
StrengthGamer: Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Review Thank God for Multiplayer

In Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood you control Ezio Auditore (again) as you try to take down the authoritarian ruler Cesare Biorgi. If you played Assassin's Creed 2, you'll know exactly what to expect, as the game is essentially a sequel, bringing all the same elements back to life. You can hide from your enemies, buy weapon from Leonardo da Vinci, upgrade the city, ride on horses, and run across rooftops. Oh, and the biggest similarity between AC 2 and AC: Brotherhood... a stupid ending.

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BlueTroll4962d ago

I'm impressed that despite his personal opinion on how "fun" the game is, he still gave it a score it deserved. Nicely done.

WutPleaze4962d ago

why does it take me so long to get into a multiplayer match? a 20 minute wait isnt uncommon at all (this is on ps3 by the way)

WutPleaze4962d ago

has no one else had this problem?

Neo Nugget4962d ago

I've maybe had to wait for 5 minutes once or twice. Nothing to complain about though.

Johnny Jiron4962d ago

Ive had a few issues getting into ranked matches. This is on the 360. After a bit tho it was pretty quick to find lobbies. I expect this to be more along the lines of limited amount of players and such as this isnt gonna be the biggest game when it comes to multiplayer. However, it is most certainly one of my favorites.

VenGencE9994962d ago

I have this same problem on the PS3 as well. hope it's fixed soon...

Simco8764962d ago

I bought the game and haven't even touched the multiplayer (played the beta)

I see this game like Fallout. Any more Assassin's Creed is a good thing, you can't beat the gameplay.

SoulMisaki4962d ago

I stopped reading as soon as I saw "Biorgi". I'll admit, I Lol'd.

But as soon as I see that a reviewer doesn't care enough to check the source material before writing a review, I know it's going to be crap.

PS: It's Borgia.

WutPleaze4962d ago

really? that's a typo. calm down- i'm guessing from the author's last name "accinelli", he knows a thing or two about italian last names.

SoulMisaki4962d ago

Biorgi sounds anything but Italian, I'm Portuguese, and I've been to Italy, and I know what their names generally sound like.

I like reviews that show attention to detail, knowledge in what they are reviewing, and reviews that are unbiased.

This review just isn't for me. I'm not saying you can't read it.

AvidGamerrrr4962d ago

The article itself is correct. Maybe it was the submitter that spelled it wrong?

UltimateSin4962d ago

Nope read through the article, there's a bunch of spelling mistakes.

I agree with the reviewer, the fuck with the ending, the fuck. It leaves you on a cliffhanger like Mafia 2. Are we going to get DLC that will sort it out?

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Decommissioning of online services for several AC games (October 2022)

"Hello everyone, we have more details to share concerning the upcoming decommissioning of online services affecting several AC titles, including additional information regarding the DLC for these titles."

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CrimsonWing69660d ago

When will you decommission this new one? I’m only asking so I can be happier by not buying it at full price.

bunt-custardly660d ago

The dog Chorizo from FAR CRY 6 has wheelchair legs, so is hardly a decommissioned pet. In fact very useful for digging up dirt.


Ubisoft Is Shutting Down Servers For Older Titles And Blocking Access To DLC Content You Paid For

Immersed Gamer writes: "Ubisoft came out with the announcement that some of their classic titles are shutting down their servers. While this is not entirely surprising, the next bit is quite shocking. As Ubisoft states in regard to many of said classic games, “additionally, the installation and access to DLC will be unavailable”.

The wording is a little vague, so the actual paid DLC could be safe. But it doesn’t change the fact that multiplayer modes of Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood, Rayman Legends, and Driver San Francisco will surely be missed. Especially since no alternative exists in many of those cases. This happens to unveil right next to our story where I essentially beg Atlus to port SMT to modern consoles alongside Persona.

Seems like videogame preservation is on the down-low…"

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MadLad722d ago

This just in.
Ubisoft woke up and pulled an Ubisoft.

Mazgamer722d ago

Reports say that they might continue to do an Ubisoft in the near future. Dreadful.

VenomUK722d ago

Why would DLC stop working, because it requires a server for authentication?

Publishers need to find technical and legal solutions so that any digital product a user owns always works.

Mazgamer722d ago

@VenomUK From what I remember replaying the Assassin's Creed II and Brotherhood, there were plenty of mission DLCs you had to download via UPlay. I think they are completely disconnecting UPlay from those games, thus you won't be able to download the DLCs.

I'm guessing obviously. And even that explanation just doesn't make much sense to me. Why would they just remove UPlay support for these games? Why will those single-player DLCs become unavailable? Which DLCs in particular? I truly can't wrap my head around what Ubisoft means by this mess. We will either have to wait and see, or someone will pressure Ubi via social media to make some statement explaining.

1Victor722d ago

All hail the future of all digital games.
I would like to hear the excuses from the all digital future defenders about this

Rebel_Scum722d ago (Edited 722d ago )

Who’s playing any of these old garbage DLC’s/online modes in 2022?

NotoriousWhiz722d ago

This literally has zero to do with digital games and is really just an Ubisoft issue. Either way, most people will tell you that "all digital" is not the future. Digital and physical should always be options.

1Victor722d ago

@ notorious
🤦🏿 "Ubisoft came out with the announcement that some of their classic titles are shutting down their servers. While this is not entirely surprising, the next bit is quite shocking. As Ubisoft states in regard to many of said classic games, “additionally, the installation and access to DLC will be unavailable”.

What part of that makes it zero to do with digital today is Ubisoft tomorrow can be any game that’s digital only or have DLC from any publisher but hey whatever helps you sleep, remember kid the older your favorite digital games get the closer they’re to the big shutdown 🤷🏿

DOMination-721d ago

They are shutting down multiplayer for PS3 games that nobody is playing. If you owned a physical copy, you'd also be affected? It has nothing to do with digital.

Presumably for the DLC, you'll still have access to it if you've previously purchased it. And if you're upset that you haven't already got the DLC for ACII, then I don't know what to say.. you've had 15 years to buy it.

Of course, we'd all love for everything to always be available and despite what you may think, I'm not really defending this - but maintaining multiplayer serves for games from two generations ago that literally nobody is playing takes up resources. And energy. And right now, that is very expensive. I guess the solution should be allowing console gamers to run their own servers.

NotoriousWhiz721d ago

Please tell me which part of this: "additionally, the installation and access to DLC will be unavailable” doesn't affect their physical games. None. It affects all of their games equally.

NotoriousWhiz721d ago

"the older your favorite digital games get the closer they’re to the big shutdown"

Funny, because I haven't lost a single digital title yet. I guess the big shutdown only actually shut down one digital game.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 721d ago
Wintersun616722d ago

They're doing a Ubisoft. Because that's what Ubisoft does.

CrimsonWing69722d ago

And you want us to go all digital? This is the bull sh*t that makes me apprehensive to an all digital future. You corpo guys don’t understand game preservation or it’s importance.

Majors722d ago

Its all about the £££££ and if they can sell you the same item multiple times over... Also physical or digital makes no difference these days sadly because if you buy physical you only get 1/2 the data needed to actually start the game nevermind play it

XxINFERNUSxX722d ago

Just torrent for PC and smile 😁

Majors722d ago

Companies who withdraw support should be legally made to patch games to enable the 'owner' to create and host their own MP lobbies. This is theft

Inverno722d ago (Edited 722d ago )

Unfortunately we've allowed corporations to hold too much power and we don't own half of what we buy. The correct thing to do when shutting down servers, or better yet include it from the beginning, is to make it possible to access what we originally bought. This won't change until they're forced to cause greedy people don't like doing the right thing unless they have some incentive.

CantThinkOfAUsername722d ago

We don't own anything. The company makes a product and asks for a one-time fee to give you a licence to access it. You agree to the terms that they can revoke that licence at any time for any reason. This is 'digital ownership.'

Maybe people should read some of what they blindly click to agree to.

Father__Merrin722d ago

When this happens they should give ddlc free to download

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Hey, Can We Get Assassin's Creed Multiplayer Again?

Assassin's Creed multiplayer hasn't been a thing for well over half a decade. That's a good reason to bring it back.

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dumahim1222d ago

Hey, can we get an Assassin's Creed game without 10+ year old controls that are outdated and filled with bugs that gets ignored that includes progress breaking bugs from launch that aren't fixed even months after launch?

isarai1222d ago

Hey can we get an Assassins Creed and not an open world RPG with f2p elements?

Phoenix761222d ago

If you an assassin's like MP mode, I'd recommend Ghost of Tsushima Legends instead.

anast1222d ago

No. Why? Is there some kind of online MP draught going on?

Seraphim1222d ago

lol right. of all the draughts going on in gaming right now online MP is definitely not one of them.

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