
Destructoid Review: Vanquish

Destructoid: "Vanquish is a game that intends to speed up the typically methodical cover-based shooter and, fundamentally, it has done this. Armed with his ability to glide along the ground with a ludicrously fast rockstar-style knee slide and assaulted by enemies who act more like Ikaruga-style SHMUP enemies than the beefy blasters of Gears of War, Platinum has most definitely succeeded in making a cover shooter with energy. At least ... aesthetically."

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big_silky5087d ago

written by jim sterling, don't waste your time.

N4GAddict5087d ago

I was expecting him as the reviewer with the low score.

MachinaMaw5087d ago (Edited 5087d ago )

Raised an eyebrow when I saw the score...then I realized when I saw the name.

lastdual5087d ago

But seriously, I wonder if anyone here will actually refute his points. After actually reading the review, some of them, like his complaints about the recycled bosses, seem pretty valid.

zatrox5087d ago

Playing the game at this moment.

Most of the oh-so-called "recycled" bosses are in fact, bosses that became normal enemies.

I.E., you say "Wow, this dude was pretty though.." and at the next level you have to kill 3 of them at the same time.

lastdual5087d ago

Good point, and to be honest it never bothered me when Bayonetta did the same thing, although Bayonetta was about 3 times as long (and still had many unique bosses) so it was easier to look past. In a game that's under 6 hours, I'd want as many unique combat situations as possible.

badz1495087d ago

from a site that gave deadly premonition 10/10! nuff said!

MidnytRain5087d ago

What some people forget that these games are reviewed by different people. Just because they write for the same site doesn't mean they have to share the same opinion. There may be another reviewer at Destructoid who thinks Jim's crazy. That's why some sites have "Second Opinion" pieces.

rockleex5086d ago

In case you did not notice the name Jim Sterling on every single ridiculous Destructoid review.

Also, there's no point to counter argue his points when his arguments are based on trolling concepts.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5086d ago
Cold 20005087d ago

Please guys dont give him a hit!

xino5087d ago

the farking link is broken anyway

PrimordialSoupBase5087d ago

I really hate that one of the few reviewers who knows how to use the complete 1 to 10 scale is a total moron. If his scores were rationalised and substantiated in a professional manner, I'd personally take no issue with this. Unfortunately, his piss poor writing and nonsensical thought process is reflective of a manchild desperate for attention and nothing more.

despair5087d ago

thanks for the warning big_silky but once I see the score there's no way I would give them a hit by opening the obvious hit seeking article.

Downtown boogey5087d ago (Edited 5087d ago )

It's seems valid, though...

"There's a distinct lack of content in Vanquish. In fact, if you've played and been impressed by the game's demo, as I certainly was, then you've already seen what the game has to offer. There are a few extra weapons, but they're all discovered within the first 10% of the game and you'll soon learn that the assault rifle's the only useful gun anyway. There are no new moves to unlock, no cool weapons found later in the game, and the only upgrades available are increased ammo counts. There's simply nothing compelling the player forward. It certainly isn't the story, which is asinine and attempts to be political while Sam Gideon does his best Solid Snake impersonation. Even the final boss is just a repeat of a boss fought at the end of the game's first act. Except now there's TWO of them, wooooah!"

zatrox5087d ago

Seems like Jim is crying because the game kicked his ass, and the review's a full rant about "How the mechanics suck because I don't know how to use them properly and in wich occasions", "The game is full of one-hit kills", etc.

Tikicobra5087d ago

I knew immediately that it was him when I saw the score.

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Downtown boogey5087d ago

"At the very least, the game is very pretty to look at. The various visual effects and explosions, not to mention the fact that individual bullets have been animated and are visible in slow-motion, all deserve praise. The bright colors make a welcome break from the dreary browns of most cover shooters, and the enemy design is especially cool. The aesthetic portions of Vanquish are very impressive indeed, so if all you care about are graphics, this is your game."

zatrox5087d ago

Did he EVEN play the Demo?

It has the best number of ammo BUT THE WORSE DAMAGE OF THEM ALL.

AKS5087d ago

I can take even HHG's reviews more seriously than Sterling's.

FwanK5087d ago (Edited 5087d ago )

I read jim sterling and i walked away

MidnytRain5087d ago

...from your computer? What was the purpose of that? I'm pretty sure you came right back to type your comment. lol

5087d ago Replies(1)
5087d ago
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Best Sci-Fi Games on the PS3

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zaanan162d ago

Not a single Reistance? Fuck this article.

mastershredder162d ago (Edited 162d ago )

Starhawk over Warhawk?...... Dude, NO ONE should listen to you.

Odd choices for "best" more like you settled as these being the "best" that available to you at the time, cause a lot of these blow or were average to poor performers that ended up in bargain bin.

Missing too many great sci-fi titles here. The Void, The Resistance Series, Killzone 2 and 3, Enslaved, man.. there were so many, this is redicu-list.

FreeckyCake162d ago

Nobody should listen to you either with that attitude.

OtterX162d ago

I agree that Starhawk shouldn't be above Warhawk, however I must say that Starhawk multiplayer was incredible for its time! Many people wrote it off bc the single player was quite terrible, bc it was basically 1 huge tutorial for the multiplayer. But I can tell you never spent any significant amount of time in MP. It was doing incredibly tense base building w air, foot and land vehicle (and mech!) combat long before Fortnite was ever a thing.

I bet it would have been much better received if it had just ditched the story mode all together. So many people like yourself completely wrote it off based on reviews by reviewers that let the criticism of single player weigh heavily on their scores. I bet you didn't even play it.

Friendlygamer162d ago

The riddick games are some of the best stealth titles ever, highly underrated

YourMommySpoils162d ago

What games? All recall plating was Escape from Butcher Bay.

Friendlygamer162d ago (Edited 162d ago )

There's also the less acclaimed 'assault on dark Athena'

( also, not saying this to you specifically but there's both resistance and killzone games on the list, it's amazing how even something so simple and innocent as a game list can be turned into misinformed vitriol here lol )

jznrpg162d ago

Glad to see Resonance of Fate. Enslaved was pretty good too. I’m sure there are others nobody has listed but I’m too tired to try and think of anything


25 Best PlayStation 4 Sci-Fi Games

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Leeroyw476d ago

Titan fall 2 was chefs kiss. For those of you who haven't played it go ahead. Brilliant. With each level being creatively different.

Yui_Suzumiya476d ago

Island, Steins;Gate Elite and Soma.

MadLad475d ago

Soma is an epic experience.

jznrpg475d ago (Edited 475d ago )

Does ISLAND have English subs ? I can’t find a copy that says it has English subs for PS only the Switch version which I rather not buy .

Love Steins Gate and Soma

shinoff2183475d ago (Edited 475d ago )

FRom what i could find. Nothing with English subs.

Yui_Suzumiya474d ago

I own a physical copy on Switch and it does have English subtitles so it's all good on Switch and Playstation.

Yui_Suzumiya474d ago (Edited 474d ago )

My bad. Steam and Switch have English but PS4 and Vita only have Japanese. Sony doesn't mess with many visual novels which is why I only own a Switch OLED and laptop for all my games.


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neutralgamer1992510d ago (Edited 510d ago )

Actually great list TBH I agree with all 10

I hope one day we get some remakes for the following

The saboteur(with a proper remake and quality of life features this game could be great)
Scarface world is yours
Binary domain ( such a great game with great story)
GUN(this needs a remake)
Space marine 40k(such fun time)

Would also like to suggest adding the mercenary series even the 2nd game which is disliked by many is a fun time

cthulhucultist510d ago

I recently finished Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine and found it to be very enjoyable.

The game respected the lore and the gameplay was quite decent.

The color palette was a bit underwhelming (backdrops and setting) and recycled but I think that it deserved better.

Here's hoping for an amazing sequel

Vengeance1138510d ago

Space Marine II !! My most anticipated game of 2023! Woot