
IGN Preview: TERA's Twilight and Hills

Pora Elinu, which David Noonan from En Masse Entertainment (TERA's North American publisher) informs us is named after the progenitor-goddess of the popori (the little raccoon-looking playable-characters). It's a zone permanently shrouded in twilight, meaning teen girls worldwide will have an unhealthy obsession with this zone and everyone in it. Just kidding! Although the zone does contain a group of 'vampirs', it is unconfirmed as to whether or not they sparkle in the sunlight.


Four Adorable Tiny Characters You May Want to Play

Some people always choose the same race in whatever MMOs they play, while some always struggle when making choices. What about you? Regardless of the types of characters you'd love to choose, the following adorable tiny figures may be noteworthy. Will you give them a try?


Is TERA Online Worth Playing In 2013?

TERA has gone free to play but is it worth playing? We go over what TERA goes right, what it needs, and what’s on the horizon for current, new, and aspiring players.

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Free To Play Unlimited Episode 22

Free To Play Unlimited with Oxana is the exclusive FreeMMOStation.com webshow about free MMORPG and F2P games. The team will bring you exciting news, quizzes, the most anticipated games and more.In this episode Tera goes free-to-play... in Korean and Japan, Family Guy Online shuts down and the Mabinogi 2 Arena developers find a name. The recent First Looks include (but are not limited to) Star Wars: The Old Republic, C9: Continent of the Ninth Seal and Realm of the Mad God. In Face Off, League of Legends will meet its match with Dota 2, while the Most Wanted game of the week is Mercenary Ops, a free to play third person shooter from China.

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