
Playr: This is what MoH Frontline looks like on PS3

Playr has released a video showing the first ten minutes of Medal of Honor: Frontline - the remastered PS2 classic bundled with the PS3 version of Medal of Honor.

The opening mission takes players back to the D-Day beach landings, but this time in HD.

Hellsvacancy5008d ago (Edited 5008d ago )

Meh, not summin im bothered about playin again, it was good back then just not "good" enough 2 satisy me 2day

Hydrolex5008d ago

How do we know the guy isn't lying ?

Those graphics are ugly like chuck norris' grand mother

Shackdaddy8365008d ago (Edited 5008d ago )

Its for real and they are definitely NOT crappy for a 2002 game. Try comparing this version to the original and you will see.

Plus graphics aren't even the reason why this game is so good. Its the epic singleplayer which really succeeds

SeanRL5008d ago

Well it's an old game, they can only do so much.

Hydrolex5008d ago

When I see graphics like Killzone 3 and uncharted, It's a shame for me to go back and play games like that

Lazy Devs ! They could at least make a new one,

Imperator5008d ago

Dude, the game is EIGHT years old. How the heck can you expect something awesome? It's looks GREAT for what it is and I can't wait to get the MoH limited edition only on PS3.

xAlmostPro5008d ago

@hydrolex "they could atleast make a new one" its bundled with a new moh isn't it? get real

morganfell5008d ago (Edited 5008d ago )

True the graphics aren't up to par. Neither is Goldeneye from the N64. But look at the great looking titles this gen with the most such ass game play ever. Anyone that played Frontlines knows what this game has to offer in the gameplay department. The urban battles were tense. And that makes it a boon, A FREE BOON, to PS3 purchasers of MoH.

AntoineDcoolette5008d ago

That brings back memories. I feel like popping in my Ps2 copy right now. I never actually did finish the game, got to the last level and that sh!t was so hard T_T The campaign was so much better than a bunch of crap FPS games that come out now.

PSFan1005008d ago

I think this is fantastic to be bundled with the new medal of honor. How can anyone complain? this is the type of extra thing you want in a limited edition, not postcards and a boring dlc multilayer skin.

5008d ago
HolyOrangeCows5008d ago (Edited 5008d ago )

Woah! Troll-valanche.

Probably my favorite WW2 title.

King_many_layers5007d ago


Sure it's not up to the standards of game's now as it's simply remastered. You're comment is incredibly idiotic.

A remastered fil wouldn't end up looking like it had been made again, would it ??

Sarcasm5007d ago

Due note that this is free. People these days.

Computersaysno5007d ago

I was never a huge fan of frontline but played it and was impressed. A year later though call of duty came out on PC and it was the better game by a long way, it also looked astounding for the time on a good PC when the consoles were still in SD.

It still holds up well today, just download it on XBL/PSN and see. I still have it on PC and play it time to time

insomnium5007d ago

If this has trophy-support I will be playing it thoroughly. Good times...

Tone5007d ago (Edited 5007d ago )

So under your logic ICO and SOTC will be crap too then... oooook then, whatever you say :S

Kurt Russell5007d ago

Hehe, at the time this game blew my mind and balls away... No though, 4 people storming the beaches of Normandy doesn't really entice me back. Everything looked so bare!

RankFTW5007d ago

I never had a chance to play the original so am looking forward to giving this a go.

avengers19785007d ago

But for someone like me that never played it, It is going to be great and it's free with my already pre-ordered copy of Medal Of Honor so ++++ for people that never had a chance to play Frontlines before.

nickjkl5007d ago

who ever said this generation sucks compard to last was lieing out of their teeth

lexington5007d ago

OH man until i read the title i would've sworn this was Killzone2 but this game's controls are probably more responsive.

Longrod_Von_Hugendon5007d ago

PS3 version of MoH will be in 1080p. WIN

5007d ago
ambientFLIER5007d ago (Edited 5007d ago )

"PS3 version of MoH will be in 1080p. WIN"


Trust us on this, it will be in 1080p UPSCALED on the ps3, just like the xbox. 720P native guaranteed. Don't spread misinformation, because you obviously mean 1080p native, which is not happening. Only games that don't require a lot of processing power can play in 1080p native, and there aren't a lot of them.

+ Show (21) more repliesLast reply 5007d ago
IaMs125008d ago

AHH damn you EA, i wont this but i dont have a PS3 :( all well. This is one and probably still is my favorite WWII shooter ever made, what the hell happened EA?

avengers19785007d ago

Get yourself a PS3 then
tons of great games on the cheap right now
Plus oh so many coming with in the next 6mos to a year.

Chug5008d ago

Looks better than the 360 version...oh wait

Kurt Russell5004d ago

Not sure if 360 owners will be that sad to miss out on this imho.

xTruthx5008d ago

Direct youtube links arent allowed xD

BeOneWithTheGun5008d ago

and is it my computer or did that video play at, like, 5 FPS?

King_many_layers5007d ago

I think it's unfortunately you're end. It was pretty smooth for me.

mittwaffen5008d ago

they just did a straight port...wtf?

guess its better than nothing, but we'd like like it 'spiced up more than that'.

Still a great first level.

ReservoirDog3165008d ago

Yeah this is partly the reason I'm getting MoH. I think this was my first FPS game actually. Nostalgia sells huh?

ape0075008d ago

one of my favorite ps2 games

SkylineR5008d ago

I remember this on my Gamecube...
Doesn't seem as intense as it did back in the day.

It's funny looking at it now - texturing is horrible! XD It's still 1 of my favourite WWII games though.

lve2playbball5007d ago

was so much better than this game. The PC version had more guys and more happening on the beach. Frontline didn't give me that Omaha Beach feel--not enough happening. Either way, it was a decent game.

ipunchedGOD8985007d ago

FPS games just don't age well when it comes to graphics, even when you rez up the textures. Tried playing Duke Nukem with new graphics on XBLA, and it's painful.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 5004d ago
MGRogue20175008d ago (Edited 5008d ago )

Running on the PS3 really well.. No complaints here.

But, I'm getting the 360 version of Medal of Honor due to multiplayer community.. so most likely won't be playing this, oh well.

moparful995008d ago

You say it as though there isnt a community on the ps3 which is far from the truth...

Imperator5008d ago

He's just a fanboy. We'll be paying the same amount and getting even more for our money. Also, we won't be paying to play online.

ELite_Ghost5008d ago Show
MGRogue20175008d ago

... I own both consoles. To be honest, I haven't actually 100% decided on which version of the game I'm going to buy just yet. I am going to wait for comparisons from both Lens of Truth & Digital Foundry so I can get the best looking & performing version. :)

Sarcasm5007d ago

"I am going to wait for comparisons from both Lens of Truth & Digital Foundry so I can get the best looking & performing version. :) "

Then you must get the PC version. I played the PS3 beta back then and while it was fun, the graphics were so-so. But just playing the PC beta a couple days now, my god 60fps 32xcsaa. The game is awesome!

Hades13375008d ago

So saying that he wants the 360 version is trolling now is it?

alphakennybody5008d ago

if he wasn't trolling, then why bother mentioning buying it on the 360 and implying the community is better on the 360.

badz1495008d ago (Edited 5008d ago )

you're missing the point. moparful99 got it right. enkei clearly said "due to multiplayer community" like the PS3 has NONE of it thus some(including me) considered him as trolling. he could just say "due to "MY" multiplayer community" or "I have more friends on XBL" and there'll be nothing wrong with what he said.

vickers5005008d ago

"then why bother mentioning buying it on the 360"

Because he's someone who thinks random people care about his opinion, just like everybody commenting on this.

"and implying the community is better on the 360."

He doesn't imply that the community is better on the 360.

"But, I'm getting the 360 version of Medal of Honor due to multiplayer community" can mean his actual friends. If he has a long friends list, then probably considers that a community.

Everybody just loves to jump to conclusions and scream "FANBOY!@!$", and about half of the time, it's on baseless assumptions.

vhero5008d ago (Edited 5008d ago )

Anybody who buys a game based on the head to head reviews of sites like digital foundry etc..needs a hole in their head. As that is just retarded.. You get for your console of choice simple as really. If graphics really mean that much to you you should have got a top dog PC instead of 2 consoles which you didn't which means your either dumb or a fanboy.

moparful995007d ago

He said community not friends.. You know very well that on the internet you have to be clear about what you say and mean otherwise it leaves your comment open to interpretation.. This is what leads to this exact discussion we are having now.. So I took his comment at face value.. Not saying he is trolling but he is basing his decision on the "community" of xbl.. Being an avid gamer I've played on both live and psn and from my experience they are identical.. There are never shortages of players and there is a mix of good, bad, and just downright immature.. Only difference I personally have noticed is that the 360 crowd, for better and for worse, are more vocal online.. There are alot of random pissing contests and ALOT of vulgar use of speech that occurs on xbl... DOnt get me wrong it happens on psn as well but not nearly as frequently.. Sometimes you can go an entire match without hearing much talk at all.. But I've built up a great group of friends that I play very well with and thats what matters to me.. If this is what he has on xbl then fine thats great but he should clarify friends and not community.. Misinformation is the leading cause of these flame wars that seem so rampant on here....

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5007d ago
CREESH5008d ago

hmmm cant see me playing through that crap.

Shackdaddy8365008d ago

How dare you call one of the greatest WWII fps games crap!

*slaps CREESH in the face*

finbars755008d ago

I agree with you on that one.This game was so sweet and historical.Cant go wrong with this game at all unless your a sissy.

Sarcasm5007d ago

Well what do you expect from 12 year old kids? Back when this game was released, they were only 4.

pixelsword5008d ago

How does the remastered 360 version look?


ChronoJoe5008d ago

Switch between 360 and 720p on that video.

Can't really notice the difference. :s

kanetheking5008d ago

learn something new everyday.

ChronoJoe5007d ago

Did I say that? Think before you speak. I made an observation on this video. Didn't say I wouldn't be purchasing this, or MoH because of it.

Shackdaddy8365008d ago (Edited 5008d ago )

Noticed graphic, and sound improvements. Also noticed iron sights which = awesome. I thought they weren't going to do anything so this is a huge improvement.

Miss those good o' days......

I remember sitting in front of the TV with my lil' bro and taking turns playing this game. Every time one of us died we would switch off and make fun of how much the other person sucked :)

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ocelot078h ago

After playing the pc demo. It has potential but i do believe another 6 months to a year delay will help this greatly.

purple1017h ago

If I can remember rightly this has already been delayed a bunch

It might even have been announced last gen for ps4/xbone before switching to this current gen

ocelot074h ago

Yer I think it was announced like 6-7 years ago.

purple1014h ago(Edited 4h ago)

Ahh yeh it was 2020 I checked
So only 4 years seems reasonable

But it’s been 13 year since last one, what have the devs been doing for 13 years, damn