gonna print a copy for every petitioner, use each copy of the petition to wipe his a$$ , only to mail it back to all of the petitioners with a paper saying

"F*** you i have your money now HAH"

watch it happen

Theonik4993d ago

Bobby Kotick laughs at your petitions. All the way to the bank.

Thatguy-3104993d ago

Serves all you guys right... hopefully you guys learned your lesson this time around and think twice about purchasing the next COD next year...

TheLastGuardian4993d ago (Edited 4993d ago )

Hmmm...tempting but I think I'm going to keep my copy. It hasn't been that glitchy for me. I still haven't finished the campaign because I can't bring myself away from the multiplayer and zombies for long enough.

I bought COD4 but not WAW or MW2 so I think I still waited for the best game after 4.

r1sh124993d ago

If I didnt get a refund for MW2, theres no way these kids will get one for Black ops.

tatotiburon4993d ago

LMAO so ask a refund for all multiplataforms since 2006

ReservoirDog3164993d ago

Oh God it's shameful to be a "gamer" nowadays. All we're known for is whining all day.

I understand always trying to make developers make games worth playing but these people are literally crying for no reason. Black ops is a very stable game and the PS3 version isn't inferior. These people just have personal issues with themselves of never being happy and they're projecting it on the game.

Dsnyder4993d ago

Glad I didnt buy this. Think ill get new vegas.

kparks4993d ago

over 1000 PPL have signed everyone sign it quick lol

BillOreilly4993d ago

Hahaha the ad even said black ops is the best on 360! They told you before you bought it. Cod is always better on 360. If you like cod buy a 360. They will just stop putting it on ps3 and go full exclusive.

Megaton4992d ago

I'm sure they'll swear off CoD again, and be first in line with their pre-orders for CoD again next year. Every year we hear boycott, and every year nobody follows through. Gamers can be a really sad, spineless bunch.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 4992d ago
BulletProofVess4993d ago (Edited 4993d ago )

I'm not gonna lie the ps3 version is subpar

I can't even get in a party with my friends half the time

& let's not even discuss the lag that killstreaks cause

I'm not sure if these are ps3 only issues but these along with lack of dual sign in are a huge downer

4993d ago Replies(2)
vhero4993d ago

Most the problems are on 360 version too like the spawning issue so grow up will you?? Stupid fanboys..

I got my money back plus £5 today since I paid £30 for my copy I traded it in towards GT5 and got £35 on trade :) RESULT. My whole point of buying it really.. Done it for the last 2 COD games..

xAlmostPro4993d ago

@vhero spawning issues have been around since the originsl COD on all platforms, that isn't a 360 specific issues and it's not about being a fanboy.

JeffGUNZ4993d ago

The 360 version is the top version, it's not being a fanboy, it's just obvious with all the issues stemming from PC and PS3. I am sure they will all be worked out soon enough.

imvix4993d ago


Sorry but 360 is missing dedicated servers and mods. PC is definitive version.

Sarcasm4993d ago

Meh, if that's the case then clearly people should get their money back for the PC versions which isn't utilizing people's hardware properly.

bunfighterii4993d ago

Here here. I reviewed it right here on N4G ( http://n4g.com/channel/call... It's a mess.

I stopped after reaching level 41, it's just so frustrating.

cemelc4993d ago

It took you 41 levels to realize it??? LoL

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4993d ago
xtheownerzx4993d ago

i have to say that ps3 players can be idiots at times lol.

Pedantic914993d ago

How are PS3 players idiots when the developers are to blame ?

xxxxxxxxxx14993d ago Show
ufc3454993d ago

its not really the devs fault i mean come one 1-2 years is a very short time period for them to fix everything in the game

LF914993d ago

Well were not the ones who pay to play online!

sp1deynut4993d ago

No...you're just the ones who have to put up with inferior online because of it.

xAlmostPro4993d ago (Edited 4993d ago )

@sp1dey lol your really think paying to play online gets your better graphics and party sytems etc that are ALL down to the developers? lmao

xxxxxxxxxx14993d ago (Edited 4993d ago )

Silly PS3 you guys pay for online. Oh you pay! You pay in large amounts of "not having FUN"

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4993d ago
jack who4993d ago

all sony fans on n4g clamed ps3 got the best version so no refund for you

4993d ago Replies(1)
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All Call of Duty Black Ops Games Ranked

The Nerd Stash: "Developed by Treyarch Studios, Call of Duty: Black Ops games are some of the best in the series in terms of gameplay, story, and -- of course -- Zombies."

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Rynxie55d ago (Edited 55d ago )

Black ops 4, because it was the last cod of duty I was able to dominate with a +2 k/d ratio. Before all the freaking cheating started to happen. It was nice catching people off guard and shooting at them first and getting the kill. Unlike now, where I shoot people first, but they gun me down with less hits, less time, literally feels like they can kill me in a split second. At times, they are able to run away after me shooting them way more than necessary, yet, the second I'm spotted, I'm dead, there's no me running away to cover. They can do cartwheels, summersaults, backflips and gun you down perfectly. They can shoot you across the map with perfect accuracy. They can jump around like morons and gun you down without even having to correct their aim. They have superman split second perfect reactions. That's the best way to describe it, everything they do is spot on perfect. They can spam and spray (no praying) their gun from far away, because they have no recoil or bullet spread. It always feels like I have to aim and also correct my aim when moving around, while these pricks don't have to do the same.

And yes, I know how to play fps games. I dominated many fps games like: Resistance 1&2, kz 2&3, Socom, MAG, Crysis, Gotham City Impostors, blitz brigade etc. all with 2-4 k/d ratio. Kz2 (lag input controls) and resistance (no aim assist in resistance) being the hardest and were the games I reached either close to a 3 k/d ratio or above.

I truly got to enjoy blacks ops 4 and got my money's worth out of it. Afterwords, I would either stop playing cod games after a while, because of the cheating, or would skip buying cod games for a year or two before buying another.


Off-Map Exploration of Black Ops' Kino der Toten Reveals Cut Content And Secrets

The video on Black Ops 1 shows some separate rooms, assets, and other features which exist outside of the boundary of the game.


Black Ops 1 Nuketown versus Cold War Nuketown '84

From DownSights: "Black Ops is not Black Ops without Nuketown. Following the tradition of releasing Nuketown for Black Ops games, the new Black Ops Cold War game also offers a revamped Nuketown called Nuketown '84.

Nuketown '84 has the same dimensions and map layout except for the aesthetics. The map's aesthetics have changed to fit the 80s theme, with destroyed buildings and graffiti-filled walls compared to a clean 50s suburban neighborhood seen in Black Ops 1."