
Kinect Warning Screens Suggest You ‘Take a Break’

Just as Nintendo’s Wii software before it, Microsoft’s Xbox 360 Kinect software is obviously very conscious of its family-friendly image. While titles like Wii Sports and Wii Fit offer the suggestion that the player might want to rest for a while after an extended play session, it appears that the likes of Kinect Sports and Kinect Adventures present the option to rest as early as a few minutes after beginning play.

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Vip3r5090d ago ShowReplies(6)
theonlylolking5090d ago

Just like the wii games like wii sports or wii party.

King-Leonidas5090d ago (Edited 5090d ago )

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VINNIEPAZ5090d ago (Edited 5090d ago )

"Wow, that sounds like an excuse to stop playing it so it doesn't overheat."

My god you PS3 trolls are pathetic. I swear not one Xbox article can get past 2 comments without you lame fanboys saying some stupid shit.

tacosRcool5090d ago

You should see some of the PS3 articles and see what goes on in there. At least people don't report them as trolling as you guys do

On another note I don't see why you need a break? Why take a break from some mediocre exercise?

AAACE55090d ago (Edited 5090d ago )

I go into the Ps3 articles and the comments are far worse on Ps3 articles. The Ps3 articles have a few fanboys, but the fanboys who post bad comments against the 360 is far worse!

And since you guys wannt talk about heat issues... I've noticed my 250 gb Ps3 slim gets hot... really hot after about an hour of use! About as hot as the old Xbox 360's get! My 80 gb didn't get that hot, so why is this one getting hot! I have used this new one less than 100 hours.

stuna15090d ago (Edited 5090d ago )

It's not telling you to take a break for your sake! It's telling you to take a break for it's sake, because it's heating up and about to RDOD your xbox, lol.
@FordGTGuy: I'm just having some fun, but you keep on think ing what you want to think, while I'll continue saying what I want to say kapisch!

FordGTGuy5090d ago

Obvious Troll is Obvious

Twice in the same thread? Jeez.......

rlm425090d ago (Edited 5090d ago )

Take a break
Have a kit kat!

Fishy Fingers5090d ago

"take a break, sit back and relax, maybe pick up a pad and play one of our decent games"

Blaze9295090d ago

um...ALL games bare this suggestion -_-. Why/how is this new news?

OSU_Gamer5090d ago

its not...its another chance for the fanboys to make some dumb comments...As you can see from the first comment.

visualb5090d ago

because its kinect.

i'm not impressed by the product itself but the constant articles make very little room for avoidance...

i dno, I guess N4G loves Kinect =3

gamingdroid5090d ago

Because Kinect is hot and every little news about it gets a lot of attention. Good or bad, you are here aren't you in this not so newsworthy article?

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H9957d ago

A lot of the points made here are true, yet let's give it a chance, because like the author said, the Wii was a motion control console and everyone did view it as such while the switch is not, so the way people view the game determines how much they invested in it, so again let's give it a chance and see

Ratty957d ago

Wii sports was truly atrocious and you're saying Switch Sports will be even worse? It does not bode well for Switch Sports indeed.

Fntastic957d ago

Wii Sports was ok for screwing around, but the games lacked depth. Also I'm not sure why it seems like they decided to stick with the automatic player movement so all you need to do is swing to hit something. Very noob friendly but not as much fun IMO.

CrimsonWing69957d ago (Edited 957d ago )

Wii Sports was THE game for casuals. I don’t feel many casuals own the Switch. I can’t see this doing the numbers Wii Sports did.

Einhander1971957d ago

Course it won't, the Wii was a phenomenon. Something new with the motion tech. A curiosity to almost everyone. Obviously Switch sports won't create the same impact.

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