
UK Game Publishers: We have Enough Development Studios

SPOnG: "Crash Time developer, German-based Synetic's MD Andreas Leicht has spoken out about the difficulties facing the European games industry today. Specifically in the case of the UK where, apparently, there are already enough development studios."

vgn244992d ago

Ironic considering the uproar when Canada tried to lure UK devs and pubs to North America. Now the UK claims to have enough?


Electronic Theatre In-depth Review: Crash Time 4: The Syndicate

Electronic Theatre writes "The Crash Time videogame series doesn’t have the best reputation in the UK. Fitting somewhere between Midtown Madness and BurnOut – less gentle than the former but not quite as chaotic as the latter – the lack of marketing and reasonably low profile releases hasn’t persuaded public opinion to the point at which Crash Time could be considered a contender for the sales chart top spot, but in reality it’s not intended to. Crash Time is the B-Movie to Need for Speed’s Hollywood, the low budget indie flick picked-up by a big name publisher and given a mainstream audience the likes of which it could never possibly have expected."

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Crash Time 4: The Syndicate Review | paranerds

Crash Time 4: The Syndicate is a car game unlike any other. Is it as intense as you expect or is it exactly what you would expect?

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Crash Time 4: The Syndicate Review | GameGrin

GameGrin Writes - "I’ve been saying it for years: what we really need is more police themed driving games based on German TV shows. Well, it seems that publisher RTL Playtainment was listening and has decided to bring Synetic‘s late 2010 title, Crash Time 4: The Syndicate, to the UK gaming market."

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