
The Final Fantasy MMORPGs: Roads Less Traveled

Hellmode writes: "My overall conflicted experience with Final Fantasy XIV still didn’t stop my jaw from dropping the first time I saw a dust storm settle over the sky of Ul’dah at night.

But for better or worse, Ul’dah and its dust storms are something that many gamers will never see. Unfortunately, not many saw its distant cousin Bastok either. The roads to the cities of Bastok and Ul’dah, to the games of Final Fantasy XI and XIV, are one and the same. They’re all roads less traveled in a world covered by interstate. Still, I like to believe that the scenic route is worth taking time to time–if you aren’t afraid of getting lost."

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StillGray4996d ago

I'm tempted to play FFXIV, if only for the experience. I never played FFXI, and I already regret missing out on it. Like the author, I enjoyed Asheron's Call, and perhaps FFXI would've been a good follow-up, had I tried it. I hope SquareEnix doesn't neglect the new game.

Dno4996d ago

It has FREE new content (and paid) coming out for it well into 2011 which is MONTHS after ff14 dropped. Not just rushed content but meaningful content like they are rasing the lvl capp from 75 to 99. How do people make stuff up and put it to where everyone can see?

StillGray4996d ago

Oh I didn't mean to imply that FFXI was neglected. Square's been really good at keeping the game updated. I'd just like to see them give FFXIV the same love.

Dno4994d ago (Edited 4994d ago )

sorry i may have been harsh. im 100% sure they will keep up with ff14 i mean not giving people what they want in ff11 hurt them they learned that at the end of ff11 and i hope out of the gate ff14 will keep that same type of thinking

Dizko4996d ago

Is it sad that I've never ever, ever played a single Final Fantasy game? JRPGs are just not appealing to me. I guess I'm a true western git, full and full.

StillGray4996d ago

If you've not played any FF games, you should try Final Fantasy XII. It's probably the most westernized Final Fantasy on the list, and it plays a lot like KOTOR.

gameseveryday4996d ago

I am still trying to decide if I want to pick up XIV. I really want to like it, but I agree with most of the points that was made about the game. I think I will ultimately wait a few months and see how it goes before deciding to buy it or not.

Jikla4996d ago

I'm having fun playing it at least. But I would've wait till they fix the retainer system (ah), the SP bug and party bugs.

maxcer4996d ago

i was a long time FFXI player but after the horrible beta and continued problems that many people are posting on various forums made me cancel my CE pre-order and re sub to WoW.

iseven4996d ago

just received my review copy of it. I'll let you know what i think.

Saryk4996d ago

The game is graphically awesome and the cut-scenes are great also. But the lag just kills the game for me and that is the biggest complaint from a lot of players in the US and in Japan. In my opinion this is a slower type of MMO in combat which is great for me and the game play is harder.

If they can kill the lag this will be an great game.

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Life is Strange: Double Exposure - Announce Trailer - 4K - Xbox Games Showcase 2024

Max Caulfield returns in Life is Strange: Double Exposure, an all-new supernatural murder mystery in the award-winning Life is Strange series.

gold_drake2h ago

holy shit, i didnt expect to see Max again.

so ... i wonder what ending is canon then.

Cacabunga1h ago

Never knew what this game was about.. i actually really dislike the title of it. But this trailer got me excited!

gold_drake25m ago

oh yeh, the title is trash, but im lookin forward to it

dumahim37m ago

Since there's two worlds, I'm guessing each of them is the result of the choice.

andy851h ago

This was a surprise. Looking forward to it

cthulhucultist59m ago

One of the best announcements in the show (personal opinion as I am fan of all life is strange games).

Here's hoping they dont mess this up (Deck Nine played it too safe in Life is Strange True Colors)

Vx_11m ago

this game is so overrated, the first one was ok, the rest are trash... i guess that is why they came back to the story of Max because the rest failed miserably.


Marcus Fenix returns in Gears of War E-Day but no release date is in sight

To wrap up the Xbox Games Showcase, Microsoft has revealed Gears of War E-Day, the first new entry in over 5 years.

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maniacmayhem1h ago

A prequel?! I'm sorry, but in my opinion this will mess with the canon that the Gears games have already established. How can you introduce new weapons or enemies?

-Foxtrot1h ago

Literally going to say the same thing

E-Day sounds fantastic on paper and we get Marcus back along with Dom but you are limited creatively because if you add any new weapons which are awesome then people will say "Why was this not in the first games when they are better and would have helped them" and enemies it will be "Where did the vanish to, why weren't they used later on they seemed pretty threatening"

It's the only issue with prequels, it's super hard to land it without bringing up so many questions when it's a lore heavy franchise.

I honestly thought it was a reboot at first....UNLESS they use this as the reboot which I wouldn't be mad about, I'd be all for it.

maniacmayhem1h ago

I'm thinking one way they could do it is just by switching up the gameplay, more open sandbox, maybe some RPG gameplay elements. Something along those lines.

A reboot? I guess that could work, maybe a retelling and all ..change some things because now we have the tech to introduce aspects that the original game couldn't due to limitations at that time.

We'll just have to wait and see.

Noskypeno1h ago

That's just where they have to get creative. With Halo Reach, they explained that certain weapons belonged to a different military branch than the one we played with in the first trilogy.

Sonic18811h ago(Edited 1h ago)

I thought it was either a reboot or prequel as well after seeing Marcus

PhillyDonJawn1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Not true, Halo reach was a prequel and had new weapons and gear. Just like any military some weapons get phased out, banned, modified, etc. So you can have weapons that weren't in the other games that can be explained while sticking to cannon. And new enemies could be explained by saying hey they were around during this time but we wiped them out and now they're extinct or after so many we're unalived they abandoned their post

Tacoboto1h ago

The world as they knew it gets destroyed.

That's perfect canon reason for cool new weapons and mechanics to not be in later games.

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Profchaos1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

It's what happens when you write yourself into a corner with the ending 5 took which was completely unessecery

bababooiy1h ago

Im just happy to see Marcus back. Dont even care if its a soft reboot imo the franchise needed something like this. Gears been irrelevant for a while now.

truthBombs1h ago

Seeing Marcus and Dom again had me in my feelings. I look forward to it.

Prubar1h ago

Since they never showed who the developer is I wonder if this is the People can Fly project. Leaving the Coalition to wrap up Gears 6.

Fishy Fingers1h ago

Thats an interesting point. You'd of expected to see "The Coalition" and all the leakers referred to it them working on "Gears 6" specifically..

mcstorm1h ago

Think it's a good move. Gears did not really work brining back gears of war and the original characters is definitely what's needed and hopefully put things back in the right direction

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Clair Obscur: Expedition 33 | Reveal Trailer - Xbox Games Showcase 2024

Lead the Expedition on a desperate adventure to destroy the Paintress before she erases the last survivors of humanity in the stunning new RPG Clair Obscur: Expedition 33. The debut title from Sandfall Interactive comes to Xbox Series X|S in 2025.

Christopher2h ago

That UIX is beautiful. Makes it a part of the game. Best thing out of this weekend so far, IMHO.

gold_drake2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

looked amazing , peaked my intrest almost immediately.

Valkyrie20242h ago

Best game of the showcase so far.

LG_Fox_Brazil1h ago

The one game that really got me hooked during this showcase, looks great

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