
Things you should never hear a hardcore gamer say

SG: The Hardcore Gamer is a hearty folk. Full of CoDBlOps and Hot Pursuits, this gamer knows its way around the general gaming landscape. The hardcore “poseurs” are also very easy to spot by the things they say. There are certain things that a Hardcore Gamer would never say or do.

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DoomeDx4962d ago

The list lacks inspiration.

Droid Smasha4962d ago

Things you should never hear a hardcore gamer say:

"Wanna play Move?"

meowthemouse4961d ago

People just lack a sense of humor now

Danteh4961d ago

No, most people have sense of humor but this list is just not funny, in fact it kinda stinks

N4WAH4961d ago (Edited 4961d ago )

Droid Smasha don't hate because the hardcore think it's embarrassing that you like to play hide and seek and jump rope with Skittles.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4961d ago
Parapraxis4962d ago (Edited 4962d ago )

Things you should never hear a hardcore gamer say:
"Kinect is amazing"

Nd1bu_4962d ago

I like holding up pink balls on sticks to my face

hay4962d ago

@Parapraxis: You've beaten their entire list.

visualb4962d ago


you do? thats not normal, not even for a sexual fetish =| you should seek help

@ Papap:

well considering its target demographic is children and housewives, hopefully not...unless there are some housewife hardcore gamers


lol @ driving car with joystick x'P

specialguest4962d ago

Lets play PRETEND and hold our imaginary steering wheel! yay~!

tacosRcool4961d ago

You like pink balls and sticks next to your face? I hope your a chick

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Anon19744962d ago

"You know, this controller is just getting in the way of my videogame enjoyment. If only there were some way I could leap around in front of my TV to play games."

MagicAccent4961d ago

Things you should never hear a hardcore gamer say:

"I just looked on this top ten article called "Things you should never hear a hardcore gamer say", and it made me laugh."

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4961d ago
Zinc4962d ago

"Things you should never hear a hardcore gamer say"

1. I'm a hardcore gamer.
2. See above.

visualb4962d ago (Edited 4962d ago )

I HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE the term, but calling someone a "gamer" alone isn't enough anymore since so many people "game" yet don't take gaming to that level (reading about games, knowing about games, having a genuine interest in the gaming world, etc)

I agree though, I prefer "The core gamer", as in, the "core" of the fanbase, the solid unrelenting devotee's of gaming =)

Blinding_Solo4962d ago

I talk to a lot of people that say they are gamers but don't know anything unless its showed to them on T.V. I tell these people to look up everything gaming and inform yourself of your interest. Hell half of these people didn't know about Duke Nukem Forever when I asked them about that.

Hayabusaman4962d ago

It's not bad it's just sarcastic .

Hayabusaman4962d ago

Without reading the stupid comments like yours

Ducky4962d ago

... but Bad Company 2 IS missing dual-wielding shotguns.

chazjamie4961d ago

yeah i didnt get that one either.

after reading that article i feel even more hardcore, because i dont say any of that "casual" stuff/s

Matthew944962d ago

this is a crap article

reported as lame

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Elden Ring's manga paused so the author can play the DLC instead

Elden Ring's manga has been put on hiatus so that the artist can play the DLC.

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phoenixwing1d 15h ago (Edited 1d 15h ago )

Well 6 month hiatus it is. If not longer lol


15 Great Games Where Every Minute of the Experience Feels Earned

GB: "We take a look at 15 amazing games that had the perfect length."

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26d ago
coolbeans26d ago

Pretty good list. Botany Manor would be the newest addition that encapsulates that title.


Anyone else not blown away with graphics these days? Me neither

Talal writes: "I'm talking about having that rush of excitement - that feeling you get when you know you've just made a memory for a lifetime."

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OptimusDK29d ago

There are different games. Some have gamplay at it highest priority, some have the story, some have the replay value and choices... There are a lot of different game experiences.

It is laughable that just now graphics does not have anything to do with that experiene. We have had many games of that type over time. This is just the one that have come closest to feel like playing an actual movie. Just look the the Digital foundry walkthrough it is a masterpiece in that perspective and hence wrth trying. But yes do not do it for the gameplay - but that was never the goal of this experience.

GamerRN29d ago

It's because it's on Xbox. When Xbox has amazing graphics, they don't matter. When PlayStation does, it's a game changer!

Lightning7729d ago

Pretty much my thoughts. They were technical marvel's on PS and still are. The moment Xbox puts out a graphically intense game is doesn't matter suddenly.

4 years ago this month would the UE5 tech demo debut with the girl flying (tech demo said it was only possible on PS5 because of the SSD. Glad to finally see it in its glory.

fr0sty29d ago

FFS, gaming journalism has really gone downhill. At least hire people with a basic grasp of grammar... "Me neither" means the exact opposite of what the "author" is trying to say. That's like saying "I could care less"... lol.

S2Killinit29d ago

Maybe because the gameplay being dull allowed it to have the amazing graphics and people are not as impressed by graphics alone anymore? I mean there is a lot of sites saying the story and the gameplay are lackluster. So what are we supposed to enjoy then? Cgi graphics are beautiful but since they arent interactive, they dont impress me as much as they used to. Thats an extreme example, but you get my drift.

Terry_B28d ago

When Playstation (Sony) does it..its usually a great game and not a cinematic experience..or at least something new at the time..like Until Dawn back in 2015.

1Victor28d ago

@gamer:” It's because it's on Xbox. When Xbox has amazing graphics, they don't matter. When PlayStation does, it's a game changer!”

The game looks as good as any other PlayStation game in my eyes why can’t you and the other hardcore Xbox be happy about it and drag PlayStation into every conversation and force PlayStation hardcore to look into the game and find flaw that most games have in one way or another.
@light: “ 4 years ago this month would the UE5 tech demo debut with the girl flying (tech demo said it was only possible on PS5 because of the SSD. ”
Yes at that time it was only possible on PlayStation SSD how ignorant of you to think that after 4 years the technology wouldn’t evolved and move to a industry standard 🤦🏿I wish your mentality wasn’t so naive and narrow to post stuff like that 😩 in a year or 2 a new game will come out that might look better, it’s the nature of the industry.

Now that the distraction is gone I feel that is a good thing that the graphics in games are starting to hit the rooftop and hopefully the developers will put more thoughts into story and gameplay mechanics than just the next shiny oily skin of old.

Reaper22_28d ago

So true. Not surprised by all the negativity. It's a really good game and looks better than any game I've ever seen. GOTY nominee for sure. Like I said before, sony screwed up big time by not purchasing Ninja Theory.

Asplundh28d ago

Pretty much. It's like how the Switch and Steam controller using haptic feedback in their controllers wasn't a big deal but then Sony did it and it was then a "game changer".

fr0sty28d ago

The game runs at as low as 21fps... That isn't much to brag about no matter how good it looks.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 28d ago
MajorLazer28d ago (Edited 28d ago )

We've had graphical gamechangers before, such as Crysis but those games still had gameplay to compliment it. Hellblade pretty much has none, and only achieved such graphics through being incredibly linear and having very small, closed off environments where very little is happening.

Vx_28d ago (Edited 28d ago )

GFX does not mean anything if the game is boring. It is simple like that and these major companies need to understand this simple concept.

Games are like your lady, she may be beautiful to look at for a while but then it gets boring if her character isn't interesting and fun to be with.

29d ago Replies(7)
Kneetos29d ago

Mario kart 8 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Sonic188129d ago

Horizon forbidden West has great graphics and great gameplay

GamerRN29d ago

Yeah but graphics don't matter, remember?

anast28d ago


I've been pretty consistent in saying that we need both.

GamerRN27d ago

So until dawn, too human, or whatever those series of games were... Graphic masterpieces it garbage with no gameplay?

VincentVanBro29d ago

I agree and I actually think Forbidden West looks better than Hellblade 2. I easily prefer looking at it at least.

Sonic188128d ago

It does look better in my opinion as well. I don't know why it looks better but there's something about the Decima engine or that guerrilla games is using tricks that we don't know of

Abear2128d ago

Can you fly a mount under water in Hellblade 2? I think not! One of the best moments this Gen

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