
Mana Pool: Baldur’s Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast Review

Mana Pool: "Tales of the Sword Coast is the sole expansion to Baldur’s Gate, and adds many hours of gameplay outside of the main story line, as well as raising the level cap slightly. There are three new avenues to explore – following the journey of Balduran across the sea; exploring the depths of Durlag’s Tower and helping a powerful mage with a… small task."

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maawdawg4972d ago

The Baldur's Gate games are among the best RPGs ever created. For the price you can find them on sites like GoodOldGames they shouldn't be missed.


Baldur's Gate 3 PC Optimized Settings and Benchmarks

Baldur’s Gate 3 is one of the most replayable games ever made with a 1000-hour playtime or more. However, it can be quite taxing on modern CPUs. Let's have a look at how it performs on one if the fastest gaming processors and how to optimize it.

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Larian after Baldur's Gate 3: "We have ambitions to make really good RPGs, and that's sufficient"

"Treat your players as you would like to be treated, that's it," Vincke says when asked about how to maintain trust with a game's community.

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Baldur's Gate 3 Fan Makes It Playable In First-Person

The Elder Scrolls: Baldur's Gate 3.

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Becuzisaid62d ago

Kinda cool I guess. Seems they just allowed the camera to zoom in right on top of the characters head and then able to control movement like a fps. Makes me wonder what the game would be like if I didn't ever zoom way out and scroll over the environment to check out for enemies nearby almost constantly.