
HonestGamers Review // Winter Voices: Chapter One

It’s all a shame, because Winter Voices’ first episode has some moments of sparkling brilliance, combining the low-tech hand drawn artwork with the odd inspired moment of effective writing. Then, it goes right back into miring itself in as many ways as possible. Poor pacing, boring battles and mountains of pretentious prattling more suited to a art house coffee shop after hours. The game tries -- it really tries -- to take the gamer on an intellectual ride, to sell to them its world, its setting and its misery. But in doing so, often forgets that it’s meant to be a functioning game underneath all this.

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Games Only Podcast Episode 107 - Grand Theft Auto V, Winter Voices

This week on the Games Only Podcast, Doc and HP hold down the show with a guest cameo from Sunny. HP talk about GTAV Online, as he was the only one able to get on the servers to give us the Scoop. Sunny and HP go into a robust character breakdown of GTAV and how the story telling is still top notch. Doc played the unique and very nontraditional tactical RPG adventure game, Winter Voices. We wrap up the show with a discussion about the Steam announcements and how it fits into the landscape of the next generation.

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I Don't Want To Save The World

Gamers are very used to having it all: getting the girl, being the chosen one, choosing which kingdoms fall and rise at their whim, and most definitely, used to saving the world.

The author of this piece challenges that notion, however. How is this sort of power supposed to feel thrilling when it is the norm? What does that power become except mindless vapidity, yet another privilege we are granted in our voyage to become Orpheus, Zeus or Ares?

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Tired4887d ago

That article was awesome!

Can't say I agree 100%, but brings up some interesting points.

Think I may have to have a crack at winter voices.

BushLitter4886d ago

I agree, was a brilliant article...

InLaLaLand4887d ago

Good article, I like games that give you some empowerment but has some morality behind it (Yakuza 3).

Son_Lee4887d ago

Can someone make an RPG about not saving the world? I know they're must be some out there, but I can't think of any off the top of my head.

Rybakov4886d ago

is that pic from the article a fan art of persona 3?

but yeah i feel that its always the same cut and dry save the world/nation/universe

what if you think your doing that but you end up being the villain and taking over/destroying one of those?

galgor4886d ago

some men just want to watch the world burn


Gaming Irresponsibly review - Winter Voices

Let me preface this article by first telling you my overall opinion: this game is terrible. First, before I tear into why I think that is, I’ll tell you about some of the good stuff: why I bought it, how it should have been, etc...

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callahan094916d ago

I thought it looked really cool from the screenshots and everything, and when it was on sale on Steam for like 2 bucks, I decided to try the demo and see if it was worth that price. Demo was AWFUL. Definitely don't buy this game. I couldn't even go into what I hated about it so much, but it just Drrrrragged on, incredibly boring, and the controls sucked and it was very unpolished. Shame.

Tikicobra4916d ago

The name combined with the dramatic crow made it seem really cool. But then I looked at the screenshots...

blitz0x4916d ago

I LIKED the screenshots - but the gameplay was just. so. bad.

TheoreticalParticle4916d ago

Always fun to see a review of a truly awful game.

mixelon4915d ago

How does isometric viewpoint in any way make you think its going to be like Diablo? There are hundreds if games with the exact same sort of view. Many of them slow moving adventures and rpgs. Admittedly most are pretty old now, predating diablo but the expectation seems unrealistic.

I'm not saying this is a good game though. :)