
New Test Drive Unlimited 2 screenshots

Namco Bandai published new screenshots from Test Drive Unlimited 2. Check them out.

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Bounkass5068d ago

Looks as worse as it's predecessor...

ShinMaster5068d ago (Edited 5068d ago )

Cars don't look too bad, but the environments are kinda crappy

As for other things
That's just ugly and unacceptable! I've seen better on the PS2(two).


Looking back to 2011 and the Botched Launch of Test Drive Unlimited 2

Richard writes: "The series may have a cult following, but ten years on Test Drive Unlimited 2 still upsets me. It was one of my most anticipated games ever, with a concept years ahead of what Forza Horizon could achieve. But it remains one of the buggiest launches of a game I can remember, completely tarnishing my memory of it."

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Test Drive Unlimited 2 gets a must-have Multiplayer Mod

DSOGaming writes: "TDU World is an Online Server and Mod Pack Project for Test Drive Unlimited 2 that is currently available for download."

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Iceball20001322d ago

Such an underrated game, the only problem I had with it was the car physics on anything more powerful the a Golf GTI. But to me this was the original Forza Horizon


Cult Classics – Test Drive Unlimited 2

Game Informer - It's hard to imagine what to do in a car game except race other cars, and yet with Test Drive Unlimited 2, developer Eden Games found a way to expand the genre's horizons enough to offer an experience that's slightly different from your average racer. Eden's ambition came with a cost, but Test Drive Unlimited 2 is a game that I remember fondly and appreciate for the chances it takes.

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RavageX4134d ago

This game gets a bad rap, but I enjoy it still. The idea was great, I think that if the devs were just better supported it could have been something truly epic.

Would love to see something like this again, especially on a next gen console.

wallis4134d ago

Dear gameinformer,

look up the fucking definition of cult classic,


anyone who knows what "cult" or "classic" means.