
Dungeon Maker: Hunting Ground - Video Game Generation Review

Dungeon Maker: Hunting Ground is a great looking game, but it's not apparent at first. Players begin their dungeon-making quest in a 2D village marked with different points to represent the town's various locations, like the Palace, Build Shop, Market, etc. A player's current position is represented by a chibified (that means small and cute) version of the game's main character that sways back and forth. Switching between points on the village map is simple; move the cursor with the directional pad and hit "X". Characters living in the village will guide the player through the game's early stages, which are pretty intuitive, and lead them to DMHG's really impressive part – the dungeon.

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Azures6237d ago

I want a 3d RPGMaker. One of the best games ever.


Hybrid Games - Dungeon Maker: Hunting Grounds : Mini-Review (PSP)

An ambitious but novice dungeon maker arrives in a small town known to suffer periodic attacks from violent monsters. He buys a vast plot of land at the outskirts of the town to create a grand dungeon in hopes of luring in various enemy monsters which to hunt to collect gold and items. He envisions his complete dungeon to be one so appealing as to lure the legendary Wandering Demon. Defeating this menacing monster would free the townspeople from the fear he casts upon them, while winning acclaim as a true dungeon maker for the "Architect."

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GamesWeasel: Dungeon Maker Review

Dungeon Maker is a nice little game package which will suit younger gamers - ideally those who haven't had too much experience of other role playing, turn based battle games with constant monster battling and grinding. It will no doubt be good training, and stand them in good stead for the future with its 30+ hours of gameplay.

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Games Asylum: Dungeon Maker Review

Although being the idea of being a dungeon master is oddly appealing at first, it doesn't take long for tedium to settle in. Rising Star would have been better off bringing the Rune Factory games over here instead.

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