
PS3 DVR Kit Tops 400,000 Units

Andriasang: We've been hearing for months that Sony's "Torne" PlayStation E3 digital video recording kit has been a success, but we never got solid sales figures to back the claim up. Today, Sankei news delivered something a bit more solid.

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Jamegohanssj55089d ago

Can I purchase one of these and use it on my TV? I need to upgrade from my VCR lol.


gamingdroid5089d ago

SO when do we get one of these in the US?

Godmars2905089d ago

As soon as there's one national cable company. Japan and the UK have one basic cable channel, so PlayTV and Trone work there. The only reason the 360 is getting a VCR is because you have to get U-verse, and chances are USA network and a dozen other cable networks are going to end up complaining if not banning 360 access.

Ju5089d ago (Edited 5089d ago )

No need for a national cable company. Protocols are standardized and decoder cards should be available on request. The cable companies sure try to hide this info somewhere in the smallprint, though.

HolyOrangeCows5089d ago (Edited 5089d ago )

Is THIS one actually available in the US?

Edit: Woah. Eerily similar comments. Both with a caps-word and ending in "in the US?"

Godmars2905089d ago

Over 5 million PS3s in Japan, its been at least a year - six months? - I honestly expect the numbers to be higher. Closer to a million if not past the half million mark.

Just saying.

Knushwood Butt5089d ago

It came out about 6 months ago.

I'm surprised the numbers aren't higher too. It's a great piece of kit. We use ours pretty much every day.

Still, 400K aint sloppy.

ReBurn5089d ago (Edited 5089d ago )

I think it's respectable, considering the Japanese install base. Peripherals like this are kind of a niche thing, anyway.

cam20305089d ago

i hope it comes to canada real soon


Playstation 3 “Torne” system bundle gets official price cut

The Japanese branch of Sony Computer Entertainment has revealed that they will be giving a big official price cut for their Playstation 3 “Torne” system bundle.

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Droid Control4523d ago

This kind of thing never works. Adding features and devices mid-late generation.

32X, Mega CD, PSX, etc...

Felinox4523d ago (Edited 4523d ago )

Disagrees? Please give examples of late gen hardware add ons that succeded.

nitrogav4523d ago

When is Play Tv 2 coming out in the UK Sony ? . Been waiting patiently for ages . Freeview HD is virtually out all over the country now .

kingPoS4523d ago

As a US resident all I can is endlessly pine for a Play tv/Torne solution.


PS3's Torne Updated To Version 3.52

Torne has just been updated to version 3.52, this update fixes quality issues encountered in Remote Play for the Vita.

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nitrogav4631d ago

Anybody know if this is coming to the UK with HD freeview ? .

CandyCaptain4630d ago

Last I heard it still hasn't made it out of Japan! ~_~'

nitrogav4630d ago

That`s a shame , stuck with SD play tv then .


Torne App Launches with PlayStation Vita

Write thirty minutes of video to your Vita in five minutes.

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remanutd554670d ago

is that app only available in japan ?

tiffac0084670d ago

Good question, the PS3 accessory was for Japan only but this is an app, so maybe there is hope that we will fet to see this outside the Land of the Rising Sun.


MasterCornholio4668d ago

I hope they release it in the EU because streaming video to your Vita is a great idea.
