
Fallout: New Vegas – I’m so excited, and I just can’t hide it

If you take a look at some of the recent screen shots for Bethesda’s newest entry in the Fallout series, you will probably notice that graphically, not much has changed since Fallout 3. This is due to the fact that the game runs on the same engine, and in many respects, the textures, artwork, and animations remain the same as well. This may upset some as New Vegas could have potentially been released as an expansion for Fallout 3, intstead of a full priced standalone game, but development has changed hands in such a way that I will gladly pay up.

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Philoctetes5113d ago

The author is right that by the time you got near the end of Fallout 3, everybody's character was more or less the same. More specialization would be nice and would probably add replay value that F3 lacked.

GodsHand5113d ago

Well I played the crap out of Fallout 3. I even have a current game I am playing just being plain evil, killing everything in sight. If New Vegas is anything close to Fallout 3, I will be very busy again, just trying out differnt combinations, and tricks, that myself, or others discover.

NecrumSlavery5113d ago

yeah, New Vegas looks great. I really hope it's bug free. It wasn't deal breaker in 2008, but glitches would definitely ruin this one.

8800gtx5113d ago Show
NecrumSlavery5113d ago (Edited 5113d ago )

It's the engine 8800X. And this never was a 1080p game even on PC.

EDIT: Dolphin can produce 720p Wii games but they aren't really. Fallout is on an old engine. It's 1080p but not really.

gtamike5113d ago

can't wait to put this in my PS3

bjornbear5113d ago (Edited 5113d ago )

have to wait till december though =(

until then, will be playing FO collection which includes FO1, 2 AND TACTICS! =D (finished FO3 recently, cnt b bothered w it again)

MiamiACR5113d ago

And I know I know I know, I want you, want you!

Forbidden_Darkness5113d ago

I just preordered this for my bros birthday :)

Can't wait until he beats it, so i can play it. But first i got to finally beat Fallout 3.

GodsHand5113d ago

It's funny, all I need to do is find all the Alien Holotapes, in the MOthership Zeta expansion to have 100%, but I never get around to it, because I am having fun do other things in the game. But I know I need to do that before this game comes out, or I might not ever do it.

foss35113d ago

crap i gotta go back and finish the expansions now... i only bought broken steel so far.

which others should i bother with?

Kakihara5113d ago

Well first off Point lookout is unmissable, by far my favourite of the add ons. A much different environment, big enough to explore and find all kinds of hidden bits and pieces and some moments in missions I prefer to the main game. The whole thing has a great 70's video nasty feel to it too like the original Texas chainsaw massacre or the hills have eyes.

Then I'd say The Pitt. Most of it's set in fairly enclosed areas (except for one creepy dark open area) but it's a fun little extended side quest with some nice atmosphere and plenty of those lovely bugs and glitches you fell in love with in the main game.

Operation anchorage is pretty straight forward action which is quite strange for a game you can play like a virtual dice roller. The bright snowy area it's set in is a welcome change of scenery but it does drag on a little. The equipment you get (which you can use in the main game) after completing this however is amazing and some of the best gear you'll find in the game even if one particular piece does make the game way too easy for a character with a decent sneak ability.

Mothership Zeta. I really enjoyed moments of it but it does drag on a little and suffers from the same problem as Operation anchorage in that it's almost completely combat based. If you're obsessed with finding the perfect outfit for your lone wanderer and not too bothered by conscience though you will run into some snappily dressed folks in this add on.

foss35113d ago

Very helpful! I will probably get the first two you mentioned.

GodsHand5113d ago

Operation Anchorage Add-on is not really worth it other then getting the Chinese Stealth Suite, and maybe some other unique weapons. Because once your finish it, you can not go back. It's like a one time deal, you pay, you play, you finish, and never go back.

NecrumSlavery5113d ago

All of them but Point Lookout is the best of the 4 new locations. But all the DLC is really good.

Neckbear5113d ago

Well, I am not exited.

Even when Obsidian's working on it, I can't help but feel it'll be the same crap than Fallout 3. An overrated "Game of the year", wich was so bad it was funny.

drunkonjudgement5113d ago

I agree with you in that Fallout 3 was overrated, and had an embarrassing amount of technical flaws, but I think this is going to be a hell of a mulligan.

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Fallout New Vegas becomes a true Western with rideable horses mod

A new Fallout New Vegas mod adds rideable horses to the Mojave, turning it into a true Western gaming experience.

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Avowed Is Xbox's 4th Major First-Party Release To Target 30FPS On Consoles

Obsidian Entertainment has confirmed that Avowed targets 30FPS on consoles, making it yet another first-party release to follow the trend.

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just_looken32d ago

Another hit piece all AAA makers are going for this low fps do too lack of optimization.

helicoptergirl31d ago (Edited 31d ago )

That's just a lie. Sony and many other devs go for performance modes and are nearly always really really good. The majority of players, according to Sony's numbers, prefer Performance modes over standard modes by a large margin. You only need common sense to realise that's true. People like higher frame rates overwhelmingly.

That's why there was a big uproar when Starfield was targeting 30 fps. It was out of the ordinary. And they lied and said it wasn't really possible OR that it was a creative choice (take your pick), but we found out later it was all BS and that a 60 fps mode would be coming later. They just weren't good enough to do it for launch.

This game looks mid and they can't even get a 60fps version it seems like. If they don't launch with a 60fps performance mode or close to it, then that's truly pathetic imo.

just_looken31d ago (Edited 31d ago )

Both star wars games dragons dogma 2 starfield foamstars redfall gotham knights to name a few only have 30fps modes.

There is no reason beyond bad optimization to only have 30fps but it's still a thing there is more out there even alot that got patched later.

Bloodborn can also be tossed on here such a shame that never got a 60fps patch

Its not a xbox problem but a AAA problem on all front's but like i said they do get patched for the most part quick edit i just looked jedi survivor did get the patch treatment so its a decent fps now.

Obscure_Observer31d ago

"This game looks mid and they can't even get a 60fps version it seems like. If they don't launch with a 60fps performance mode or close to it, then that's truly pathetic imo."

What´s is truly pathetic is your entitled and ignorant remarks.

Avowed is a freaking true current gen open world action RPG game powered by UE5 5.3. By the time of its release, there won´t be a most technically advanced RPG in the market!

I though you folks would learn something about true current UE5 games and how hard they´re on consoles (even on PC) after the sh!t performance of Black Myth Wukong on PS5 which runs natively at 30fps and have to resort to third party FSR3 solution to achieve 60fps turning image quality in blurry mess!

No wonder why Game Science had to hide their game and did not sent any PS5 review copies for gaming media.

Most developers don´t want that sh!t for their games. Period!

Tacoboto31d ago (Edited 31d ago )

Star Wars Jedi Survivor has a 60fps mode. Starfield even has one now.
Ha, and now even SW Outlaws has 30, 40, and 60fps modes.

Not having 60fps in Avowed is also worse due to the fact that Microsoft has been showing this game as 60fps every trailer they've put out.

Add to that - STALKER 2 is 60fps and only 60fps on Series X. How can a not-first party studio make a UE5 60fps open world title but an actual first party studio with all these internal resources, can't achieve the same *with the same freaking engine*

Christopher31d ago (Edited 31d ago )

What? This just isn't true.

***dragons dogma 2 starfield foamstars redfall gotham knights***

One isn't AAA, one is also Xbox only, one does have a performance mode (Survivor), and one actually fits your argument but isn't representative of most AAA games.

Let's look at some other ones: Spider-Man all of them, Ragnarok, Forbidden West, Stellar Blade, FFXVI, NFS Unlimited, Returnal, all RE Remakes, every Sport Game, Hogwart's Legacy, Dead Space, and tons more.

cthulhucultist31d ago

Yes survivor has a 60fps mode. And in fairness, most games have 60fps modes which begs the question why Avowed -which is not that good looking-, does not have a performance mode.

On the other hand you could have used so many other games for this argument and you went for Cross gen games (Ragnarok, Forbidden West, RE Remakes) and sports games.

Demon Souls, Rachet & Clank, GT 7, A Plague Tale Requiem would have been better examples I believe.

But still I cant believe first party games are stuck at 30fps on Xbox

Obscure_Observer31d ago (Edited 31d ago )

"Let's look at some other ones: Spider-Man all of them, Ragnarok, Forbidden West, Stellar Blade, FFXVI, NFS Unlimited, Returnal, all RE Remakes, every Sport Game, Hogwart's Legacy, Dead Space, and tons more."

How many true current gen UE5 powered games have you listed? I´ll tell you: Zero!

The vast majority are cross-gen games and the others are either AA or games powered by old gen tech.

It´s baffling that after 4 years, some of you guys still don´t get it that those consoles aren´t made to handle 60fps for all current gen games!

Avowed is an open world RPG running on one of UE5´s latest builds 5.3. So at least you have something *equal* to compare in terms of technology you´re really talking about apples and oranges here.

Christopher31d ago

***How many true current gen UE5 powered games have you listed? I´ll tell you: Zero! ***

Need help moving that goal post?

But since you asked: Immortals of Aveum, Remnant 2, The Lords of the Fallen, Robocop: Rogue City just off the top of my head.

You good now? Want to move that goal post again?

***On the other hand you could have used so many other games for this argument ***

I used recent games (some being current gen only) when the argument was just that no one is doing it anymore because 60fps isn't worth it. That's just not true. End of argument unless you want to move a goal post, but that means you admit your original argument was bad to begin with.

Obscure_Observer31d ago (Edited 31d ago )


"I used recent games (some being current gen only) when the argument was just that no one is doing it anymore because 60fps isn't worth it. That's just not true."

I said people are wrongly mistaken when they expect ALL current gen games to run at 60fps on consoles, especially those UE5 ones.

You might have forgot but that impressive PS5 real-time UE5 demo was running at 30fps. Heck, even The Matrix Awakens demo runs at 30fps on both SX and PS5. It was all written on the wall and yet entitled gamers will act all shocked and surprised when 30fps for those UE5 games on console is the rule, not the exception.

Go ahead check tech reviews for UE5 games that you mentioned and will find out how "smooth" are the 60fps performance modes for those. Some dropping all the way to 20´s.

So yes, in some cases it´s simply no worth it. Too many compromises. Developers wants their games to look amazing and run smooth. Especially first party developers which pressure and demands for quality are even higher.

Game Science which is a third party developer tried and they couldn´t achieve 60fps on PS5 and Black Myth Wukong is a 30fps UE5 game. Brute force shenanigans to achieve 60fps did nothing but turn performance mode in a sub 720p blurry mess. Game developers don´t want that for their games. Fact.

What I´m saying here is that ALL developers wants their games to look amazing with flawless smooth performance, but when it comes to consoles and their vision for their games, it will simply won´t work in most cases when comes to UE5 games development, especially if they want their game to have all of the UE5´s feature sets available.

Most entitled gamers will simply label them as lazy and call it a day, when they have absolute not clue what they´re talking about and/or what current gen game development challenges entails.

Christopher31d ago (Edited 31d ago )

*** I said people are wrongly mistaken when they expect ALL current gen games to run at 60fps on consoles, especially those UE5 ones. ***

No no no.

What you replied to what someone saying no one was doing it anymore. My reply, proving that wrong, is what you replied to. And what did you say?

*** How many true current gen UE5 powered games have you listed? I´ll tell you: Zero! ***

You are wrong.

*** The vast majority are cross-gen games and the others are either AA or games powered by old gen tech. ***

Doesn't matter! Wasn't a part of the argument and why I said you're moving goal posts from just_looken's original comment. Perhaps you want to address that since that's what my comment was addressing? Maybe?

*** It´s baffling that after 4 years, some of you guys still don´t get it that those consoles aren´t made to handle 60fps for all current gen games! ***

Again, I literally proved you wrong in my original comment (Returnal, FFXVI) and to my previous comment (all games mentioned).


So, to reiterate: *** I said people are wrongly mistaken when they expect ALL current gen games to run at 60fps on consoles, especially those UE5 ones.***

No, that's not what you said. Stop changing your argument. Start by making better ones to begin with.

Christopher31d ago (Edited 31d ago )

And, let me clarify, "built to handle 60fps" is a dumb dumb thing. Do you know how you build it to handle 60fps? You tone things down. You reduce or disable RTX. Boom, more frames. You use dynamic resolution/scaling. Boom, set a frame limit and adjust it to meet it.

Supporting 60fps is possible. Now, do you want to move this argument to "consoles aren't made to support 4k 60fps w/RTX?" Is that what you want to talk about? I mean, most PCs aren't made to handle that either, but it would be a better argument than "not built to handle 60fps" when that's something that the PC market knows very well can be adjusted by... adjusting those things I mentioned. It's normal. Why wouldn't it be on consoles?

The problem with Xbox? Microsoft 100% doesn't want to show people how much it would take to play a game on Series S at 60fps for these games we're talking about. They don't want that visual criticism. It's not an issue for the Series X or the PS5. It's an issue for the Series S. Microsoft can't have their games shown playing at 60fps on that machine, because it would look noticeably bad.

andy8531d ago

Obscure, who gives a shiny shite about games being on UE5 if they don't look any better? Stop making excuses for them.

Obscure_Observer31d ago (Edited 31d ago )


"Again, I literally proved you wrong in my original comment (Returnal, FFXVI) and to my previous comment (all games mentioned)."

I mentioned those games. AA and old gen tech won´t stress those consoles like an UE5 powered game will do. Facts!

"Again, I literally proved you wrong in my original comment (Returnal, FFXVI) and to my previous comment (all games mentioned)."

I said *ALL* games and those games that you mentioned aren´t nearly as demanding as an UE5 feature rich game like Hellblade II, you can´t spin facts.

"And, let me clarify, "built to handle 60fps" is a dumb dumb thing. Do you know how you build it to handle 60fps? You tone things down. You reduce or disable RTX. Boom, more frames. You use dynamic resolution/scaling. Boom, set a frame limit and adjust it to meet it."

Easier said than done. I think you missed my point where I said:

"Brute force shenanigans to achieve 60fps did nothing but turn performance mode in a sub 720p blurry mess. Game developers don´t want that for their games. Fact."

This is not PC gaming where you simply disable shadows among other features and go on without it. In console development when the compromises becomes greater than gains, developers will simply drop the performance mode because "it´s not worth it".

"I mean, most PCs aren't made to handle that either, but it would be a better argument than "not built to handle 60fps" when that's something that the PC market knows very well can be adjusted by... adjusting those things I mentioned. It's normal. Why wouldn't it be on consoles?"

Because console development is a completely different beast. In Black Myth Wukong tech review by DF, Alex mentioned that Game Science has no experience with console development. Reason why the PS5 version turn out into a mess, in comparison with the PC version.

Like I said, easier said than done.

"The problem with Xbox? Microsoft 100% doesn't want to show people how much it would take to play a game on Series S at 60fps for these games we're talking about."

Dude, nor MS or Sony or even Nintendo has a *say* on how a game developed by its studios is supposed to run and/or look. That´s totally on the developers description. That´s what they call "hands free approach". Look it up!

"Microsoft can't have their games shown playing at 60fps on that machine, because it would look noticeably bad."

Your claims are false. Proof that they are false is the fact that Bethesda just released a 60fps performance mode on Starfield for the Series S, just like Redfall last year.

If MS really didn´t want to show the S running games at 60fps due poor image quality, they would never allow its developers to work on a 60fps mode for that console in the first place.

You can´t dispute facts with FUD.

P_Bomb31d ago

Gotham Knights? Wasn’t that game universally panned for its empty open world etc? Like Suicide Squad? Except Suicide Squad actually DOES 60fps. 😇

Christopher31d ago

Obscure, you can't scream facts while rambling while you move goal posts just to try and make some sort of point no one but you is discussing, let alone proving you false on your own arguments, and expect us to take you seriously.

You're just wrong. UE5 or not, there are current generation AAA games that prove your claims to be false. About the only thing we'll agree on is that some developers are more familiar with consoles than others, but the argument isn't about the capabilities of developers but their focus, and I've more than showed 60fps is being supported and can be supported.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 31d ago
31d ago
RaiderNation31d ago

It's due to the Series S. Don't be naive!

darthv7231d ago

is frame rate a parity requirement? I didnt think it was. There are games that run at 60 or higher on X but only 30 on S.

neutralgamer199231d ago


It’s all because of Xbox series S

darthv7231d ago

Not likely. If it were, then there would be more games that the X would have to run at 30 because the S does.

just_looken31d ago

That and shit optimization

But on this site we burn the xbox praise the P

the admin even defending it everyone knows redfall launched at 30fps not till few months back got 60fps patch

Hogwarts is now a ps 60fps game like really? that unoptimized dumpster fire nvm walking away

Einhander197231d ago (Edited 31d ago )

No it's just Microsoft stuck at 30 fps, all of Sony's first party, second party and major third party (timed) exclusives offer a 60 FPS mode.

The Wood31d ago

Don't group sir. This isn't a collective problem.

ChasterMies31d ago

“all AAA makers are going for this low fps do too lack of optimization”

This is 100% not true.

-Foxtrot31d ago

I’m sorry is everyone just gliding over the shitty excuse they’ve given here

"It’s a first-person, single-player game. You don’t necessarily need that 60 frames[...]that allows us to get a lot juicier with VFX & lighting & all this other stuff".

They are telling us what we don’t need…

darthv7231d ago

Its like oblivion and Skyrim... both of which were fine as they were. For me, 60 is required for fast paced games, shooters and action games are generally fast paced. Adventure and RPG... not so much.

Jin_Sakai31d ago

Another “creative decision.” Lol

S2Killinit31d ago (Edited 31d ago )

No, not true.

Profchaos31d ago

This generation is probably the first generation since the ps2 that's had predominantly 60fps games

purple10131d ago


I posted this a while ago but it got diss-allowed
I thought it interesting personally. Exactly what you said

Profchaos31d ago

@purple you should repost that it's absolutely a valid opinion article id approve it

Markusb3331d ago

wasnt the series console marketed as a 60fps standard and eats monsters for breakfast, the worlds most powerful console ?

just_looken31d ago

and the ps5 had 8k gaming on the box for 3yrs

TheEroica31d ago

Sony apologists are all over you Just_lookin! Yikes! Pay them no kind... They're just gonna bash the game until Microsoft announces it on PS5 and then it'll be number one on their charts...

1Victor31d ago (Edited 31d ago )

@just: “Another hit piece all AAA makers are going for this low fps do too lack of optimization.”

Nah don’t worry they’ll fix it for the PS5 release 6months later 🤷🏿
@obscured: “What´s is truly pathetic is your entitled and ignorant remarks.”
If you’re entitled to your pathetic, ignorant and idiotic remarks why should you complain about other people choices.
Xbox SS is the problem developers have always create for the lowest console then upgrade graphics for the others otherwise all games on SX would run flawlessly.

just_looken31d ago

exactly all games launch 30fps with a broken or no performance mode then later patch it this is not a xbox issue its a AAA issue.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 31d ago
XiNatsuDragnel31d ago

Series s Is more of a problem than ppl thought

just_looken31d ago

True that has become the wii u of the bunch or the wii they need to just admit that then cut support.

Kornholic31d ago

You can't cut support of a console that the overwhelming majority of the Xbox Series players use. Series S accounts for 70 % of the Series S/X console sales.

ChasterMies31d ago

Series S is exactly as much of a problem as people thought.

darthv7231d ago

That makes no sense... performance is not a required parity feature. The game will likely work on steam deck and that is below the SS in terms of performance.

just_looken31d ago

starfield did not get 60fps patch till later because they were trying to get it to run on series s look at dev interviews.

The steam deck is like a pc you can change anything to make it run you can not do that on a series s it requires alot more workers to tinker to get it too run or cutback the scope of the game that is the difference.

31d ago
mkis00731d ago

Better have that much more impressive physics ai or w/e to make up for it. Not even having the option should mean there is something impressive baked in that can't be scaled.

Obscure_Observer31d ago

"Get it on PC or PS5 pro."

Nice try, but PS5 Pro will do no better than the Series X ou even the PS5, my guy.

Do your homework

MrDead31d ago

"Do your homework"

I did, It'll be better on PC and PS5 pro.

Get over it kid.

Obscure_Observer31d ago

"I did, It'll be better on PC and PS5 pro."

You did not. Actually you have no idea what you´re talking about.

Otherwise you would know that both base PS5 and PS5 Pro has the same damn processor, which wouldn´t do sh!t for higher framerate performances.

Again, do you homework. You´re spreading false information here.

MrDead31d ago

Stop getting your fanboy panties in a twist.

PC>PS5 Pro>PS5>then the xbox's

It'll run better on PC PS5 Pro and going by this entire generation standard PS5 will perform better then both Xboxes.

You'll get over your denial one day.

andy8531d ago (Edited 31d ago )

34TF vs 11 and PSSR. Yeah it'll do no better at all. That'll only be true on CPU based gamed and those are very minimal

anast31d ago

PS5 doesn't have to deal with the S.

mkis00731d ago

Surprised you didn't lead with its nor on ps5 yet

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 31d ago
Obscure_Observer31d ago

"PC>PS5 Pro>PS5>then the xbox's"

I knew you couldn´t refute valid arguments without resort to some typical fanboy card sh!t. We´re done here.

Elda31d ago (Edited 31d ago )

LMAO!! You calling someone a fanboy is just like the pot calling the kettle black.You're the poster child & the epitome of a XB fanboy.

Obscure_Observer31d ago


"LMAO!! You calling someone a fanboy is just like the pot calling the kettle black.You're the poster child & the epitome of a XB fanboy."

It´s a known fact around here, so no offence taken. Thanks for your feedback though.

MrDead31d ago

Like I said, stop living in denial

"We're done here"

I was done after my first statement, the fact you can't handle or disprove anything I said is even more more telling.

Just calm down and disconnect for the evening.

The Wood31d ago

Dudes like a pantomime villain, just here to drive traffic n traction because these hot takes are so fake it can't be real

InUrFoxHole31d ago

He has a point he didn't dispute with facts. He just lashed out. Obscure is correct again

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 31d ago
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Fallout: New Vegas Director Happy To Make Another Fallout Game, But There's A Catch

Josh Sawyer, a Fallout series veteran, has certain conditions to be fulfilled before he could potentially start making another Fallout.

RaidenBlack41d ago

Microsoft ... just do one thing right?
You got Obsidian. You got Bethesda. Just make it happen!
Give free reign to Obsidian with higher budget and no restrictions (i.e deadline, metacritic score or wokeness)

just_looken41d ago (Edited 41d ago )

This would be nice but they are trying to pass Avowed as a next gen rpg while at the last minute doing a gut job and a large delay


Then on the back burner they still got outer worlds 2 3 yr old trailer:

avrowed from 4 years ago

they said there working on both games years ago 0 have come out which is not good.

I would love it too we got the las vegas team on the fallout ip again but right now it seems there is something bad going on over there.

Now larien studios right now was kicked out of hasbro the whole wizard coast situation so give that team the fallout ip.

Sciurus_vulgaris41d ago (Edited 41d ago )


You are trying to trash Obsidian, yet want the studio to work on New Vegas 2 ?

just_looken41d ago


I know it hard for n4g users but read my links they themselves based on feedback delayed the game for a whole combat over hall

They even said after 4 years the graphics we saw are not finial they are "alpha stage"

So i did not trash them i stated a fact this team has 2 games in the works one that is hidden and the other is currently getting a new combat system and graphics overhaul like halo got after that game play reveal.

Go ahead and say its a good thing after 4 years to redo the graphics/combat on a AAA game with M$ backing because to me that is showing there is something bad going on behind the scenes.

That being sad yeah i would love to have the fallout nv crew make another fallout game because outer worlds one was short but still a solid fun title.

DodoDojo40d ago

Won't happen, it makes too much sense.

Obscure_Observer40d ago


"Give free reign to Obsidian with higher budget and no restrictions"

It´s not that simple. Fallout is a Bethesda IP and Todd Howard´s creation.

Free reign means that Sawyer could do whatever he wants in that universe. Such freedom could put both studios at odds given different creative views.

I don´t think Swayer would like MS giving unrestricted freedom to other teams to mess around with his Pillars of Eternity´s universe either, so I think it would be nice and respectful if he´d approach Todd himself first and share some of his ideas for a possible sequel to New Vegas, before going out making demands on the internet to make somebody´s else game.

porkChop40d ago

Fallout is not Todd Howard's creation. Bethesda bought the Fallout IP. Josh Sawyer also isn't making demands, he's just answering a question.

RaidenBlack40d ago (Edited 40d ago )

You got very little idea regarding gaming before Xbox 360 era.
Fallout is the spiritual successor to 1988's Wasteland, which came wayy before Todd Howard started making games (1995) and was created by Interplay, which later spawns Black Isle Studio, creator of Fallout 1 & 2, where Josh Sawyer also joins few years later. Black Isle Studios becomes Obsidian and Sawyer goes to direct Fallout New Vegas, arguably considered the best Fallout game.
"Free reign means that Sawyer could do whatever he wants in that universe."
~ Yea that's exactly how we got New Vegas, and we want that to happen again. Period.

victorMaje40d ago

Take a moment to appreciate the wisdom & history porkChop & RaidenBlack have kindly imparted upon you despite the amazing ignorance of your statement.

TheNamelessOne41d ago

It wasn't bad, but I didn't like the direction Bethesda took the series with Fallout 4. New Vegas is definitely my favorite in the series (Followed by 2), and would love to see them do another game. Another thing is Larian also spoke interest with the IP and that would be awesome.

shinoff218341d ago

Larian would do it so much justice, obsidian as well. I'm the same. I liked fallout 4 but holy hell was it dumbed down. Some stuff just wast interesting enough ie settlements.

RaidenBlack41d ago

An isometric spin-off from Larian and a New Vegas sequel from Obsidian will just be too good to be true ... and it all depends on Todd Howard

just_looken41d ago

Fallout 4 is also way worse on the base version when it was first tossed out beyond the bible of issues those dlc's made the horrible drop rates go away.

I had ammo factories on each run the you got the custom robot's that made packing these so much easier.

Still so dam sad that the starfield robot's even the ai path finding is way worse than F4

-Foxtrot40d ago

I’d love to have seen what New Vegas could have achieved if it had a proper development cycle, it had a better budget and Obsidian were supported more by Bethesda

The game was great regardless but seeing they had to cut content because of time constraints along with all the idea they talked about concept wise, it would have been even better than it already was.

Microsoft need to put Obsidian on Fallout, Bethesda just don’t have the time anymore.

Demetrius40d ago

Microsoft won't allow that smh, they'll can it after a reveal trailer then cry how they have no games lol. Seriously tho that would be dope, they should give vegas the fallout 4 treatment update visuals a bit and a 60fps patch I'd definitely play that too. Fallout 4 has been hella fun