
Molyneux: "Saying Fable Would Be the Best RPG of All Time Was the Worst Thing I Ever Said"

Lionhead Studios boss Peter Molyneux, creator of many beloved franchises, has admitted what he considers to be the "worst thing he has ever said in his life."

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Shadow Flare5014d ago

Well...."Milo is real and works today" comes a close second surely

gaffyh5014d ago

To be honest, I think anything he says is the "worst thing he has ever said in his life." He is constantly overhyping and underdelivering, he just needs to STFU and let his game do the talking.

mrcash5014d ago

He just gets excited, honestly I'm glad that theres still developers like him. He tries many different things with his games, he falls short and the only reason he falls short is because of the things he talks about. If he didn't mention any of those things, people would be more impressed, but the fact that he doesn't deliver everything he talks about, people seem to overlook what he doest bring to the table.

kndy5014d ago

actually, he has been reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal quiet lately considering how close fable 3 is to market. and now that he's saying stuff like this, makes me think he's been making rounds on well... every gaming site on the internet. so good for him, hopefully he will stop being the butt of every conference related joke

Joule5014d ago

Milo will never be released because this guy will be charged for Child Molestation.

Eamon5014d ago

Guys, I was at the expo today and watched his conference live.

This is, yet again, another example of journalists picking at quotes to make a headline.

I recorded the whole speech and I'll upload it on youtube in a bit.

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rockleex5014d ago (Edited 5014d ago )

"Molyneux Says the Darndest Things"

Its not wrong for him to hype his games.

But he says things like "We can do things with Milo beyond even what Scientists have been able to do. Its so advanced that even Sci-Fi hasn't even thought of such things yet."

I mean, SERIOUSLY? That's not even hyping anymore. That's promising the IMPOSSIBLE.

Dac2u5014d ago

"We can do things with Milo beyond even what Scientists have been able to do. Its so advanced that even Sci-Fi hasn't even thought of such things yet."

Wow, just...... wow!

Christopher5014d ago

I have to give him credit for finally saying he was wrong before the game is even released. Normally, he wouldn't start backpedaling on what he's said until they were into the development cycle of their next game.

m-s-8-25014d ago

And that's coming from a guy who's as well known for talking out of his ass as he is for having made some good games.

vhero5014d ago

At least he is modest finally now he just has to admit to milo and we are set.

FiftyFourPointTwo5014d ago

I'm sorry Molyneux, but your game doesnt even come close to Demon's Souls let alone the likes of Chrono Trigger, FFT, Xenogears, and FF6.

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2024 Xbox Games Showcase: Top 10 Reveals

Rayan from NoobFeed writes - The Xbox Games Showcase 2024 unveiled several titles that are anticipated to be released soon. Exciting new trailers for games like Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, State of Decay 3, Gears of War: E-Day, and Doom: The Dark Ages are just a few of the many franchises fans can expect to play soon. While most of us have already watched the showcase, we've decided to pick the top 10 most highly anticipated games.

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GaboonViper11d ago

So many great games shown but for me Perfect Dark took the cake.

Jingsing11d ago (Edited 11d ago )

Looked dated to be honest, simple cpu character pathing mixed with gameplay and graphics resembling a 360 game. It is clearly an indie effort. Perfect Dark Zero was a better attempt despite not having the best controls.

Lightning7711d ago

Quick look at your comment history it's pretty obvious on your little crusade so why would anyone take your comments seriously?

GaboonViper11d ago

LOL i think you're talking about Concord.

Jingsing11d ago

Perfect Woke Starring John Dark for Xbox 360

Lightning7711d ago

Perfect Dark trailer looked better than I thought. People are down on Dragon Age or has a mixed response but I have to see gameplay im still hyped for it. People want the big titles. I know AAA guys are closing down studios and doing massive lay offs but ppl need to get excited for PS5 and Series X and still need a reason to buy these consoles. The small AA stuff that Geoff showed off was fine, It's not a reason to pickup consoles, hell even turn on your console for some.

Ranting. Anyway Avowed I'm definitely looking forward to also.


Fable Confirmed for 2025, But is it a Reboot, or Prequel?

Fable got a whole new trailer at the recent Xbox Games Showcase. It was breathtaking and left so much to interpret for fans new and old.

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Fable – What the Heck is Going On?

Announced in 2020, Playground Games' open-world action RPG has seen sporadic updates and departures but still no release date.

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PhillyDonJawn64d ago

I expect it to be released by 2026

Sonic188163d ago (Edited 63d ago )

I expect it to release by the time the next Xbox releases. Can that be 2026? Sure

DOMination-63d ago

You could say the same for any number of games that were stupidly announced during pre-production. Elder Scrolls 6 & Perfect Dark are current examples, Blade is another recent one and in the past Mass Effect Andromeda and Cyberpunk 2077 come to mind.

I don't think this game is in any trouble. For a start, Playground Games are one of the few under MS Studios that actually have a track record of delivering on time and with quality. We got a trailer last year and I'd fully expect there to be something more substantial at the next showcase in the summer.

No dramas here - just another victim of Microsoft's incompetence. They simply had to announce several games way too early because they had nothing else to talk about.

Michiel198963d ago

how are they a victim when they are clearly being given enough time? They haven't set any release date, haven't had to show any trailers, how is that being a victim? You even say yourself that you think it's not in trouble.

MrBaskerville63d ago (Edited 63d ago )

TESVI was mostly announced to stop people from asking. Like how they gave us a roadmap of first Starfield, then TES then Fallout. So people keep asking whether they'll do another one or not.

But Fable and Perfect Dark was defineately too early.

RNTody63d ago

The same thing that happens to any project when you announce it far too early. Perfect Dark, Fable, The Elder Scrolls 6, Star Wars KOTOR Remake...you actually have to, I don't know, make the game?

I'm fairly confident this game will see the light of day, as Playground have released 5 Forza games of quality and on schedule. Think it was just revealed too early.

Charlieboy33363d ago

The only issue I see is that, as you mentioned, they have only done Forza games. An RPG is completely different requiring completely different facets.

Whole new different open world....not just tracks. Character designs and animations, dialogue, combat systems, quest systems, equipment and inventory managment....the list is very long and none of it falls under their previous experience.

Even with assistance from other studios I believe they are still far off from delivering a complete version of this game.

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